#wicca for beginners



Athame, Wand, Book of Shadows, Candle/incense holders, Playing or Tarot Cards, Cauldron, Small Jars. Ribbons, Bones (don’t kill anything and make sure it’s ok to pick them up though), Chalice, Boline, Altar Cloths, and Bessom.

The Elements: 

Air:Feathers, Smoke, Wand, Symbols, Candles, A Hand Fan, Bells, Pictures, of the Sky, Streamers, Spoons, and Art of Birds, Angels, and Faeries. 

Fire:Lighters, Matches, Candles, Incense, Cauldron, Athame, Symbols, and Fire Opal. 

Water:A Chalice, A Bowl of Water (it can be sun water, seawater, rainwater, etc), Seashells, A Mirror, Mermaid or Fish Statues, Symbols, and Blue Candles. 

Earth:Salt, Crystals, Herbs, Flowers, Dirt, Wood, Green Candles, Bones, Leaves, and Pictures of Trees and Nature in General. 

Gods and Goddesses: 

Have colors/animals/flowers/herbs that they’re connected to on your altar, leave them offerings, have a picture or a statue of them, have 2 sides of your altar (one for the god and one for the goddess), have prayer beads, and a god and goddess candle. 


Do what works for you, if you can’t have a huge altar with a lot of tools, thats fine. You make an altar out of an Altoids tin or a shoebox. 

You can make altars for sabots, the fae, your deities, or the elements. You can also decorate your altar for the seasons or the sabots too. 

If you don’t believe in any gods or goddesses, you don’t have to believe in them or put representations of them on your altar to be a witch. Personally, I’m secular and I don’t work with any deities/spirits. 

Take my advice with a pinch of salt. You don’t have to follow exactly what I say, these are just ideas. This is your practice and you can do whatever you want to. Don’t be pressured to do something just because someone told you to, this is your practice; not theirs. 

Thank you for reading this and have a magickal day! ❤❤❤


Beginner witchy tips‍♀️

  • Plant rosemary by your front door to invite love into your home
  • Charge your crystals by sunlight or moonlight
  • Make your own infused oils by placing herbs into bottles of olive oil
  • Paint sigils onto your shoe soles
  • Keep a dream journal on your bedside table
  • Paint a protective symbols underneath your pot plants
  • Gather rainwater in a jar and use it for your spellwork

Just believe in it

Hello everyone! I apologize for my absence lately, senior year of my undergrad program…busybusybusy! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Beltane, danced the Maypole, drank some mead, and had a lovely time. As you may have noticed…the full moon is on its way, so let’s get down to business.

This year the Dyad (may) Moon is on May 10th.  It is also reffered to as the flower moon. What is the Dyad moon?

It is a time forinspirationand cleansing. Purify yourself and your space. Many people use this time to contact the divine, whether it be through meditation, offerings, scrying, or whatever your preferred method is.

It is a great time to cleanse your altar and your tools. Try full moon water scrying, or try a new tarot spread, like the onehere(from innerselfnotes).

Once again, happy belated Beltane, and please have a safe and happy esbat! Blessed be, my friends!

(photo credit: moon,tarot)

Hello my dears! Despite the snow still piling up outside (here in N.Y we have about 2 feet) it is almost time for the Spring Equinox! 


The Spring Equinox is also known as the Vernal Equinox, and is considered the first official day of Spring. The sun is crossing the celestial equator, transitioning the Northern hemisphere into Spring.

For Wiccans and other pagans, this day is celebrated and often called Ostara (or Eostre). I look at this as “Wiccan Easter”, though I know little to nothing about Easter. For Ostara, a major symbol of the holiday is the egg, which is also seen on Easter. Ostara is all about new beginnings, fertility, and the coming of Spring. It is a time to plant the seeds of change and hope (both literally and figuratively).

Here are a few things you can do to celebrate Ostara:

❀ Dye Ostara eggs (there are tons of resources online, like this one, that show how to naturally dye eggs).


❀ Decorate the house/altar with fresh flowers.

❀ Meditate about your goals and dreams for the coming spring.

❀ Try to stand an egg up-right, during the Spring Equinox you can balance an egg!


