#felix imagine


Summary: The plan was supposed to be simple, but instead you find yourself hiking in the woods with four Volturi guards. It appears that you’re the perfect entertainment for two of them. Eventually, you get fed up with their jokes, but Felix is there to comfort you.

Pairing: human!reader x Felix Volturi

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This wasn’t the plan. The original plan was nice and easy. Felix was supposed to come to your house so you could go to the airport and hop on a plane to Volterra together. Instead you found Jane, Alec and Demetri at your door when you were about to leave for the airport. They’re the reason why you’re currently hiking in the woods.

For someone as clumsy as you, this isn’t the smartest idea. Logically, the hiking path isn’t paved. Instead, it’s earth with scattered loose rocks. Not the most steady ground, it has already caused you to trip a couple of times and you’re only ten minutes into the hike.

The twins, walking in the front, have the time of their life laughing at you every time you stumble. Demetri walks in front of you and Felix is walking behind you. Let’s just say you have tested their reflexes in a new way. You still don’t understand why Felix thought it would be a good idea to take you along with them.

After you stumble once more and Felix steadies you, you grumble: “I’m so sick of this. Why’d you make me tag along?”

Felix intertwines his fingers with yours while you continue walking in front of him. “Because, my love, this way we can immediately leave for the airport when we have the vampire.”

You sigh. “I didn’t sign up to be the twins’ laughing stock. You know how clumsy I am. It was clear this would be a disaster, even before we started.”

“Don’t mind them. They’re always like that, laughing at everything and everyone.”

“That’s easier said than done when you’re not the person they’re laughing at.” You stumble over another loose rock and the twins’ cackling reaches your ears loud and clear. “I’m so done with this.”

Felix makes you turn around so you’re looking at him. His hands rest on the side of your head while he intensely stares in your eyes. “We’re almost there. Their teasing will stop once we have the vampire in our custody. I adore your clumsiness, it’s adorable.”

You scoff. “It’s not adorable if I fall to my death in a ravine.”

“Good thing I’m here to catch you,” he says while winking.


always welcomed


idol:lee felix × reader

genre: a fluffy mess, S U P E R. S O F T. O M G.

warnings: you’ll probably pass out because of this cute shit.


you and your boyfriend felix were both sound asleep as the calm morning greeted you the both of you.

you slept peacefully next to him. the only movements were your two’s chest rising and falling steadily. it was your first free day after weeks of work, and you and him now were able to get some rest and relaxation. cause that’s what you both needed.

you just needed each other and the day was saved. felix had a tight and busy schedule, and spending proper time with you was a challenge.

felix held you in his arms securely like a teddy bear or a pillow. it relieved him to finally have you back in his embrace, it was clearly something he had missed. never ever would he trade those moments with you with anything in this world.

your head rested onto his chest, listening to his quiet heartbeat. your fingers entangled with his like it was the last thing you could hold on to. your face smooched into his neck to feel the warmth of his body. a feeling you never got tired of.

you loved each other so much that it didn’t matter how long you hadn’t seen each one, the moment you met counted and that’s what brought you to a healthy and good relationship with felix despite the fact that both of you were working a lot.

morning had finally reached felix, and the sight of you cuddled up into his body and in deep slumber, made him smile so much.

he tightened his arms around your body to really feel everything he had missed so much. your warmth, your smooth skin, your silky hair, basically your body in his hug.

felix stroke up and down your back and kissed your head here and there in a matter to shower you with all the love he felt for you.

after some time, you woke up as well.

