
From our little family to yours; Kyle, Revan, and I wish you a Happy and Safe Holidays!Let’s get 2

From our little family to yours; Kyle, Revan, and I wish you a Happy and Safe Holidays!

Let’s get 2020 done and in the books already!

#happyholidays #merrychristmas #gayfamily #gaycouple #dog #dogsofinstagram #puppy #shewontsitstill

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To much love in one photo! Going back one week ago my friends and I, at Camping de la fierté. ️️‍#

To much love in one photo! Going back one week ago my friends and I, at Camping de la fierté. ️️‍

#beard #chubs #plussizefashion #love #friends #gayfamily #gaymontreal #queer #osos #oso #osogay #bear #ours # #pride (at Camping Domaine de la Fierte)

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Photo by: www.cazzo.cl #gaybear #gayboy #gayfamily #bestfriends #beard #bearshttps://www.instagram

Photo by: www.cazzo.cl

#gaybear #gayboy #gayfamily #bestfriends #beard #bears

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With my gorgeous friend @thesagittarianbear . I forgot I had these photos. Such a great summer, it w

With my gorgeous friend @thesagittarianbear . I forgot I had these photos. Such a great summer, it was so fun.

#beard #cub #summer2019 #bears #gaycub #gayfamily #friends #plussizemodel # (at Fort de Plainbois)

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Me and my BIG Brother

When I think back to my childhood, I remember my family’s lake house with fondness. That old structure holds so many beautiful memories. My brother and I spent summer after summer in the crystal clear waters, diving off the pier, riding jet skis, and lounging away the hot days. It was a terrific childhood, but the year I turned 18 stands out as the most significant year for me, my brother, and that old house.

I am getting ahead of myself. Let me give you a bit of history about the two brothers named Kyle and Kameron. We grew up in the 90s. That was when you still played outside until dark, and video games were great but not our lives. It was also a time when being an “out and proud” gay kid was not very popular, especially in the South. “Will and Grace” was popular but they hadn’t changed the whole country yet.

Kyle and I were two years apart but always close and, unusually, the best of friends. He was the oldest, but we both had matching swimmer builds, greenish/blue eyes, and natural blond/brown hair growing up. Mine was a bit more naturally curly, and Kyles filled with waves. In our younger years, we were often mistaken as twins. The High School and teen years changed that and removed our similarities. Teenage years tend to separate the masses between the jocks, nerds, preps, and plain awkward. Kyle and I Felt that natural selection first hand.

Kyle was the typical straight-A Gorgeous Jock. Football quarterback, straight out of an 80s teen movie. He was the poster boy for that “type.” His athletics and daily workouts guided him to a much larger build than mine. I went through a heavy stage in High School. I no longer had a swimmer’s body, and my only 6 pack was Coca-Cola. I wasn’t into sports but excelled in chorus and drama.

I was always a bit “fem” acting. I didn’t set out to be that way, Its simply how I was (well, AM). I often got a lot of grief because of my natural mannerisms. And anytime Kyle knew about it, he was right there to set the bully’s straight. Although we would never have been friends in the 80s teen movie script, we remained as close as any two friends could be.

When Kyle left for college, I was devastated. I felt like my world was gone. My days were no longer filled with the warm hearted big brother and the first year without him, I got very depressed. I stopped eating,, but that depression turned out to be a great weight loss plan. We stayed in touch for the first year. I coveted the holidays.

His second year, things changed. It was my senior year. It was the first year that I started to “come into my own,” if you will. I got in shape, lost weight and gained a bit of much-needed independence. Kyle didn’t come home much that year. He took courses in the medical field and devoted all his time to school. That was the first year we drifted apart. We slowly developed two separate lives.

My Senior year was coming to an end, and the summer was beginning. Being a bit older than the norm, our parents had both retired by the time I finished High School. Dad from establishing and selling a multi-million dollar insurance firm and mom from 30 plus years in pharmaceuticals. Their dream and plan was to travel.

The year was 1998.

EVERYTHING changed and I found out what BIG Brother really means.

June 5th 1998, I walked across the stage and accepted my High School diploma. (Kyle was too busy to make the event, but I had become used to his absence.)