❀ ❀  Plant little seeds of flowers or early spring plants (check outthis resource!) When you plant the seeds, give each one a special meaning, a wish or goal, and tend to that seed. As the months progress you can tend to your seedling and your goals, and watch them both grow! In time you will be able to pick the fruits of your labor.


❀ ❀  In my tradition, we bury our best naturally dyed eggs at the gate to our garden as an offering. This is something that was done a long time ago that was said to promote a healthy garden! I have also heard of people burying the eggs at each of the cardinal directions.

Have a wonderful Ostara, everyone. As always…Be safe, Be happy, and Have fun!

photo credit: pentacleegg,dyed eggs,seedling

It is that time of month again, the Full Moon! This month; however, holds a few tricks up its sleeve. On February 10th (into the 11th) the moon will be at her fullest. It just so happens that on this night there will be a “prenumbral lunar eclipse”. Although this eclipse is not the most noticeable, the sun, earth, and moon are still in perfect alignment. Learn more about eclipses here! There will also be a comet visible in the night sky from the 10th to 11th. This comet is only visible every 5 and ¼ year. It has been dubbed the “New Year Comet”, or Comet 45P. Read a little more about these events here. Now…on to the full moon!

What is the Snow Moon?

February’s full moon is appropriately named the Snow Moon. This is because the heaviest of snow fall usually occurs in February! This moon is a time for letting go of the past, and preparing for the future. Get your goals for the year in order, cleanse yourself and your space.

More importantly, it is a time of forgiveness. Let go of all negative feeling and look ahead. Make a conscious effort to forgive and love yourself. Preform spells of self-love, growth, and letting go. 

Try a self-love bath, or a ritual cleansing.

(photo credit: moon,pentacle)

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Don’t listen to the masses, or the loud individuals on the Internet. Your craft is yours and how you experience it is correct for you.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Never disregard your creativity, the ways you can send and portray your intentions are endless.

Things to do with dried rose petals

  • Steep them in your tea
  • Bake them into your pastries
  • Smoke them
  • Grind them up with your salt
  • Burn them with your incense
  • Add them to your altar
  • Add them to your cleansing water
  • Place them in your bos

Feel free to add you own ideas!

Basil Tea

(I promise it tastes better than it sounds)


  • 4 fresh basil leaves
  • Water
  • 1 lemon (3-5 drops of juice to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • A teaspoon of raw sugar


Pick the freshest basil leaves and wash them gently to avoid blemishing the leaves.

Place the leaves in the strainer

Boil water in a kettle.

Put the hot boiling water into your cup or mug. Then, put the fresh basil leaves into it with the other ingredients.

Let it set for around 3-4 minutes until the water turns into a bit of a golden colour.

Using the strainer, remove the leaves.

Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.

The Goddess courses through my veins

Her waters heal my aches and pains

          You push and pull my tides within

          The blood I shed was not in sin

Your presence fills my heart with ease 

My spirit won’t break, I bend like a tree

          I cast my rites with You in mind 

          This tool I use, to You I bind 

Please bless this vessel with water I drew

For rituals to bring honor to you

          With your intentions guiding me

          This is my will, so mote it be

Spellcraft 6/26/2020

Invoking change in my life. Now more than ever I need witchcraft in my life as inspiration to carry on.

The Morrigan is influencing my perspective greatly. Everyone is born to die. I am one by one letting go of the tethers holding me back.

My power is growing with no roof in sight.

A lot of you guys have asked me for these spells so I’m finally posting them all! If you have any questions about them, feel free to message me so we can talk. I promise I’m going to be a lot more active nowadays so I’ll be available pretty often! 

  • Protection Spell: Circle of Salt

What You’ll Need:

- salt

- conncentration

- a full moon 

Spell Steps:

1. When you have your salt ready, go outside of your home preferably on a Full Moon, and start at your front door.

2. Move in a clockwise motion (we call this deosil), from your front door around your house, and slowly sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your home. Take care not to pour salt on any ornamental plants and avoid grass as much as possible.

3. While you are doing this, state out loud “pure salt protect this home and all who reside here. Keep out those who seek to harm, protect us from negativity, anger, and fear.” You’ll also want to actively visualize a circle of protection around your home as you do this.