“good morning, sleepyhead.”, felix chuckled underneath you.

you rubbed your eyes and stretched, replying a quiet ‘good morning’ back at him.

felix smiled to himself. the way your hair was knotted, your light swollen and bare morning face, your creased clothing due your previous position, everything made you 10× more beautiful to him.


you sat up in his lap, still half asleep. it only made felix giggle even more at you, but you were too tired to notice.

felix took your hand in his and pulled himself up into a sit position as well to properly look into your face. he put some strands of your hair behind your ear whilst he kissed your forehead and cheeks over and over.

you leaned forward to let yourself fall against his chest, drifting away once again.


i love this so much omg it’s super soft and cuddly…

and i haven’t proofread it oops…

Bang Chan:

Your hand brushed gently over the top of Chan’s head as he made himself comfortable resting into you, curling as tightly as he could against you.

“You’re always so comfy to lay against,” he whispered once he felt settled, feeling your arm wrap around him to keep him secure too.

Your smile was wide as you noticed the content smile that was on Chan’s face. “You always look after other people, it’s about time that other people started looking after you more often Chan.”

“I like looking after people though,” he assured you, “although I have to admit being cuddled by you right now is nice.”

You leant down as he spoke, pressing several kisses against the top of his head. “Even if no one else does, I’ll always look after you, even if that is something as simple as being the big spoon.”

“I honestly don’t know how I’d be here without you sometimes,” Chan told you, “you’re just the absolute best thing ever.”

“That’s not true,” you giggled in reply, “you don’t give yourself enough credit, you just give it to those around you.”

“I mean it, I’m one lucky guy Y/N.”

Lee Know:

Your eyes flickered down as soon as you heard Minho muttering, trying your best to figure out what it was that he was saying as he dosed in your hold.

“You’re so cute,” you figured out, unable to stop yourself from chuckling as you tried to see whether he was asleep or if he was still awake.

The sound of your chuckle made Minho stir, letting you know that he was still awake after all. “Are you aware that you just called me cute or did you mean to say that to someone in your daydream?”

“No, I meant to say it to you,” Minho smiled weakly, tilting his head back to see you, “you’re cuddling me so nicely.”

Your eyes narrowed down at him, focusing on the wide smile that was on his face. “What have you done? This isn’t the Minho that I know,” you joked, “being the little spoon has changed you.”

“I haven’t done anything,” Minho assured you, “is it so wrong of me to lay here and tell you how adorable I think you are.”

“Normally you’re mean to me,” you reminded him, kissing against his forehead, “it’s taking some getting used to.”

“I’m just being kind to you.”


A hum came from Changbin as your hand began to brush through his hair, letting you know that he was enjoying what it was that you were doing.

“Can you tug a little bit harder?” He asked you, enjoying the feeling of your hand brushing through his hair to try and untangle it all.

Your head nodded, although you didn’t tug as harder as he wanted you to. “I don’t want to hurt you Chang, you’re supposed to be trying to rest and sleeping,” you told him, taking things slowly.

“I don’t mind, my head feels like it needs it,” he assured you, taking your hand and showing you how hard to tug.

Your eyes widened as you felt how much stronger he wanted you to play with his hair. “If you wake up in the morning and all of your hair has fallen out, I hope that you know it’s your fault.”

“That won’t happen,” he giggled, “just pull enough to untangle my hair and apply a bit of pressure to my head as well.”

“Alright,” you whispered, encouraging him to close his eyes again as you tugged through his hair as he had shown you to do.

“That’s it, much more comfortable for me.”


Your hand reached up as you managed to take a hold of Hyunjin’s hair, twirling it around in your fingertips as you unknotted it after his busy day.

“This is another advantage to me being the little spoon,” he whispered as he felt your touch, “easy access to play with my hair for you.”

You could only laugh as Hyunjin made another mental note of something else that was working. “You’re just going to use all these advantages to get your own way next time I little spoon.”

“No,” Hyunjin protested with a gasp, shaking his head firmly at you, “I’ll just remind you of these when you tell me no.”

Your hand tugged a little harder on his hair to make him groan, “they’re the same thing,” you reminded him, “and I can think of many advantages of when I’m the little spoon too you know.”

“Like what?” He pushed, “I bet that you list of advantages of little spooning is nowhere near as long as my list of advantages is Y/N.”