June 6th, my parents hugged me, said goodbye, and pulled out of the driveway in a new 48 foot motor home. They were headed in a 3 month trip across the country.

June 7th, I threw my bags in the car, locked the house, and began the trip to our family’s lakehouse. I had always told my parents that I wanted to spend the summer before college at the lakehouse. I reflected on the past year as I drove the two hours to the lake. It had been a great year, but I was still dealing with my sexuality. I hadn’t told anyone, now I realize that everyone knew but me.

I’m a procrastinator, so it was dark by the time I left and got to the house. But I was on my own. No parents, no rules, and a whole summer to explore any other “possibly gay, but not really” guys who were at the lake that year? Maybe there was another guy like me looking for a summer romance?


I pulled up the drive and under the cart port. I walked up the stairs to the familiar front porch. Motion sensor lights came on every step of the way, illuminating the usual path I had run so many times as a child. I turned the key and pushed the old wooden door open. The wonderful musty smell took me directly back to the years with my family. I pictured the hundreds of times that Kyle and I raced to cross the threshold first. We hadn’t been in a few years. I felt tears fall from my eyes as the nostalgia of the moment swept me away.

I went to the master bedroom and unpacked. The last time I was here was two summers ago when we had our Grans 50th anniversary dinner. My family would spend this same week at this house for years because my Birthday is June 8th. This year I would turn 18. However, I insisted on having a quiet celebration alone. That’s what I had always planned.

Like some movie montage, I wanted to spend my 18th birthday alone at the lakehouse, preparing myself for the rest of my life. I had pictured some symbolic day of self-reflection where I would gain inner strength, and my future would fall into place because of my newfound independence. Drama, remember??

I soon fell asleep to the wonderful sounds and artic cold air produced by the huge old AC unit in the corner window. I dreamt of many things that night. One particular dream was of Kyle. I guess the old smells triggered memories. I slept as comfortably and securely as I always had within those walls.

The sun began to shine through mini blinds and it crept its way slowly towards my face. I revolted against its intrusion and shoved myself beneath the covers for the wonder slumber sleep.

I had just started to drift back into dreamland when I heard something from the kitchen side of the house. I Shook it off as some groceries I had brought fell. PLANK!! OK that’s not groceries. My slumber was 100% now over as my fear became completely real. It has to be Jason from Friday the 13th. I’m at a lakehouse, alone. It was the lakeside stranger. He had come to kill his first gay victim like some kind of Dahmer copycat.

I slowly pulled myself to the edge of the bed. It was cold. The trusty AC had done its job and brought the room to a meat-hanging temp. CLACK!!! Yep, it’s a killer, and he’s not even trying to be discrete.

I waited until the AC compressor started again so the killer couldn’t hear my steps. Maybe I could run out the front door. I was only wearing a pair of well-worn Calvin Klein boxer briefs, but the neighbors would just have to see the goods. This was life and death.

I stepped to the door and peeked through the space between the frame and the door. All I could see was a baseball cap and a large frame. He appeared to be going back out the back door. That led to the rear porch, where he was obviously getting an ax to kill me. I quickly opened the door halfway and bolted to the front door. DAMNIT!!

It was locked, and we had installed a Keylock deadbolt in years past to prevent someone from breaking the glass and opening the lock. It was planned for safety. This day it would be the thing that caused my demise.

The rear door shut; he was coming back in. I ran back to the bedroom, heart beating through my chest. Oh OK help me, I thought as his footsteps started towards the bedroom. I didn’t know what to do. I hid behind the door. He slowly walked into the bedroom, where I had left the door halfway open. It was dark In the room, only a few rays of light to help guide me in this situation.

He slowly came in and walked over to the bed. He seemed to be planning to start slashing me right there without waking me. I held my breath a d watched as he got closer and closer to the bed. I had to do something before he realized no one was there.

As any level-headed, in the closet, 165-pound gay, hopeful drama major would do…

I SCREAMED and ran out the bedroom to the back door, pushing the Intruder over the nightstand and onto the bed. I continued down—the back stairs, around the house, and towards the pier.

