#freshwater aquarium


Found a way to see the Walstad-ish sun only tank at night.

Or so I thought.

Doesn’t seem to ever want to stay stuck.


If I fits, I sits.

She found a use for the hole in the anubias leaf my stubby arms didn’t feel like trying to reach.

Rare to capture this many hillstreams n weathers together.

Kinda want to get a camera worthy of capturing their real beauty. However, the reality that the back of this phone is only being held together by the heavy-duty protective case, that apparently could only protect for so many drops, makes me realize I can’t have nice things.

Again, seriously wish Rubbermaid would make a phone, or phone cover. I need it to stop the crack n bounce back! ️

The biological filter plant is blooming!

Not sure what it is, received in barter, but sure happy to see such tiny pretty flowers!

Wish the phone could actually convey all the glorious dancing rainbow colors.

Oh my, a cute legion of itsy babies! N another momma’s juggling her berries off in the distance!

Jesus spider. Not what I expected to find at feeding time.

Roots look like they’re blowing in the wind.

Bubble bar just won’t stay stuck.
