#bleach liveblog


Rukia calls Ichigo “Kisama,” which is an incredibly rude second-person pronoun (and mostly limited to media) in modern Japanese. But in older times, “Kisama“ was a second-person pronoun indicating great respect, and it’s been established that Rukia’s knowledge of casual Japanese is very out-of-date. This leads me to believe Ichigo thinks Rukia is affectionately calling him a bastard (once they become pals), while Rukia thinks she’s just being respectful.

If everyone who gets attacked by hollows starts noticing the presence of spirits, like Tatsuki and Orihime, shouldn’t a noticable portion of the world have some knowledge of spirits already, thereby alerting the rest of the world of spirits? Shouldn’t Yuzu be able to see some now, since she was attacked by hollows? Could a character who can kind of see spirits, like Karen or Kanonji, only have that power because they were previously attacked by a hollow?

I think I understand now. Orihime and Chad are airheads who are actually super smart and Ichigo and Ishida are smart people who are actually just clowns

That giant arrow doesn’t fool me. This Quincy kid is definitely a massive nerd

Ichigo‘s school is bonkers. I’m pretty sure the phys Ed teacher is the only one who cares about anything and there seem to be no rules other than the ones he makes up

This is his casual outfit. Now I understand how his fanbase is a whole 1/5th of Tokyo’s population

I love how Urahara is an excellent, caring, understanding dad to those young kids but he could not care if teenagers died

Kanonji is probably my favorite background character because he had absolutely no clue about anything but he acts like he has the knowledge of god and I can respect that

I know it’s a sad moment because we find out who killed Ichigo’s mom, but Grand Fisher is such a dumb name. He sounds like a small town fishing champ going through a midlife crisis

When Ichigo and Rukia have that cool good moment where they become true pals and Rukia is like “you can tell me about you’re mom when you’re ready-“ That’s GOOD STUFF. That displays Trust and Emotional Vulnerability and Understanding without pushing boundaries. That’s just *shounen fist clench* good friendship. And then, as usual, Kon ruins it.

I think we can all enjoy this panel of what appears to be kurosaki isshin smoking a plastic chicken

This man’s fashion sense is…. Something Else

Bleach theme songs SLAP. Asterisk* is so friggin catchy. That english song they play during fights sometimes is immaculate. THANK YOU BY HOME MADE KAZOKU MAKES ME WILD

Ichigo’s just got a haunted stuffed animal and his shinigami pal hiding in his closet. How has nobody in his family noticed anything

Kon had so much potential as a character but all of it is obliterated once he becomes the token perv. That “I won’t kill anything, no matter how small, since my life was also once deemed worthless,” motive is SO GOOD but he’s such a creep that I can’t enjoy any of it.

Those kids on the playground deleting their crappy video game characters sayin “Those who don’t listen to their masters DIE!!” and cackling as the data is deleted

What kid talks like that?? Who views video games like that?? WHO LAUGHS AS THEY DELETE THEIR LAME SAVE DATA?? Screw Kon but he had a point. breaking their video games was for the best.

Fellas… I know from some Google search spoilers that Ichigo ends up with Orihime but as of the first season he really comes off as… not straight.

Orihime, who‘s implied to be the prettiest girl in school, has a really obvious crush on him and he just does not care. He’s deeply disturbed when he learns Kon kissed a girl with his body. He HATES that people think he and Rukia are dating. He has yet to view girls in a romantic light (which is weird for a shounen protag). Maybe I’m just to eager to claim him as ase or mlm but idk bro :/

14 gd chapters in and there’s already lesbophobia. I knew that well-passed bechdel test was too good to be true.

When Ichigo gets his body back after Kon is jumping around on buildings n stuff he must be mad sore

Urahara is infinitely better in the manga than in the anime because he ends all his sentences with little hearts like this ♡

The leg the leg is my leg

Bleach is really going the extra mile to pass it’s bechdel test

So far it seems like Rukia’s main problem-solving tactic is “stab it with your massive sword.”

I like her.
