#gardening blog


8/11/21 ~ I believe this is the Cherokee Purple. Finally about to be ripe! Had to fight the Horn Worms off of this plant

Never spray weed killer around your plants. Those toxic chemicals seep into our water supply and damage the soil. They can also affect the taste of many plants such as mint, tomatoes, cucumbers etc.

Instead, after you’ve watered your plants pull the weeds out from the root. (pulling them out after the soil has soaked up water makes it much easier to pull the full root out).

Weeding your garden is a great way to understand whats going on with your plants and gives you some quiet alone time to enjoy the progress your plants have made :)

Keep Planting & Keep Growing

My younger brother gave me the idea to start daily gardening tips and advice so stay tuned for these small useful tips.

Also, feel free to ask me any questions regarding Beekeeping, gardening, or anything to do with homemade goods!

Beautiful “Early Wonder” Beets from my garden.Beets need plenty of space between seedl

Beautiful “Early Wonder” Beets from my garden.

Beets need plenty of space between seedlings to thrive and expand. Be sure to give them plenty of space to spread their roots.

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My sunflower head in full bloom on a foggy Bay Area day

My sunflower head in full bloom on a foggy Bay Area day

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