4. Repeat this phrase and continue to circle the house in salt until you end up where you started - at the front door.

5. Next, say out loud “this house is protected from negative energies and forces. So mote it be.”

  • Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love

What you’ll need:

- a quiet and undisturbed time
- Lavender and/or rose petals
- candle(s) and candle holder/plate
- relaxing music (helpful but not required)

Spell Steps: 

1. Set the mood by drawing a hot bath and adding a bit of the herbs of your choice directly to the bath or inside of a bath sachet. Light a candle and set in a safe place. Turn on relaxing music.

2. Enter the bathtub and lay back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Visualize all of your worries and cares melting off of you.

3. Let the music and the bath be the only two things that concern you in this moment.

4. When you’re ready, visualize a sphere of white light encircling you in the tub. This is your cast circle. At this point, you can also invite your goddess into the circle.

5. Next, visualize the type of love you are looking for in your life. Visualize yourself laughing and playing and flirting with your dream man or woman.

6. Once you’ve held the vision of your dream love in your head for a few minutes, say these words or similar: “I draw to me a pure and sweet love. One that will benefit me and my soul’s journey. To the benefit of all and to harm none.”

7. Repeat this phrase at least 3 times but up to thirteen times. When complete, state “so mote it be.”

8. You may stay in the bath as long as you’d like. Release the circle when you are ready by visualizing the sphere fading and the energy from within moving into space to perform the work that is required to draw love to you.

9. After your herbal bath of love, continue to intermittently visualize your dream love’s image and tell yourself and the universe “I am worthy and ready for a pure and true love in my life.”

  • Success Spell: Candle of Power

What You’ll Need:

- yellow votive candle

- candle holder or plate

- matches or lighter

- a knife or pin (for carving)

- New, Waxing, or Full Moon

Spell Steps:

1. Cast a circle (you can message me if you’re unsure how to do this, or see the herbal bath of love spell above - step #4).

2. Using your pin or knife, carefully carve a symbol of success onto the sides of your candle. This can be the money sign, a rune of your choice (research online ahead of time), or any type of symbol you feel represents success.

3. Light your candle.

4. Focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize yourself with success in whatever arena of life you desire. See yourself with your mind’s eye in this successful position. Believe it.

5. Watch the flame dance and flicker for as long as you’d like.

6. Release your circle, but allow the candle to continue burning until it has burned itself out (be sure to stay in the room with the candle so it doesn’t light anything on fire. Safety first!)

7. Once the candle is burned out and the wax has cooled, keep the wax in a bag or container of some kind in a safe place.After your spell and as often as you remember, tell yourself and the universe “I am successful. I am worthy. I am powerful.”

  • Health Spell: Healing Hands

What You’ll Need:

- an open heart and mind

- your hands

Spell Steps:

1. Clear your mind from worries and concerns. Ask that ONLY the highest beings of the universe aid you in this process.

2. Place both of your hands on your head, chest, stomach or wherever you feel called to place them.

3. Imagine the pure, loving energy of the Universe entering your crown chakra and flowing through your body and down through your arms and into your hands.

4. Then visualize the energy flowing freely from your hands and into your body where you need healing most.

5. Allow the energy to flow for as long as you feel is necessary.

  • Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet

What You’ll Need:

- a small muslin or cotton bag with drawstring (you can create your own with a square piece of fabric and string/yarn if you don’t have a bag)

- loose-leaf dry herbs: mugwort, wormwood, lavender, and rosemary (if you only have access to one of these, use mugwort)

- a journal or notebook to write down your dreams

Spell Steps:

1.Cast your circle.

2. Open your small bag and place a pinch of mugwort into the bag. While doing this, state these words or some similar: “with these herbs, I increase my dreams and therefore my intuition. I open my third eye.”

3. Repeat step 2 for each herb you place into your dream bag.

4. Tie up the bag and hold it in the palms of your hands. Close your eyes and imagine your third eye opening.

5. When you feel it is time, state “so mote it be”.

6. Release your circle.

8. Place this dream sachet beneath your pillow, in your pillowcase, or under your mattress beneath where your head lays.When your dreams start coming freely, write them down in your journal. This helps in dream recall and will give you a reference to study later.

