#gay coding



Fellas… I know from some Google search spoilers that Ichigo ends up with Orihime but as of the first season he really comes off as… not straight.

Orihime, who‘s implied to be the prettiest girl in school, has a really obvious crush on him and he just does not care. He’s deeply disturbed when he learns Kon kissed a girl with his body. He HATES that people think he and Rukia are dating. He has yet to view girls in a romantic light (which is weird for a shounen protag). Maybe I’m just to eager to claim him as ase or mlm but idk bro :/

@rukias I’m reading the manga atm but I’m only partway through (hence the liveblog). I’m sure you’re right, he just really comes off this way in the first few arcs I’ve read so far

Fellas… I know from some Google search spoilers that Ichigo ends up with Orihime but as of the first season he really comes off as… not straight.

Orihime, who‘s implied to be the prettiest girl in school, has a really obvious crush on him and he just does not care. He’s deeply disturbed when he learns Kon kissed a girl with his body. He HATES that people think he and Rukia are dating. He has yet to view girls in a romantic light (which is weird for a shounen protag). Maybe I’m just to eager to claim him as ase or mlm but idk bro :/

Karl heisenberg is gay coded (analysis time)

I wanted to begin my analysis by saying i’m a gay dude, and to ask people to please not to comment if they think he’s straight or bi, this is about him being potentially gay. Thank you. 

If there is more i could add, let me know. I’m also going to add some things about victor frankenstein since yknow karl is based off of him. 

Karl heisenberg is the last of the four lords you encounter, and let me just say he has a lot of homoerotic subtext, similar to how victor frankenstein has a lot of homoerotic subtext and since he is inspired off of him i’ll also be using this on my analysis. In the game it’s quite apparent that Karl has a liking for ethan winters, which ties in to the gay coding and homoerotic subtext. Homoerotic subtext in media is when characters especially two characters of the same gender bicker or fight to the point where there may be some gay implications, some of the books that come at the top of my head are doctor faustus and frankenstein, but i believe that the subtext is also there and extremely apparent for karl heisenberg, especially for how he feels for ethan winters.

In Heisenbergs notes he comments about how interesting ethans body is, although this is very likely to be because of the mold it can very well fight into the category of homoerotic subtext, because he doesn’t claim that he finds how ethans body is interesting because of how it could function, and also doesn’t mention anything about roses other than it being powerful. So it leads me to believe that it was made with the intention to give homoerotic subtext and gay coding for his character.

This is a pretty silly point to bring up but in the puppet show they made, heisenberg says “good luck daddy” and honestly I feel like I really don’t need to comment about how that could be gay coding. He also calls ethan papa, and if that isn’t homoerotic subtext or just gay coding I honestly probably don’t know what is.

(This way papa also sounds pretty gay) 

 Throughout the game he also flirts with ethan, and even tells ethan that he likes him. Which of course could be Karl trying to act charismatic and persuasive but knowing his lack of social skills it is more than likely he was being completely sincere, especially since he is also very honest about using rose as a weapon. Looking into his character sharing potential intimate things like that isn’t hard especially since he opens up about his trauma to ethan, never lying or trying to manipulate him. Which also makes the “i like you” comment to ethan part of his gay coding. I’ll put the pictures below as well.

Also like how Alcina Dimitrescu has a lot of statues of women, Heisenberg has his soldats which are all men, none of them are women. Which again could be the potential of him being misogynistic but I think it’s more like how Alcina Dimitrescu  only has statues of women because she loves women and has a preference for women. Sooooo I think it’s fair to say it’s the same for heisenberg. I also know this isn’t a good point but his voice do be sounding fruity as fuck (sorry sorry). I also believe that Victor Frankenstein ( who is Karl is based on is gay coded himself or at least has homoerotic subtext) Which could point to him definetely being gay coded! since frankenstein did try to make the creature attractive but I don’t think that’s one of the strongest arguments I could make

I also want to lasty bring up the scene where Heisenberg demands Ethan to sit and pushes him onto the chair, I believe that was very clear homoerotic subtext with his character. I also believe that if he was attracted to women he could have made a comment about Mia but he didn’t. 

I do think he is EXTREMELY coded to be a gay man and I could write more if you guys want but thats all for now :0. I could def go into detail on more points but lmk