Yes, I ran to the pier. (I now have respect for people in horror movies. They are not thinking logically.) I ran onto the pier. Not to the street. Not to the neighbors. I ran to the dock. I guess I was planning to swim away from him?

I got to the end of the pier and looked back towards the house. The killer was standing on the porch. My contacts were not in, and my glasses were somewhere in the now toppled nightstand. I couldn’t see any details, but I could see him on the front porch.

He started walking down the steps towards me.

PANIC!!!! He was deranged. HE was coming to kill me in broad daylight. He started yelling, My name. “Kameron!! Oh dear God in heaven, he knows my name. I Bet he hid under my car like the killer in "Cape Fear.” He’s been stalking me for years. Waiting for me to be alone. He’s gonna make a coat out of my skin. “KAMERON, come on!! "he yelled as he walked closer.

Not today, Satan! I jumped off the pier and started swimming to the neighbor’s dock. I was a pretty good swimmer and was halfway there when I turned around. At the end of our pier, I saw my killer holding his stomach laughing. I wiped my eyes and squinted. "Bro, Kameron, it’s me, it’s Kyle!!!”


I suddenly felt like a complete idiot. Our lake was not terribly deep and always crystal clear. I was wadding water then dropped my legs to realize I could stand. As the cool crept between my toes, the water level was to my shoulders. The cool water managed to help me gain my composure as the reality of all this came into my mind. I slowly started walking and treading water back towards our pier and my hysterical big brother.

“Oh My God, you almost tore the back door off.” Ha ha ha Bahaaa!! He was rolling. My embarrassing actions now turned to anger. I climbed up the steps onto the pier and lunged at Kyle. “What the Hell BRO. What the fuck are you doing here? You scared the shit outta me.” “damn you man,” I shouted.

Still laughing, Kyle put his hands up to defend my shoves, “hey hey, I’m sorry, I was gonna surprise you for your birthday.” “well, you managed that, asshole,” I yelled and gave him one final shove as I stormed off towards the house.

“Kameron, hey bro, I’m sorry, don’t be mad. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Kyle retorted as he started coming after me. In my most extraordinary dramatic performance to date, I marched back up onto the front porch and turned towards him. “I seriously could have had a heart attack. Did you even think about anything? Mr. Doctor?” Realizing how super silly I had just sounded, I turned and looked at him.

I hadn’t seen Kyle in almost a year. If he had been studying, it must have been in a gym with tanning bulbs in the ceiling. He stood there in ripped jeans, brilliant white sneakers, a black tank top that clung to each muscle as if it were holding on for its very existence. A well-worn white shirt hung lazily over his perfect shape and a college cap with that perfectly curved bill.

I looked into bright green eyes and saw true regret as if his county fair balloon just got popped while getting into the car. I melted a bit but still held onto myself presumed sibling rivalry and smiled.

“But. I guess it was a little funny.” I shot him a small smile and brief parole from his previous sentence. “He beamed those million-dollar teeth back at me and said, "damn right it was, you almost made me stab myself with the nightstand and lamp. Dufass…” He said as he ran up onto the porch to hug me.

His arms engulfed me and I melted into his touch, his friendship, and his general love for me. The connection was immediate. We both jostled one another and tossed each other’s hair as we shared a heartfelt greeting.

He pushed me back and said, “lil bro, you look great. Damn, do I need to barricade the door to block all the high school hotties from getting in here? Mom and Dad said you’d lost weight but damn bro. You look incredible.”

I blushed and literally soaked in the compliments like a dry sponge. I had changed. Braces were off, my chest was defined. I had an early tan which made my teeth even brighter than they actually were. I’d also let my curly hair grow a bit going me a surfer kid kind of look. I hadn’t started to realize the changes until that moment. I think about that even today.

Kyles’s next comment left me with a permanent blush and many questions. “I can’t get over the change. Definitely, gonna have to board up the doors when they find out the two gorgeous Kirkland boys are in this house.” Kyle continued as he made his way past me to the front door.