“For starters, you play with my hair,” you counteracted, “maybe we should just agree to split the role from now on.”

“I think I can push to doing that.”


As another soft giggle came from Jisung as he rested against you, you couldn’t help but wind him up more as you tickled against his sides quickly.

“Y/N,” he yelled, quickly trying to push you off as he found himself laughing more, “you’re supposed to cuddle me nicely thank you.”

Your shoulders shrugged as you tried to tickle Jisung as much as you could before you pulled away to let him breathe again. “I’m just getting you back for all the times that you’ve tickled me before.”

“I never tickle you,” he argued, knowing full well himself that it was a lie. “Alright, maybe I’ve tickled you once or twice before.”

Your eyes widened at how much he downplayed how annoying he could be to you as you got ready for bed. “Either start speaking honestly or I’ll be more than happy to start tickling you again.”

“Maybe I tickle you every now and then,” Jisung reluctantly admitted, “but does it make you smile every time I do it?”

“What choice do I have?” You smirked back at him, “you know how much I love whenever someone tickles me Jisung.”

“Then I think I’m being kind to you.”


Your eyes looked back in confusion as Felix rested himself against your chest suddenly as you moved around the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.

“This feels quite nice, I get used to this,” he whispered to himself, wrapping his arms around you too as he walked in front your figure.

Your head shook as you tried to make sure that you weren’t in some sort of dream. “Are you trying to stop me from making dinner or something?” You asked Felix, unsure what he was up to.

“No, I’m just getting a feel for what I could be like if I was the little spoon,” he replied, “but in bed, not standing up.”

Your eyebrows knitted together as Felix only left you feeling more confused. “What made you decide to do that now?” You asked him, feeling his grip around you tighten to stay where he was.

“Now is usually the only chance that I can get to you,” he explained, “with this in mind, what about me being the little spoon tonight Y/N?”

“Do I get much of a choice?” You laughed, knowing that Felix already had his mind made up on how you’d be sleeping.

“I’m glad we agree on that one.”


The pout on Seungmin’s face had your attention straight away as he turned to face you, sensing from the look in his eye that he wanted something.

“How do you feel about being the big spoon tonight?” Seungmin asked you as he turned to face away from you, “I could do with a hug.”

Without arguing, you moved forwards and wrapped both of your arms around Seungmin’s waist. “Has something happened?” You whispered to his ear, resting against his shoulder.

“Just been one of those days,” Seungmin murmured in reply to you, too tired to speak too much to you about things.

Your head nodded, picking up on just how groggy his voice was. “It feels weird for us to lay like this, you’re usually the one holding onto my waist and tickling me to make me stay awake with you.”

“I don’t tickle you,” Seungmin protested with a quiet giggle, “it’s not my fault that you are just incredibly sensitive to everything that I do.”

“No one wants to be tickled at midnight,” you laughed back at him, “you’ve just got a cute face to get away with it.”

“One thing I definitely am is cute.”


Your arms wrapped securely around Jeongin as soon as he laid down on the bed, pulling him in tightly so he could rest against your front.

“Thank you,” he whispered as you pressed a kiss against the top of his head, knowing how stressed he had been whilst at work all day.

Your head nodded as Jeongin tilted his head back to briefly be able to look up at you. “I get it,” you whispered, needing only few words for the two of you to understand one another.

“You’re the best,” Jeongin replied, stunned yet again by how well you knew him without him even needing to say a word.

As soon as you heard him sigh walking through the front door, you knew what to do. “We can lay here all night long if you want,” you assured him, knowing how helpful a hug was for his stress.

“I’d like that a lot,” Jeongin smiled as he turned his head back down again to lay more comfortably. “I would tell you about work, but I’m tired Y/N.”

“There’s always tomorrow,” you reminded him, “you can tell me over breakfast if you fancy before we go to work.”

“Yeah, I’d really like to do that.”

