#gaius the court physician



Merlin becoming a physician throughout the years


The relationship between Arthur and Merlin at the point of the end of season three is something different.

When Arthur tells Gwaine and Elyan to take Gaius and go to the woods it seems for a moment he completely forgot about Merlin. Only when he turns back to him he’s like “oh yea you’re not my shadow after all, you’re your own person you may wanna go with them” - because let’s face it for most of the time Arthur treats Merlin like some kind of inseparable part of himself (when Arthur goes somewhere alone he’s taking Merlin, which in my interpretation is not alone, but I feel like for them it is - they are two sides of the same coin and that coin is going alone on a quest).

And Merlin is like “nah” because his place is with Arthur. And Arthur seems pleased. Which is funny because Gwaine or even Elyan would be more helpful in a battle (at least from the non magical perspective). But no. Arthur want Merlin and Merlin is okay with that.

Then at the round table when everybody except Merlin devoted themselves to battle and to Arthur, Arthur is like “Merlin get up we’re the same coin you can’t split the coin”. And Merlin is like “I know I just wanted to be asked personally”.

It’s like they are inseparable. But not like at the beginning when Merlin was clinging to Arthur so he can protect him. It’s unanimous now.

Arthur “I’m Arthur and that’s the other part of me - Merlin” Pendragon

And Merlin “even when he goes alone we’re going together” the Young Warlock


So I’ve been wondering how during literally every episode Arthur or Uther are almost killed and the only thing keeping them from dying is Merlin.

So before Merlin came to Camelot did it look the same? Like they were harmed/poisoned every other day? Like were they thinking that they are just very unlucky?

And when Merlin appeared in their lives and started saving them did they just assume that they got better at protecting themselves?

They would be like “ah yes the luck has came back to us we are so great” while Merlin is like “b i t c h”
