

You know you’re a kinky super fat fuck when you see this picture in an ad for all weather mobility scooters and your first though is how sexy it would be to try and squash yourself into one. ❤

Australian summer is brutal. Even with whole house air con it’s still miserably uncomfortable for me. I’ve gotten so fat that even 25°c feels too warm unless I have a fan directly on me. I’m sure next summer will be even worse. ❤

‘Large’ doesn’t even come close

Felt thicc

Hiiiii there, kinky-ass folks! I know, I know I’ve been gone a while… Had some personal life stuff to take care of, but surprise surprise, I’m no less fat. More fat if anything

I swear my feet are getting further away. Need you to handle things like this for me whilst I keep putting the calories in

I swear my feet are getting further away. Need you to handle things like this for me whilst I keep putting the calories in pic.twitter.com/9xyPwKLq7A — begginerbelly (@begginerbelly) May 21, 2022

Think my thighs are looking fatter and this angle makes my overhang look so much better than it is

Two of my favourite moments from a recent video, they’re not much but I think they show how much my body and soul wants to be bigger ‍♂️

I love how my body looks just chilling no matter how shaky the camera is

Shaved some hair off and damn do I feel fat and in need of some serious food