I found this and I though I’d share it with you all!! I put a star by all the ones I personally use and love if you’d like to give them a try! 

  1. Listening to your own intuition will always be useful. Learn to trust it. (This is extremely important and will help you in the long run) ☆
  2. Put almonds in your pockets for good luck.
  3. Lemongrass essential oil kills fruit flies.
  4. Use a charged crystal on top of your Wifi router, or anything that needs a boost. ☆
  5. Salt in a hula hoop for casting circles. 
  6. Evernote and Google docs are amazing for online Grimoires. ☆
  7. Snow-globes can be used in place of crystal balls. ☆
  8. Don’t leave any naturally coloured quartz (amethyst, rose) in the sun, it’ll fade. Unless you want it to fade.
  9. You can use crayons in place of candles. ☆
  10. Meditation! ☆
  11. Be careful of setting stuff on fire, move all flammable objects before lighting something.
  12. Clear quartz can absorb negativity. ☆
  13. Be specific when asking questions/doing spells. 
  14. You can turn songs into spells, it helps a lot when you’re just starting. ☆
  15. You can make cheap runes with a sharpie, clear nail polish, and rocks. ☆
  16. Thrift stores ARE YOUR FRIEND! ☆☆☆
  17. Rosemary can be used in place of any herb.
  18. Clear Quartz can be used in place of any stone.
  19. http://biddytarot.com is a good place to read in-depth Tarot meanings, really helps if you’re starting out. ☆
  20. Suck on a peppermint when you’re studying something you need to remember, then again when you need to remember the thing. ☆
  21. Incense ashes = black salt.
  22. Cleanse by moon, charge by sun. ☆
  23. Wear colours that correspond to your intent for that day, subtle and effective. ☆
  24. Got a needle and thread? You got a pendulum. ☆
  25. Just about any cards can be used for divination. Playing cards, pokemon cards, etc.
  26. You can find images of the Rider-Waite deck online and print them onto cardstock.
  27. Craft stores usually have REALLY CHEAP jars. ☆
  28. Music is magical, use that to your advantage. ☆☆
  29. LOCKETS!
  30. Just about any mirror/reflective surface can be used for scrying, don’t let Etsy fool you with those 50$ mirrors. ☆
  31. White candles can be used in place of any candle. ☆☆
  32. There are also candle apps!
  33. Birthday candles!
  34. CANDLES!
  35. If you bake, draw sigils in the batter/dough before baking.
  36. Stir liquids clockwise for a luck/health boost, and counter-clockwise for banishing and ridding of negativity.
  37. If you need to subtly cleanse, sage and saltwater in a spray bottle. Be mindful of plants and pets. ☆ 
  38. Sage can smell like weed sometimes, keep that in mind. ☆
  39. Peach and Avocado pits ward off negativity. ☆☆
  40. If you don’t like working with blood, Halloween blood and pomegranate/cherry juices are great.
  41. LIBRARIES!!!!!! ☆☆☆
  42. Keep a notebook with you constantly in case you need to write something down. ☆☆☆☆
  43. Write wishes on bay leaves, then burn them to make them come true. ☆
  44. Cleanse yourself in the wind. ☆
  45. To get candle wax out of a jar, pour some boiling water in it then leave it for a while, the wax should be floating on top. Be careful!
  46. Selenite and Amethyst are good for dreams. ☆
  47. Pressing flowers really is useful. ☆☆
  48. You can make your own tea blends pretty easily, just be careful about knowing what is/isn’t edible.
  49. Set a sigil as your phone background, then plug it in to charge it.
  50. Write sigils with makeup while you’re doing it. ☆
  51. Warding will be your best friend. ☆
  52. Use common sense! ☆☆☆
  53. If you want to grow herbs out of cans be sure you poke holes in the bottom so excess water can run out.
  54. If you can’t throw salt everywhere, make a salt water spray instead.
  55. You can draw over sigils with glow in the dark paint to see charging effects.
  56. Use plastic ziploc bags in place of jars; cheaper! ☆
  57. Coffee filters can be used as herb bags. ☆
  58. If a spell calls for an ingredient that happens to be in a tea you own, cut open your own tea bags.
  59. You can make altar/shrine books.
  60. Colour correspondences for sigils. ☆
  61. You can do virtual altars via pinterest, video games, etc. ☆
  62. You can glue envelopes into your BOS to hold things like sigils, recipes, etc.
  63. Brick dust works the same as black salt.
  64. Make a google doc/keep a notepad with you for ideas throughout your day.
