

Good greetings, one and all! After 6 years and almost a dozen weekly updates for my patrons to keep me going, my newest masterpiece is finally complete! First things first! This class is 19 pages so this is just a portion. You can view the entire document HERE!

So, there’s quite the story behind this class. When I first got into this whole homebrewing thing, I was pretty new to 5th edition, maybe only a couple one-shots under my belt. But when a buddy of mine asked me to join a campaign he was gonna start, I thought it would be just the best idea to homebrew a class to play for my first major character. 

The class in question was a tinker, and inventor of things and wielder of all kinds of steampunk-y gadgets. I came to the table with a basic overview and the first few levels written out, and things were going great. I was having fun with it as I tinkered with the class and developed it further as we played, a bit like a certain claymation dog and a model train set. That was April of 2016.

But then things started to go wrong. As someone with ADHD, a wild imagination, and, at the time, boundless creative energy, I was making massive sweeping changes every couple months because I was constantly changing my mind as to what I wanted the class to be, always coming up with new ideas I wanted to experiment with instead of sticking with what I had. Months turned to years, and I soon realized that my beloved Tinker was stuck in the dreaded Development Hell.

BUT NO MORE! Thanks to a new regiment of making weekly updates for my patrons to keep me making consistent progress, I’ve finally finished this damnable project. I can’t even begin to describe how pleased I am with the final result, and it’s so surreal to finally see what was basically my first ever 5e homebrew completed after all these years. And I have you all to thank for it. Were it not for the Foundry and you all who have supported me through all it’s ups and downs, I honestly don’t thing I ever would have finished it. So thank you, stay safe, and don’t forget to love each other.

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