#gaara fluff


To Be So Lonely (Gaara x Reader)

A/N: my first ever attempt at a gaara one shot. Essentially, you are permanently disabled due to an accident involving evil jinchuriki gaara, but you never gave up on him. friends to lovers. dramatic confessions. gaara is just so pure and sweet, he deserves all the love and more. perfect baby boy. precious.

ps. this was a very quick write. there may be mistakes, idk. just hopefully someone enjoys.

Word count: 3600 (soo short lmao)

The pair of them walked the aisles of the bakery. He adored how her eyes grew wide when they landed on a particularly shiny loaf of bread or a decadent chocolate cake that she couldn’t help but gush over. Today, after work since it seemed he had a break, he decided he would go with her to the dessert shop she’d been begging him to go visit.

He watched as she hobbled forward on her crutches, leaning some of her weight on walls or tables when she got the chance. He felt genuinely awful. It was his fault she was in that position after all. Nearly ten years ago when she enveloped her in his sand and crushed her leg brutally. He was so lost and hopeless back then, and a mere sparring match was enough to set him off and permanently injure the woman.

He felt like the worst man alive as he watched her walk around, and he followed on soft feet behind her. They were friends. It seemed that even after all he had done, she still cared about him. She walked up to his office the day he became Kazekage, and asked to be his assistant. He couldn’t say no, not with the way she smiled so beautifully at him with those soft lips and sparkling eyes.

Admittedly, he wanted her to be at his side.

She often sat with him in his office when there wasn’t anything too urgent going on, her legs tucked under her and her crutches leant against his desk. She would tell him stories about her day or things that she found funny, and he would listen intently to each word. He adored her voice. It was perfect, the perfect pitch and tone, just enough enthusiasm to blow him away. How she could be so positive when so many things had gone wrong, he wasn’t sure.

He knew that if he asked Naruto, the boy would have the answer for sure. He was so wise with people in that way. After all, Naruto was the reason Gaara was able to change into the man he was today, the man that had Y/N laughing and giggling in the evenings before she went home.

Y/N’s smile was so bright. It practically glowed when she entered the room. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever, that is how much he admired her enthusiasm. He couldn’t imagine the pain she went through, and the struggle she goes through daily. He couldn’t imagine the strength she must have to work for him and maintain that attitude that he admired so deeply.

She was so beautiful. He found himself waking up multiple times in the morning with her still on his mind, her eyes and her smile and the way her hair fell around her face. He found himself so lost in the mere thought of the woman, he thought he might be going crazy.

He’d asked his siblings about the situation, on separate occasions, just gauging what two more adjusted people thought of the situation. Each time, they laughed, and told him he simply had a crush on his closest assistant. His sister told him to act on his feelings before she was swept away by some other man from the village. His brother told him she was quite a catch, and he would be lucky if she liked him back. He thought she was only kind to him because he was her boss, essentially. Needless to say, that was a bit rough for Gaara to hear.

He wasn’t sure what he would do if Y/N shared his feelings. She certainly was kind, and the woman he wanted to be with, but he just couldn’t be with her, not after everything he had done. He couldn’t imagine her ever caring for him like that after he took away a huge portion of her mobility. He stole away from her the ability to become a shinobi like she always wanted. He felt like a monster.

There was no way in good conscience, he could accept her affections and burden her with his own. She was too perfect. He wouldn’t ruin her in that way. He couldn’t.

And so he was content just following her around, buying her little goodies here and there to make her happy just one more time before he had to see her off for the night. No doubt, he would dream about her once again tonight, after spending so much time staring into her eyes and hearing her melodic laugh. Sometimes, he found himself looking forward to those nights where she would plague his mind. He could truly be himself in those dreams without any constraint, without an ounce of guilt. He could love her during those nights, and he found himself longing for more and more each day.

She spun around in front of the final glass case in the near empty bakery, and she pointed to some fruit tarts in a little box.

