
#Tbt my Australian home. I Lived in #Sydney for about 3 years, and 2 of them in Maroubra in the Sout

#Tbt my Australian home. I Lived in #Sydney for about 3 years, and 2 of them in Maroubra in the Southern Suburbs. This is one of my homes away from home… This is where I started surfing and my first vantrips

Follow me on @heleneoctobre for more

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“Unreasonable rules do not confine me” So i got a request for a sigil that lets someone

“Unreasonable rules do not confine me”
So i got a request for a sigil that lets someone with very strict parents do whatever they want. Now having grown up with extremely strict parents myself, I understand that desire, but some rules really are in our best interest, and when you’re young, its sometimes hard to drawn the line of what is for your safety, and what is unreasonable.
This sigil will help you bypass any unreasonable rules, but remember, its easier to fly under the radar then through a wall! Be wise and subtle and it will get you very far indeed!
Be safe my lovelies!

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i wish i could go back to being a child…

i wish i could go back to being a child…

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“ And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ”

hiiii tumblr long time no see. had to say that the coolest screenprinters in Texas @ Fine Southern Ghiiii tumblr long time no see. had to say that the coolest screenprinters in Texas @ Fine Southern G

hiiii tumblr long time no see. had to say that the coolest screenprinters in Texas @ Fine Southern Gentlemen n’ me are teaming up for further fundraising, this time on tshirts! 

only available for 2 weeks, all proceeds go to My Sistah’s House, which provides housing, healthcare & legal help to black n brown trans women in the American south.

this summer we’ve raised over 2k for justice initiatives. let’s do some more? :’)


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