  65. Instead of burying jars in the ground, use non-bleached toilet paper tubes.
  66. You can buy one big pot and plant many herbs in it. ☆
  67. Chew mint gum during money spells. ☆
  68. Write sigils on your nails using nail polsh pens ☆
  69. Rice water is used for prosperity and success spells.
  70. If you have a computer, you can make your background your altar. ☆
  71. Have an altar by a window, so your items are always cleansed/charged.
  72. Uncooked spaghetti makes lighting candles a lot easier.
  73. Use oil diffusers if you can’t burn incense. ☆
  74. Wicca is NOT the only path! ☆☆☆
  75. Glass can be substituted for quartz.
  76. Dedicate a stuffed animal to your deity to bond with them. ☆
  77. A good blood substitute = crushed iron tablets.
  78. Attach crystals to the cork tops of your jars as an energy channel to charge jar spells.
  79. You do NOT have to do magick everyday, it shouldn’t be a chore or something you dread doing. ☆☆☆
  80. Brackish water (salt and fresh water) is good for cursing.
  81. Don’t eat things that aren’t edible, and don’t sniff things that aren’t sniffable. ☆
  82. When enchanting your car, draw sigils on the wheels so they charge when they turn.
  83. Don’t make offerings that degrade the environment! ☆☆
  84. More jar alternatives: bowls of ice, unbleached paper, bell peppers.
  85. Don’t bury jars, please.
  86. Just don’t do it.
  87. White sage is endangered in America, grow your own. ☆☆☆
  88. Breathe. ☆☆☆
  89. Compile a list of songs that have names corresponding to herbs and ingredients to put in a spell playlist.
  90. Do not substitute fantasy for fact. ☆☆☆
  91. Don’t do spells on someone that goes against their free will. ☆
  92. Empath tip: Carry blue goldstone.
  93. Salt cleanse yourself with any salty snack, crisps, pretzels, etc. ☆
  94. Frankincense is an insect repellent
  95. Put mint in shoes for luck (and an air freshener!) ☆
  96. Garage sales are amazing.
  97. Place a candle in the window to welcome sunlight.
  98. Bells can be used for cleansing, too. ☆☆
  99. Witch Hazel is a natural toner, good for your skin, and is used for protection!
  100. Rain washes away bad vibes, negativity, and cleanses. ☆☆
  • The Athame: a knife with a black handle, which is used to cast a circle. Represents masculine energy and the element of fire. Should not be used for cutting or to cause physical harm to others!!
  • The Chalice: these can come in goblet styles, or simply any mug or cup. This is used  to hold water or wine, which is to be drank after a ritual. The chalice represents water.
  • The Wand: your wand can be made out of anything you feel connected to: bone, wood, metal, etc. A witch’s wand is very personal, which means you can fashion your wand to your own personal style. The wand is used to direct energies during a ritual, and represents the element of air
  • The Pentacle: This is a very powerful and protective symbol in Wicca. On an altar, your pentacle can come in the form of a pendant or a platen. You can also use a pentacle necklace on your altar. This represents earth, and used to cleanse yourself, your surroundings, and all items on your altar. 
  • Candles:Different colored candles can represent different uses for the candles. The candles clearly represents the element of fire. A pair of candles represents a Goddess and a God
  • The Cauldron: Like the chalice, the cauldron represents water. The cauldron is used to hold things such as water, incense, herbs, and candles. This is very useful when it comes to rituals and burning small fires. Cast iron is the best material for your cauldron but isn’t mandatory. 
  • Bells: Bells are often used to mark passages in a ritual. Many spells ask for you to ring the bell once or twice and the bells can mark the beginning and then end of a ritual.
  • Incense: Incense is used to clear energy, cleanse, and call in energies. Most incense will work with whatever you’re doing.
  • The Bowls: The bowls on your altar represents earth. It is important to have a bowl of sea salt because the sea salt can cleanse your other magick tools on your altar. Smudging bowls are very important in magick.
  • Crystals: There are many different crystals that hold different energies. Keeping a variety of crystals on your altar can help with various different rituals. These crystals cane enhance the power of your spells.
  • The Broom: The broom is very symbolic of sweeping energy and keeping negativity away 

