#fucking disgusting


still hate the fact that small countries even with big disasters happening don’t get the recognition that would fucking america get for any small inconvenience







Oh hey so this is the second school shooting where on-duty cops are explicitly not able to be good guys with guns because they cowered in fear from a teenager with a rifle

So fucking sick of this “just send in armed guards and resource officers” shit when it’s repeatedly proven not to do a goddamn thing

whatever solution there is for school shootings, it’s clearly not putting in a guy who makes $130,000 a year to wander around a high school with a gun.

Woa hold up. Hang on…. Seriously? 130k a year? Dude I’ll happily walk school grounds to make sure anyone starting some shit like that gets put down as quickly as possible for 130k a year!

That’s the problem. That’s what we think we’re paying for. What we get is a bureaucrat who knows that statistically he’ll never have to do shit, so he makes that in a year by occasionally helping teachers shake kids down for weed or whatever. They will never help you in a firefight.

I found this out a few years back, that during the Columbine High School Massacre, all the police and SWAT teams that responded refused to enter the school “for fear of the safety of the officers” for so long, some of the victims died from their injuries while waiting rescue, which is even worse when you consider the two assholes killed themselves less than an hour into their attack, and the first police units entered the school around 3 hours after the whole disaster began.

I honestly believe police unions should be abolished, perhaps losing that safety blanket will force these guys to actually do their jobs, or at the very least quit once they realize they actually need to risk their lives to protect the people they’re supposed to.

I wanted to add this as a comment, that the Pulse nightclub massacre had a similar situation of gross misconduct of the police officers charged with responding to the threat

Thisarticle goes on to explain that the police responders stood outside the club and arrested “every single victim there and held them for 10 to 12 hours” and that the events started around 2am, and it took police until 5am to stop the shooter after they crashed an armored truck through the fucking wall and shot him.

What kills me is all the fucking ‘thin blue line’ copaganda about needing to respect those mfs bc they ~put their lives at risk~ when we see REPEATEDLY that on TOP of being the biggest threats to peace and safety, they literally do NOTHING when innocent lives are at stake.

The textbook situation for their hero complex, saving kids from violence, and they do NOTHING EVER.

Cops are cowards.


Politicians will be like Ugh wdym you need to eat and sleep to live just go borrow a morbillion dollars or something Poor LOL


this is not an original take at this point but the fact that the child sex abuser is attempting to make a character attack against bodily autonomy by calling people “over educated” is so fucking telling. should be abundantly clear that these people ultimately want to sexually victimize as many vulnerable people as possible

American Republicans really just be trying THIS hard to be the most hateable human alive. Like is the prize money even worth it? Or what even is the end goal. I can’t even process hateability of this degree.  



An anon sent us a tip about a Patreon called Keyyscorner who is paywalling and selling other creators CC in large CC folders.

The CAS folder is 8000 files, 28 GB and the buy mode folder is 10,000 files, 9 GB.

The folders include creators like @trillyke@veranka-s4cc@theduffsim@turksimmer@sugarowl, Thisisthem, Suezue, TYE (please feel free to tag them, we couldn’t find their tumblrs to tag). @beansbuilds@simdertalia@bill-l-s4cc were also mentioned by anon but not pictured in the screenshot.

If anyone has access to these folders and can send us more creators who are effected please do. Creators who have been affected you can report them to Patreon.


Thanks so much anon!

Have a tip for us?:

Email us at: littleblackbooksims@protonmail.com

How do I even begin to describe the irony in this? This creator contacted me back in March via Asks while simultaneously tagging me in a weird post, and it turned out she wanted to try control what CC I make to ensure nothing I make is any of her permanently paywalled grocery items. She accused me of copying her, accused me of making CC that I’ve never made, and claimed that I must have deleted the posts.I sent her some screenshots of CC by others that she might have gotten mixed up about. At the end of the conversation she said  “I won’t bother you again” but continued to interact with my blog a month later so I blocked her.

She claimed that all the extra money she’s earned has helped her out of a bad situation, which is great, but maybe follow the communities guidelines?!?! I’ve got my own “bad situation” from having to deal with chronic illness, I often can’t even afford essentialthingsevery month, but it doesn’t drive me to hustle the community! And she’s selling my free CC behind a paywall on her Patreon? I’m just so disgusted. And I am sure I’m not the only one with these specific feelings.

Anyone else who was tagged in this, When you click report on the 3 dot icon, it then asks you what you are reporting. When you click on “something on Patreon” it wants you to report the specific post. Since the post is locked, it doesn’t have that option. (screenshots below for how to report) Click on the link that is showing you how to report the post, and at the bottom of the page it takes you to, you can contact Patreon to help. Just put in the subject that you can’t report the post because it is locked, explain the situation and attach these screenshots. This is such disgusting behavior.


@trillyke@veranka-s4cc@theduffsim@turksimmer@sugarowl @beansbuilds@bill-l-s4cc




Bisexuals were essentially accused of murdering women via HIV in the 80s, either because we were intentionally duplicitous or because we were out of control maniacs who couldn’t resist unsafe sex. For many people of that generation, this was their first time hearing about bisexuals. Now folks want to pretend that didn’t influence today’s perception of bisexuality. 

I think bi is dead. More pan. I love all.

I rest my case.


Please leave Joseph Quinn alone!!! You have no right leaking his personal information, spotify or adress! And certainly no right going to his home, his personal space, and invading it! And for what?? No one wants to be ambushed like that!

This poor introverted soul made his playlists private and changed his username just because some rabid stans leaked it! If he doesn’t even want you to know what he’s listening to, what makes you think he wants you to ambush him at his home???

This isn’t fan behavior, it’s stalking and it’s wrong. This man is so private that his only social media isn’t even managed by him and you’re just going to scare him further away.
