#the war of two queens


Warning: The War of Two Queens Spoilers

I literally have no issue with Kieran, Poppy and Cas having a threesome, whether it ends up being a poly relationship or not. I’m fine with all of those things, and I would have been excited for it.

IF the connection between Kieran and Poppy didn’t peak while Cas was held hostage. Your husband is held captive and tortured and you’re having thoughts about his best friend??? Building a relationship with his best friend while he’s held prisoner after sacrificing himself for you???

That’s just cheating. I don’t care that Poppy and Kieran were close before - it wasn’t in this way. It doesn’t make it less devastating that they didn’t have sex before the threesome. It doesn’t matter that Cas was okay with it, because they engaged in that type of relationship BEFORE he could give his consent.

The Joining and even a full on poly relationship would’ve had my support if it had just developed in a different way, during a time when Cas was present.

I am so heartbroken and disappointed Imagine if the genders were swapped here. Poppy would be more hated than Tamlin! And Poppycas was one of my favorite couples, but now I feel like Cas just deserves better. And Kieran was such a great character, but now he’s unlikable to me. I don’t know how the series is going to recover from this. How did no one tell JLA this was a bad idea before it was published?


» From blood and ash ; Jennifer Armentrout

“Some truths do nothing but destroy and decay what they do not obliterate. Truths do not always set one free. Only a fool who has spent their entire life being fed lies believes that.”