“You want those?”

“Yes, please.”

He pointed them out to the staff, and they bagged them up and slid them across the counter. He got a discount as the Kazekage, and he was more than willing to buy a few things for her. It was the least he could do. Even though he paid her a decent amount for her work, he still felt generous. He liked seeing the way her eyes lit up and her ears perked up with happiness each time he bought her a simple cake or tart. It was so cheap and simple, he felt like he was robbing her. He got so much enjoyment out of seeing her beauty over and over again and all she got was a little dollar dessert.

They walked out of the store, and she sighed, reaching into the bag and taking out the little box. She pulled out the cake and took a quick bite, sighing loudly at the flavor. “Wow, Gaara, this is one of the best ones yet. Try it,” she held out the other side to him.

“No, I’m okay. I’m sure it’s great.”

“Oh, come on.”

He sighed, and took the tart from her hands, taking the tiniest bite from the side opposite of hers. She was right. It was really good. He nodded, his lips curving into a tiny smile as she grinned, giving him a thumbs up. “See, I told you it was really good. I don’t go around picking out crappy sweets.”

“Here, eat the rest. You haven’t had a chance to eat today, have you?” he asked, urging her to take the tart back. She did, and nodded. “You really can’t be doing that, Y/N. It’s not healthy to skip meals like that.”

“I know. I normally don’t but during my lunch break today, I was busy talking to your brother and I lost track of time.”

“So it was Kankuro’s doing? Of course.”

“Oh, jeez. It’s not a big deal. My parents are going to the market today so they’ll no doubt be home with some food for me to eat for dinner. Plus, you got me these awesome tarts for dessert.”

He nodded, a hum leaving his lips. “Still, I’d like if maybe you started eating lunch with me, just so I can make sure you’re getting proper nutrition.”

Her eyes widened, and she began to smile once again. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up from his offer. How could he so casually say something like that? He was never one to really think through the things he said, just saying exactly what was on his mind. “Are you asking me on a lunch date?”

“What?! No-that’s not what I meant,” he blurted out, his own cheeks turning red under her stare. “I just meant it as a friend thing.”

She averted her eyes back down to her dessert, and she took another bite. After giving him a moment of time to cool down, and after she’d swallowed, she replied giddily, knowing it would stir him up once again, “Alright, well, I wouldn’t mind if it was a date thing, just saying.”

He was now nearly as red as his hair, and she burst out laughing. “What?! Y/N, don’t laugh at me!”

“Okay, Kazekage-sama.”

He huffed as he tried to calm down, following as she started off once again to her home. On days like this one, he would walk her home from wherever they had gone, and in turn, he said it was a way for him to see the village. In reality, he had seen the village more than enough time to count, he really just wanted to walk with her home, to feel like he was doing something for her by providing company on the short journey through the streets.

As they approached her home, he knew that this was going to be the end of their outing and he would have to leave her once again. He really enjoyed their time together. It was the only part of the day he looked forward to most of the time, and to see her go always filled his heart with a bit of sadness. It was unreasonable to want anymore time out of her day to himself, but he couldn’t help but want it.

She opened her front door and stepped inside, holding the door open so she could see him standing at the edge of the walkway to her family home. He shifted awkwardly under her stare, one that was absent of a smile and that familiar glimmer in her eye. Things felt serious all the sudden, and it made him nervous.

What had changed all of the sudden? He never expected her next words. They hit him in the chest like a stone, and knocked the air from his chest.

“Gaara, I think I’m in love with you,” Y/N called to the boy standing in her doorway. One outing after another, she found it harder and harder to maintain a neutral guise around him. Y/N really liked him. He was strong. He was a hero. He was a beautifully kind creature whom everyone came to adore.

He stood there in shock, his eyes wide and lips just agape. He wanted her to take back what she’d just proclaimed. He couldn’t accept it. Not when her crutches were right in his view, and her leg was missing right below the knee. He couldn’t handle that confession. Not now, not ever.