“bro, shut up. I’m still pissed at you, so I’m not buying the flattery and ‘Kyle charm.” I shot back. Then he looked down and said. “no flattery needed, lil bro. From the looks of what’s slipping out of those wet shorts, it appears that you’ve grown a delicious, gorgeous charm wand of your own.” He stated with a wink and walked into the house.

I looked down, and somewhere in all the struggles, my well-worn Calvin’s had ripped. One previous rip had now been torn much further, and a new rip at the “easy access” pouch had also ripped. These two strategic tears had left the giant mushroom head of my cut cock, and the midsection of my hefty shaft exposed to the morning sun. I quickly covered myself and went inside. Red as a beet!!

What did Kyle say? Did I hear him right? Did he say delicious? Talking about my dick was erotic and exciting enough, but I’m sure he didn’t say delicious? No. Right‽ I was filled with emotions I had never felt. Something stirred within me. Something erotic yet taboo. I questioned every word spoken on that porch. Today I know what he said; I know what he meant. But at that moment, I had no idea what that summer would hold.

But oh, what a Magical Summer!


Me and my BIG Brother pt 2

The morning had begun with fear and embarrassment. My mind was still reeling from the roller coaster of emotions I had just experienced.

I walked to the house towards the master bath. As I stepped into the room, I found the lamp on the floor, shade bent, light bulb broken. It had met its fate when I made my daring escape from my serial killer Big Brother. I straightened up the nightstand and lazily shoved the broken glass under the corner to deal with later. Typical me would have cleaned that up immediately. But at this moment, my mind was focused on much more. My head was spinning, and my heart was still beating with excitement. Had I just heard things right? Had my brother called my dick delicious? Was he staring at it, was he staring at me? No way. But he definitely said delicious. It must be some new college term that I was not hip to? Surely I’d misread that. Misread or not. My cock jumped with excitement at the thought of Kyle looking at me.

As I carefully moved the final piece of broken glass, I couldn’t help but chuckle with laughter. Thinking about my actions and picturing me running and jumping into the lake. That was funny; I had to admit. I was on one knee with my side to the door when Kyle stepped into the doorway.

He leaned in, placing his hands on either side of the doorway. They wrapped themselves around the doorframe, holding the weight of his body. His abrupt halt had caused beautiful natural blonde streaks to sway towards his cheekbones. They came to rest at the edge of his cheeks as if to cradle the sculpted perfection. His large physique filled the entrance as if he were perfectly chiseled out of a piece of flawless tanned ivory. I was suddenly looking at the cover of a romance novel as the daylight illuminated the room behind him. As he leaned in, his biceps flexed and stretched the paper-thin fabric of the white shirt that was clinging to his body.

Thankfully my cock was exposed on the opposite side of my body because it jumped again and started its ascent to the sky. The combination of morning, ripped calvins, and Kyle was simply too much for my 18-year hormones to handle.

“Oh Shit, did you break it?” He said.

“Hell no, you broke it.” I retorted with a peal of continuous laughter, careful to hide my growing member. He gave me a million-dollar smile, rolled his beautiful green eyes, and muttered, “whatever, Lil bro…” as he bounced to the kitchen.

I waited until I could clearly hear him in the kitchen, then I stood up and quickly stepped to the bathroom. Closing and locking the door, I took a deep breath.

I then took a brief moment to deal with something I hadn’t given much thought to in a while. Kyle had been away for so long. I had not had to deal with these feelings in some time. It had been a year since I sat in my bedroom, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kyle getting out of the shower. Even longer since I had watched him play ball in the back yard or help dad around the house in running shorts. The guilt and combined shame of this hidden lust had not been an issue in some time. I had hoped and prayed it was a teenage phase, or hormonal puberty thing. The gay thoughts were dealt with but the taboo of this??? No, No, I couldnt go back to pining over Kyle again. But what the hell had just happened? Had my Bog Brother just flirted with me?


