

     Tomorrow I head out to set up the first installation of The Party Tent. I am looking forward to this and have enjoyed the prep work. Nearly 100 indigo dyed clothing items are ready to be given away (which was my goal), the art supplies for the community project situated, signs created, and lists checked off. 

     This is the third road trip/camping adventure of the summer, not counting trips to the cabin. I have a lot to catch up on documenting, including Aunt Stephie’s Art + Adventure Camp that I have been hosting for my nieces and the new works that are in progress. Works that I want to share and yes, talk about it, experience with others in a different setting; create dialogue prompted by the pieces.

     Alright. Deep breath. You got this, Stephie. All you have to do is show up. 

#onthebus    #furthur    #evenfurthur    #evenfurthur2018    #roadtrip    #wisconsin    #artist    #mplsartist    #mplsart    #minneapolis    #madison    #milwaukee    #chicago    #techno    #dancetechno    