It was all his fault.

He turned his head away to the street and sighed, shutting his eyes tightly. “Y/N, I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” she asked, fiddling with the bag of groceries in her hands. It took a lot of nerve to confess to him. It takes a lot to go out and profess your love to the Kazekage and the famous Gaara of the sand. He was a celebrity, practically. He wasn’t simply a childhood friend. She was rightfully nervous.

“I’m sorry you feel that way about someone like me.”

“Gaara, stop. Please. What happened, it’s over now. You’ll never be that same person again.”

He grit his teeth, another sigh coming from behind his teeth. “I cannot accept your confession. I’m sorry, but I have to go now. Please, keep this between us, alright?”

It seemed that the end of their rope was near. He had said what he wanted to say, or what he felt needed to be said. He cared for her, he’d cared for her since he could really remember. She was always kind to him, so beautiful and sweet and generous. Y/N was forever forgiving, and he knew that. He was fully aware that she’d forgiven him for what he’d done to her when he was lost in violence all those years ago. He just couldn’t forgive himself. He was forgiving of those who had wronged him, but to give mercy to the person who brutalized the one woman who’d shown him kindness from the beginning, he just couldn’t bear it.

Gaara was a lonely man. He would always be a lonely man, surrounded by people but always just far enough to protect them. He couldn’t let someone like her become close again and risk something else happening. Even if he was non violent now, what’s to say someone else wouldn’t have a grudge against him and target her?

It was all too overwhelming.

“You can’t deny it, Gaara, you love me too,” she called back to him, quiet enough not to disturb the neighbors but loud enough that it rang out in his chest like a gong, echoing there for a minute. She continued softly, “You can’t just pretend there’s nothing between us just because something happened almost a decade ago. You can’t abandon me, not after everything we’ve been through.”

“Y/N, it’s not that easy.”

“It really is that easy. If you care about me, and I care about you, then that’s all that matters. Forget about my leg, please. I’m over it. I’ve grown used to it, so much it’s not a problem,” she explained, “In fact, you treating me like I’m some injured lamb is the real problem. I’m a strong woman. This injury is nothing when it comes to my sheer force of will.”

He felt terrible, really, he felt like every move he made was the wrong one. He felt like he’d travelled down all the wrong paths with this woman, and she still loved him. Despite everything, she loved him without fault. He was her best friend. The friend who stole her leg from her so young. He was beyond conflicted.

His eyes flickered around the street, and she could feel his paranoia. It would be quite scandalous if someone caught them out here talking about something as personal as this. He was the Kazekage after all, whether he was experiencing normal 22 year old emotions or not.

Y/N grabbed his hand and tugged him quickly into her home. Her parents were gone for the day to the shops, so they weren’t there to intervene, not that they would be too pleased to see their daughter with the red haired boy. Yes, they were proud to have him as their Kazekage, standing strong and tall for the nation. But the injuries he had inflicted on their daughter were a bit too severe to ever completely forgive him. They could never give Gaara their blessing, nor did they truly approve of their friendship. Y/N and Gaara knew this. It only caused his guilt to hang heavier in his chest.

She shut the door behind him, and sighed as she leant her shoulder against the wall, a bit of pressure taken off her sole leg and her arms propped up on the sticks.

“Gaara, how do you feel about me? Really?” she asked.

He wanted to say nothing, to just turn away and pretend he hadn’t heard the question. But he knew that wasn’t an option. He would tell her everything. “I enjoy your company, more than I care to admit. You are so beautiful and kind, I always want you around, especially when work gets rough.”

Y/n stood silent as she let him keep going, to get what he was feeling off his chest. There wasn’t really an outlet in his life to get out all these pent up emotions. He could use a shoulder to lean on sometimes, just as much as anyone else.

“You’re right,” he groaned, “I love you.”