Before using these tools, you should clear and cleanse it. The more you grow in your witchcraft, the more tools you can add to help yourself thrive in your magick ✨

These are just things I’ve found that helped me when I began witchcraft. Most of these things are not a necessity, but can help. Please do not give me hate for this. This is a Wiccan blog, hence the name. 

On the first of the month, upon awakening before speaking anything else, say the words “white rabbit” and it shall bring you good luck for the month

Just about every religion incorporates sacred objects into its observance and practice. Whether it’s special vestments worn by religious officiants, statues of deities honored at shrines, candles, amulets, chalices or other symbolic items, people have been creating and utilizing physical artifacts—or “tools”—in order to create and maintain spiritual energy and focus in their ritual practices.

Athame: Used for directing energy and casting rituals

Wand: Used to direct energy and casting circles 

Chalice: Used to hold ceremonial drink 

Boline: Used for rituals and harvesting/cutting herbs

Incense: Used to cleanse

Censer: Used to burn incense pods

Scourge: Was used to whip witches as initiation into covens but now is used in     some ritual poses by the Priestess and Priest when they do the “Osiris” pose with their arms crossed in front of their chests holding the athame and the scourge.

Cingulum: Used like a belt, can symbolize ranking via color, but is mainly used to measure the circle for casting 

Besom: Used to sweep negative energies 

Cauldron: Used to burns herbs and incense, can be used to make spells

Jewelry: Used upon intention, ex. pentacles on necklaces for protection and ring magick. 

Spear: Used as a ritual tool for Odin

Stang: Used for directing energy and assistance on spiritual path

Bell: To stop and start a ritual 

Offering Dish: Used to offer our offering to our deities 

Hat: Symbolizes the witch herself and her knowledge, fedora like hats are used more often to give off the same look

Crystals: Can be used for healing and magick, each crystal has a different property 

Oils: Used for spells and baths

Resin: (Pine) used to wake the circle

Mortar and Pestle: Used to grind up herbs

Rune Sticks: Used by oracles, usually thrown and read

White Stick: Grants invisibility and protection

Silver Spoon: Used to dig up dirt

Scrying Mirror/Bowl: Used to receive visions and messages

Gazing Ball: Used to scry as well

Hollow Glass Orbs: Used to ward off the home of witches spells, evil spirits, and ill fortune 

Pendulum: Used for divination 

Witches Spoon: Special spoon used for tea

The Garter: Used by high priestess to symbolize the head of the coven and her level 

Skull: Used for protection and used to call the ancestor of which the skull belonged to (can be replaced with a handful of soil)

Talismans: Used to symbolize what we want to push towards, also protection

EDIT:@twilightmagick said this and i completely forgot to add it in at the bottom YOU DONT NEED TOOLS AS A WITCH you are the magick, tools only serve to help you out and please don’t buy new tools they can be expensive go to your local thrift or you can make your own tools if you so please but yeah thank you to the person that pointed this out

The Wheel of the Year is a diagram of the Sabbats celebrated in Paganism, equinoxes are included here as well.


Yule: Celebrated at the Winter Solstice, Yule is the celebration of the Goddess giving birth to the God.

Imbolc: Celebrated on February 2, it is the time when the first plantings of spring crops occur. It is also considered to be a time of spiritual cleansing and renewal of vows.

Ostara: Celebrated at the Spring Equinox in March, this sabbat represents a new beginning partly because it marks the beginning of longer days and shorter nights. It also marks the union of the God and Goddess and therefore symbolizes fertility.

