#full moon comet


It is that time of month again, the Full Moon! This month; however, holds a few tricks up its sleeve. On February 10th (into the 11th) the moon will be at her fullest. It just so happens that on this night there will be a “prenumbral lunar eclipse”. Although this eclipse is not the most noticeable, the sun, earth, and moon are still in perfect alignment. Learn more about eclipses here! There will also be a comet visible in the night sky from the 10th to 11th. This comet is only visible every 5 and ¼ year. It has been dubbed the “New Year Comet”, or Comet 45P. Read a little more about these events here. Now…on to the full moon!

What is the Snow Moon?

February’s full moon is appropriately named the Snow Moon. This is because the heaviest of snow fall usually occurs in February! This moon is a time for letting go of the past, and preparing for the future. Get your goals for the year in order, cleanse yourself and your space.

More importantly, it is a time of forgiveness. Let go of all negative feeling and look ahead. Make a conscious effort to forgive and love yourself. Preform spells of self-love, growth, and letting go. 

Try a self-love bath, or a ritual cleansing.

(photo credit: moon,pentacle)