A soft breath caught in her chest at his words. It was true that she had a feeling he felt that way for her, but it was a different thing to hear his words reach her ears. His breathy, raspy voice and the exasperation carried in his tone. The way his eyes refused to meet hers he was so afraid. She felt a shiver run up her spine, and she had to take a deep breath to calm herself down. “Then what’s the point in fighting it?”

“It’s wrong. What I did to you, you’ll never be the same again and it’s all my fault. I don’t know if I could bring myself to look at you everyday knowing that I hurt you so badly. Back then, I didn’t even have remorse. I-I…”

“It’s okay! You’ve changed, time and time again, you’ve shown me that you’re not the same man you used to be. You are so brave and caring and considerate. You care about me and all the other villagers. You changed, and I love the man you’ve become.”

“Does that mean you can forgive me for what I’ve done?”

“I would forgive you a thousand times over.”


“You’re the man of my dreams. Please, don’t deprive me of that.”

When his eyes met hers, he wanted to melt away in her arms. She really didn’t care about what he had done, she just wanted him for who he worked so hard to become, the man that Naruto pushed him to be. She raised his arms, and found himself walking right into them. Her head hit his shoulder, and he let out a long shaky breath. “I love you, Y/N.”

“I love you, too, Gaara. I truly do.”

And when she pressed her lips to his, he found himself falling deeper in love with her. She was so soft and gentle in his arms, against his skin, flush and warm like he’d always imagined. He never really expected himself to find someone, not after all he’d done and the man he made himself out to be. He never imagined the kiss of a person on his lips, or the feeling of someone’s arms wound around his body. He only imagined pain.

Yet, here she was. The most forgiving angel in the entire world.

“Y/N L/N, what the hell is this? Dammit, can’t you do this somewhere else, you foolish girl?” a voice called through the door, and when they peered between the curtains, the sight of her mother and father walking up the path to the front door, grocery bags piled in their arms. Her mother’s face was quite red, a small smile gracing her mouth, while her father was another story. Completely exhausted with everything.

Gaara pulled away quickly, his head ducking down so his eyes only met the floorboards. He was Kazekage, why was he so afraid of some old man and his paper sack full of rice? He wasn’t completely sure. All he knew was that Y/N stood there with that beautiful smile, her cheeks puffing out from embarrassment. “It’s okay. They aren’t angry. You might want to head on back home, though.”

The elderly couple opened the door, and he found himself face to face with her mother who smiled, corners of her eyes crinkling. “It’s about time, you sweet boy.”

Her father roared, feeling himself growing hotter with every second that passed. “About time for what, Rise? This man to come in here and violate our daughter-”

“Shush, dad. It was all me this time,” Y/N piped up from the back, which only fueled the fire.

“Of course! You’ve always been so promiscuous, Y/N. How could I expect any less?” he rolled his eyes. “And about you, Kazekage boy.”

“Be gentle, Tanaka.”

“Instead of hurting my daughter, I expect you to protect her as if your life depended on it, you hear me? I won’t have someone coming into my house and hurting my children,” he demanded, and Gaara could only nod. He had never been in a situation quite as terrifying as this one, he had to admit. He felt like he had been caught in the middle of some heinous act, even if it was only kissing the object of his affections. He was more than embarrassed, he thought he might crumble into a million tiny pieces.

He replied, “Of course. I’d never let anything hurt Y/N, sir.”

“That’s what I thought. Now get out of here. You can see your little girlfriend some other time, she has chores.”



Gaara nodded to the family of three before opening the door and walking through the threshold. “Goodbye, Gaara!” As he peered back over his shoulder, he was once again stunned by her smiling face, her small hand waving to him as he shut the door behind him. He felt his heart beating faster as he walked down the street back to the Kazekage’s mansion.

