

important visuals feat. Garf


Garfield - 2022-06-03

Cyber Monday Double Feature! 

The Special Presentation vidcast is back, with one of the most highly anticipated episodes: Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue!  Watch and listen as the 80s fizzle to a close right before your eyes in a world that had only just discovered The Simpsons. 

But that’s not all!

It’s Riff Time! In today’s podcast, The Hungry Reader talks about an early attempt at riffing this childhood classic with longtime friend Pullahoko. For this special occasion, we’ve put together a best-of montage, which thoughtfully excises South Park references, R-words and anything else that was too 2009. 

#podcast    #vidcast    #garfield    #smurfs    #winnie the pooh    

Today is a special day because we have TWO Special Presentation vidcasts to share with you! First up we’ve got It’s An Adventure, Charlie Brown, featuring the story where Charlie Brown basically reinvents himself as a cool guy when he goes to college in a different state, “Sack”! Then Peppermint Patty has a religious experience, and Snoopy transforms into a helicopter… kind of a lot goes on in this one. This episode also features Mike and Ethan’s rumination on Transformers BotBots and the opportunity to meet their appliance-sonas!

But we’re not done yet– Mike and Ethan’s Halloween Special is here, and it’s extra special because it contains a special! It’s Garfield’s Halloween Adventure, also known as Garfield In Disguise. In keeping with this hallowed day, this podcast contains live commentary on the special– and since that wouldn’t make any sense without the special itself, we’ve included that too, with vintage commercials and all the trimmings! Then stay tuned for our tribute to our favorite and least-favorite Halloween specials, and the revelation that Paul Lynde was actually a cartoon goat.

A Special Presentation: or, ALF Will Not Be Seen Tonight can be heard in podcast form weekly, usually on Mondays, right here! We’re on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and so many others, you’ll surely have a way to listen on your commute! The vidcast version of each podcast goes up about a week or two later, so subscribe to ME, The Hungry Reader, to get them!

A Special Presentation; or, ALF Will Not Be Seen Tonight

#podcast    #halloween    #garfield    #charlie brown    #peanuts    

Hey! I made another process vid/speedpaint for my Garfield x Pokemon piece a while back! Check it out, and go subscribe if you wanna see more!

Follow me on social media for more art and stuff!
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#speedpaint    #garfield    #pokemon    #speed drawing    #speed art    #timelapse    #jon arbuckle    #pokeani    #pikachu    #illustration    #drawing    #cartoon    #comics    #ash ketchum    #satoshi    #pokemon trainer    
Cat-Owner Jon wants to Battle!

Cat-Owner Jon wants to Battle!

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deletavio:deletavio: i saw a meme that said they should date.. i agree one mind



i saw a meme that said they should date.. i agree

one mind

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torracat:this is the money garf. reblog for untold pasta and riches to come your way


this is the money garf. reblog for untold pasta and riches to come your way

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Garf sticker I’ll have available at Dublin Comic Con

marcy are you /j or /srs