Beltane: Celebrated on May 1, it represents the end of the planting season and the beginning of harvesting. It also represents fertility, as the celebration often involves loosened rules for fidelity.

Litha: Celebrated at the Summer Solstice, this sabbat represents the peak of the God’s strength. It may involve lighting large bonfires to ward off evil spirits.

Lammas: Celebrated on August 1, this is a time when the Goddess turns over control to the God. It is a time of feasts and craft festivals.

Mabon: Celebrated at the Autumn Equinox, Mabon represents the balance between light and dark, as it is the day that nights start becoming longer than days. It is officially the Pagan day of Thanksgiving.

Samhain: Celebrated on Halloween, Samhain means the end of summer and the beginning of winter. On this night, the dead are said to be able to communicate with the living in order to be with and celebrate with their families.

Other depictions include the Celtic Wheel of the Year with each holiday being represented by a rune.


Chaos: The Void

I’ll be going through the greek pantheon first in order of family tree and then other pantheons later on 


Chaos was the origin of everything and the very first thing that ever existed. It was a primordial void, which everything was created from including the universe and the Greek Gods. In ancient Greek, Chaos is translated as ‘the gaping void.’

In the beginning, Chaos was a state of random disorder existing in primordial emptiness, and soon later a Cosmic Egg formed in its belly and it hatched producing the first deities into the darkness. Chaos was often thought of to be female, possessing both anthropomorphic and tangible qualities however this interpretation changed as the mythology evolved according to different historians and poets. The far-reaching idea is that Chaos is a space that separates and divides the Earth and the Sky.

Here’s a list of different types of witches, this is a pretty chunky list but it’s not all and as I remember more and more and learn about more of them, I’ll add more of them onto the list but for now, here ya go:

There are many types of witches, many of which can change throughout one’s journey, it’s important to know which path is which and how that affects us and others.

Atheist/Laveyan Satanic: Witchcraft worked with the idea that satan is a concept, rather than a real person or entity (loosely put; it’s a very detailed concept). Also known as Satanic witches who fit the secular description.

Alexandrian: holds that all participants are priests and priestesses; everyone is able to commune with the Divine, therefore there is no laity.

Augury:Divine omens, signs and symbols 

Celtic: Studies and worships Celtic deities and magick

Cosmic: Looks to the stars, moon, and astrology

Christian: Witchcraft that is performed to honor / or is performed in conjunction with the Christian God as the primary and only deity

Correllian: practices based on the idea that inner truth is universal in nature. Since Corellian Witchcraft teaches that Deity enters the life of the seeker in a way that can be best understood by them, Deity is key to the beneficial magic of this tradition.

Crystal: Uses crystals and their properties 

Dianic: Offshoot of Wicca focused on female deities 

Divination: Used tarot cards, I Ching tools, etc for divination

Druids: promotes harmony, connection, and reverence for the natural world.

Eclectic: Embraces any and all magick and magickal work

Elemental: Works with fire, water, air, earth, and spirit

Faery: Based on British folklore and works with the Fae

Gardenian: based on the polarity of a male and a female, which are represented in covens by the High Priestess and High Priest. The values being: the value of life, the inevitability of death, and the reincarnation after this life ends.

Green:Magic based on gardening and herbalism 

Hearth: Practices magick focused on the home

Hedge: Solitary practitioner, a herbalist

Hellenic: Worships Greek gods and goddesses

Hereditary: Handed down a bloodline of witches

Kitchen: Likes to mix food and cooking with magick

Lunar: Works with the lunar cycles

Norse: Based on the religion of Scandinavia 

(Theistic) Satanic: Witchcraft that is often centered around honoring and/or working with satan in spellwork and prayer

Science: A form of magick in which both metaphysical ideas and scientific facts/theories are mixed in together by the individual practicer

Sea:Practices water based magick 

Secular: Does not worship deities

Shaman:Enters altered state of consciousness 

Solitary: Practicing by ones’ self; not included in a group 

Traditional: One who practices witchcraft by honoring and using old and ‘traditional’ ways of magick; this type of witch might be one to practice modern methods of magick, but they might also stick to traditional concepts or techniques

Wicca:Modern pagan 

Casting Circles is very important for baby-witches to learn for protection and in general for spells, but before preforming any spells please make sure you know how to cast a circle. 