Has life always felt this good? He wasn’t too sure. He felt high, like he was floating above the ground with each footstep. Maybe giving the good life, giving Y/N, a chance, was going to work out in his favor. He could feel happiness creeping up his chest and rumbling through his stomach. His cheeks turned red at the thought of his now girlfriend in her home getting scolded by her father, and he couldn’t help but imagine the next day when she would report to his office to pick up paperwork and maybe he could swipe another kiss.

When he walked into his home, he brushed by his brother whose brows perked up upon seeing his expression. “What’s got you looking so whipped, Gaara?”

“It’s nothing, Kankuro.”

“Y/N, right?”


His brother’s loud laughter rung out in the empty hall. He patted his brother’s back with a firm hand, practically congratulating him for getting a girlfriend. It was strange in that way, thinking about it like that. He now had a girlfriend to hug and hold, to keep tightly clasped in his heart for as long as she would allow.

Life was too good. He slept better that night than he had in a long while. All because of this one person who’d wormed their way so easily into his heart.

[Gaara X Reader] Rainbow in the Rain

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 2: Dating|Day 11: Gaara calms you down after a bad dream.

Pairing: Gaara x fem!Reader

Note: Gaara is here :DD Day 11 is here, almost half-way throughhhh!

You squirmed restlessly, tugging at his shirt in your sleep. Your forehead was beaded in sweat and your breathing was ragged and heavy. Judging by the groans you made and the soft whimpers from your lips, Gaara did not waste another second before shaking you by the shoulders, calling out to your name gently.

You reached both hands out to him in your wake. Fear was prominent on your face. “Gaara—you’re hurt—I—”

He hushed you back to silence and pulled you closer to his body. “I’m fine, baby. Look at me, Y/N.” He stroked your hair with one hand and rubbed your back with the other. “I’m fine, I’m here. You don’t have to worry.”

“The rogue Ninjas, they—they ambushed you,” you choked on your words, and your fists clenched tightly as you spoke. “I couldn’t save you, Gaara—I—”

“Y/N, breathe,” the red-haired removed your mangled hair to one side, dabbing your sweaty forehead with the utmost attention. He took a deep inhale, maintaining eye contact with your dilated ones. “Inhale, match your breathing with me. And exhale.”

You gripped onto his shoulders, your breath hitching as you struggled to calm your racing heartbeat. When you finally felt assured that the vivid scene you just witnessed was nothing but a terrible nightmare, you closed your eyes and heaved out an exhausted sigh, resting your head on his firm chest. “Gaara—”

“I’m here, love.” He instantly replied. “Do you want me to get you a cup of water?”

You shook your head. “Sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night.”

“How many times do I have to remind you that I wantto be there for you?”

You got quiet and Gaara thought he troubled you, lifting your face up worriedly. “Are you okay—Y/N?” His eyes widened the moment he saw your teary eyes. “Hey, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you. I—”

“I’m not upset, Gaara,” you whispered, hugging him impossibly tighter as you snuggled your face into his chest. “Just promise me you won’t get hurt. I—I don’t want to lose you.”

Gaara did not respond for a long time and you grew anxious. Right when you were about to tell him that it was nothing important and he should forget what you just said—that it was out of the momentary panic from your nightmare—he turned to you with a serious expression. “I can’t promise you to never get hurt because it’s a risk with my occupation.”

You tried your best to hide your frown behind your reassuring smile—it pained you to see him in agony. “It’s okay, Gaara. I understand—”

“But I’ll promise you to always return to our home, I’ll always return to where I know I’ll always see a rainbow after the rain, to where life begins for me. I’ll alwaysdo.”



[Gaara X Reader] Nevermind

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 1: Attraction|Day 1: Gaara tries to ask you out but you have no clue.

Pairing: Gaara x gn!Reader

Note: My first entry for the event :DDD Enjoy!

“Where do you think is a good idea to take someone to on a first date?” Gaara considered it for a moment before blurting his question out, hoping that he was not too adamant, but you would be able to catch a hint—you should, given that it was his fifth attempt and how terribly embarrassed he was after giving it a second judgment.

