#from blood and ash


The Joining

We were denied a threesome scene in ACOSF, so they better give us one in TCOGB.

I wanna see The Joining happen between Casteel, Poppy and Kieran. And then a relationship between Tawny and Kieran.


» From blood and ash ; Jennifer Armentrout

“Some truths do nothing but destroy and decay what they do not obliterate. Truths do not always set one free. Only a fool who has spent their entire life being fed lies believes that.”


I like fbaa, but if someone doesn’t get miss Jennifer Lynn Armentrout a better editor (if she even has one) I can not take anymore “poppy asks to many question” or “I’m going to stab you” jokes. And then after we have a battle scene the next chapter is just discussing everything that already happened or going deeper into world building. Everything is just thrown at you. You think Malec is Poppy’s father think again bitch. You think poppy’s a deity nooooo she’s actually the freakin granddaughter of the king of the gods. It was almost to much to follow. The dialogue is very modern for the world, and the banter is just very repetitive.

yeahhhhh apparently she self edited this book…. also you can tell she’s making “jokes about it” to herself. this isn’t a gimmick ms jennifer please STOP IT

Murderous little creature

Slay me Hawke, I DARE you

Characters by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Book series: From Blood and Ash