What is a circle, and why does it matter?

A circle is often a barrier that houses your spells and rituals. By casting a circle, you’re allocating energy to protect you from any unwanted or negative outside influences. There are a lot of formal ways to begin a circle and some informal.

It’s important to note that there are many ways to cast a circle.

In traditional witchcraft, you might call upon a god or goddess, while if you’re a secular witch, you might call upon the elements, or create a wall of your own energy. A circle isn’t mandatory, but it can significantly assist with protection and energy.

How to cast a circle

Always begin by cleansing your space. You can either use your mind to mentally push out, use incense to burn away or use a broom or besom to sweep away. Once you have your method for cleansing your space, it’s time to define your circle. To define your sacred circle, it’s important to take your space and location into consideration. Are you in your bedroom? Bathroom? Or outside? You can make your intended circle as large or as small as you’d like. You can mentally define your circle or mark the directions or elements with candles or crystals. If you’re using the four elements, you can create a cross shape. If you’re using the five elements, you can create a pentacle shape.

To cast a circle by calling upon the elements, begin facing the east. This is home to the element of air. When you move clockwise, you’ll end facing North where you can begin your ritual or spell work. Stand in your intended circle as you begin to relax and focus on your breathing. Take as long as you’d like at this step or until you feel calm, centered, and present.

What to Do/Say

Begin by envisioning the wind whipping around you and get really in tune with the element of air and say: “Element of air, I call on you.”

Moving clockwise, turn to the south. Envision crackling flames and the warmth of the sun. Once you are in tune with fire, say: “Element of fire, I call on you.”

Turn to the west. Envision flowing water in waves and waterfalls and streams, possibly moving around your body. When you feel attuned with water, say, “Element of water, I call on you.”

Turn to the North. Conjure up the scent of the earth after it rains. Imagine the silence and darkness of a cave and the rooted feeling of being barefoot on the earth. When you feel attuned, say, “Element of earth, I call on you.”

Still facing North, become aware of your feet and send a column or roots of light deep into the core of the earth. Bring this energy up from the center of the earth and into your body and visualize a white light flowing, creating the circle and say: “With these elements together under spirit, I cast a circle of protection above, below, within.”

This is where you perform your ritual, meditation, or spells.

You can also temporarily exit your circle without repeating the entire circle casting process. To do so, hold an athame or wand in your hand and make a cutting motion across the line of the circle and say: “I use this athame of crystal to open a door.” Your wand or athame will help you direct energy to make an incision in your circle of energy. When returning, you can simply reverse the process to close the door.

Opening a circle

Also called closing a circle is a way to release the energy you’ve built and is a way to thank the elements for their assistance.

The process of opening a circle begins with you facing north to release earth and saying:  “Earth, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Next, you’ll turn to the west to release water: “Water, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Then, you’ll turn to the south to release fire: “Fire, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

  After that, you’ll turn to the east to release air: “Air, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Finally, you’ll return back north to release spirit and the circle by saying: “Spirit, I bid you farewell. I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

Other popular phrases for circle casting and opening:

“The circle is open, but never broken. The love of the deity name is forever in my heart.”

“Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.”

“I thank you, element of name for lending your energy tonight. I bid you farewell.”

“I call the Guardian of direction and the element of element to watch over this sacred circle.”



The links to Centering and Grounding are here:                      GroundingCentering

Shielding is a way of protecting yourself from psychic, mental, or magical attack—it’s a way of creating an energy barrier around yourself that other people can’t penetrate. 

When you shield, you envelope yourself with your energy. Focus on your energy core, and expand it outward so that it covers your entire body. Ideally, you’ll want it to extend past the surface of your body so that it’s almost as though you’re walking around in a bubble. 

When you’re forming your energy shield, it’s a good idea to visualize the surface of it as being reflective. This not only protects you from negative influences and energy, but it can also repel them back to the original sender. If you’re someone who is often affected by the emotions of others—if certain people make you feel drained and exhausted by their very presence—then you need to practice shielding techniques.