But you did not, even to the slightest degree.

“It depends on the person,” you mumbled thoughtfully. “Some like quiet places like a library, some like energetic places like an amusement park, some are just in the middle, coffee shops, or something like that.”

“Oh, I see,” he muttered, seeming apathetic, but deep inside, the man was utterly frustrated. It seemed like you needed more than that. So he abruptly stood up, pulling you up with him. “Let’s go then.”

“Go where?” You asked, still focused on the book in your lap. “I thought Temari and Kankuro are coming here?”

“No, they aren’t. It’s just me and you,” Gaara hummed, totally avoiding your gaze as his voice became more inaudible, “to the library, or amusement park, or coffee shop. All of them.”

“There’s no way we can do all of that in one day, Gaara.”

“Which one do you like, then?” At this point, he could no longer hold himself accountable, nor his feelings. Quickly defending himself, he cleared his throat, “It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

“I’d love to,” you leaped up from your seat. “We can go visit a new coffee shop that’s not too far from here!”

“Do you not have an idea where this is heading right now?”

“The coffeeshop?” You raised your brows at him.

“Really?” Gaara was really baffled, to say the least, and decided to come clean. “Do you even know what a date is?”

“Of course I do.” You exclaimed, feeling insulted because of his lame question. “How could I not know what a date—ugh—”

“Now, do you see what I meant?” He smirked, leaning down to your level. “So, are you onboard for a date at a coffee shop on this perfect morning, dear?”



[Gaara X Reader] Pillow Talk

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 4: True Love|Day 24: Gaara shares his deepest thoughts for you while you are asleep, or pretending to be asleep.

Pairing: Gaara x gn!Reader

Note: Hello, hello! Quick question, I was thinking of writing for more fandoms, what do you guys think? This one is very poetic, enjoy!

You could not fall asleep, despite it being literally one in the morning. And Gaara was no better than you. He lay staring at the ceiling, his hand periodically smoothed across your shoulder a couple of times before he released a long exhale.

“Can’t sleep?” You looked up at him, eyes twinkling in the dark.

“Yeah,” he hummed, pecking your forehead. It became his habit whenever you would snuggle into his arms—to bring his lips to your skin in feather-like kisses. “You too?”

You nodded, something bothering you, lowly simmering in the pit of your stomach. “About the mission…”

Indeed. Gaara knew you were worried about his upcoming mission. As a Kazekage, he would not need to go on a mission himself, but this was a special case, thus, made you worried sick for the last few days. Even though you did not deliberately show it, still acting like your normal self, the red-haired could easily discern your uneasiness through those long stares that you would give him when you were alone.

“I’ll be going with Kankuro,” he assured, “you don’t have to worry.”

“I know,” you sighed, “it’s just… You know, sometimes, those thoughts keep appearing in my head.”

Gaara hugged you closer, and you obediently dove into his broad chest, greedily inhaling his warmth. He could not tell you how agonizing it put him through seeing you dispirited from the moment you heard the news that he would be away for at least one month, out there walking on the line of life and death. The two of you started counting the days left before his departure in secret as if it was to prolong the minutes you could spend together, even as simple as leaning against one another under the clear, blue sky. And tonight was the last peaceful night before the tides of loneliness would wash over the shore of your heart. It was the silence that buried the dread growing larger inside your bosoms, suppressing the overwhelming speculations that neither one of you dared to express. Because you feared for the worst.

“Just close your eyes, Y/N,” he whispered.

You did, shutting your eyes at his words, trying your best to relax your tensed muscles. “Even though you’re leaving tomorrow, I’m still happy we can still be like this, Gaara.”

You felt your body getting heavier and heavier until you were nearly drifting into your slumber. The red-haired dotingly looked down at you in his arms, smiling fondly. “Whenever you miss me, just close your eyes, and I’ll be there by your side.”