I grabbed a towel and started to dry my wet hair. As I looked up and started on the other side, I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror. There stood a smaller version of Kyle. Some difference, but still Kyle. Kyle with ripped Calvins. Kyle tonned, tanned with freshly shaved heavy balls presenting a hefty semi-hard-on. I had jerked off to the mirror many times before. Picturing it was another guy. But I had not done so since my body had blossomed into my brother’s smaller framed double. I dropped the towel to the floor and guided my right hand to my dick. I grasped the shaft, and, with two strokes, I was rock hard. With visions of my brother fresh in my mind, I stepped closer to the mirror. My hand was now starting to work with a pleasurable rhythm. I allowed my left hand to touch my chest and slid it down to the waistband of the partially destroyed boxer briefs. The HOTNESS of being partially nude was too tempting as I played with the waistband and pulled it down touching the base of my shaft.

I focused my attention on my body and cock as I held its rigid straightness tightly in my hand. Up and down the pole I stroked, imagining my brother’s cock in my hand. I allowed saliva to fall from my mouth and land on the head of my cock. I kept the rhythm as I simply allowed the natural lubricant to engulf my rod intensifying the desire. My left hand now stretching the waistband of my underwear further down allowing its elasticity to rub against my hard dick. I released the waistband and propped myself against the wall with my left hand as I started to feel that beautiful release building up inside me. I thought of my tongue reaching forward to touch the tip of Kyles Dick and with that thought I exploded onto the mirror.

Stream after stream of hot cum hit the mirror with the force that seemed enough to crack its surface. I watched the milky substance splatter on the surface wishing it was my face being rewarded with Kyles seed. I shook with pleasure as the orgasm rippled through me. The last stream hit the floor as the fluid started to drip from my mushroom head and spilled on my thumb. I brought the cum to my lip and applied it like gloss, then allowed my tongue to taste its sweet saltiness. I trembled with final waves of orgasm as I pictured myself tasting my Big Brother. Breathing heavily, I closed my eyes and allowed reality to once again invade my fantasy.

I turned towards the shower and started the water. The smell of bacon began to fill the air as I heard kyle shout. “Jerk it quick, Im cooking breakfast.” We had always teased one another about this. If he had only knew how many times he had yelled that same thing while I was doing just that, thinking about him. This time had been different. He had given me more to work with than just passing glimpses and tight clothing. He had actually talked about ME, and commented on ME. Not just me but he called my cock delicious. I cleaned the mirror and stepped into the shower all the while trying to figure out theose comments. As I soaped up and allowed the warm water to refocus my attention, I realized something. The guilt and shame that normally followed a “Kyle centered orgasm,” was no longer there. I had to remind myself that it was not normal. I actually had to tell myself, “It’s your BROTHER, Kameron…”

I guess my Baptist upbringing allowed some shred of guilt to creep back in, but there was still some kind of acceptance going on. There was definitely less guilt and for the first time, my thoughts didn’t bring the disgrace it had always bestowed. Again, What the HELL???

Breakfast was the same as hundreds of times before. The two Kirkland brothers sitting at the round oak table teasing one another, talking and laughing, having breakfast at the lake. The past year had been the longest we had been apart. I had often wondered if our reunion would be akward. You know how things are when youre not around others. Sometimes, it takes awile to regain that level of oneness. It took us about three seconds. Since the terror of the morning had passed, when I walked into the kitchen for breakfast, I was greeted by Kyle. My Brother. My Best Friend. My Kyle.

It turns out that He had been working and studying so that he could spend part of the summer at the lake as well. It had been a surprise that Mom and Dad helped coordinate. Up until this day, I had truly wanted to be here alone, but Kyle being with me felt safe, normal, and truly meant to be.

We had a terrific day being lazy just enjoying one another. Laughing, and catching up. We spent most of the day at the end of the pier in the sun, or swimming. We had some lunch out there and it was like our childhood. Ham sandwiches and chips with cans of SunDrop. Great Big inner tubes, floating chairs, the smell of tanning oil. It was a terrific day for me. I got to keep my eyes planted on my gorgeous brother all day long. He wasn’t wearing a spedo or anything revealing. Instead, he chose a pair of board shorts. Trust me, in my imagination they got removed each time he came out of the water.

There was some odd spirit in the air all day. I couldn’t place it, but I remember there being a calm, almost freedom between us that we had never experienced. I believed it was the fact that we had both grown older, more mature. Looking back I can clearly see what was happening that day. That entire day, Kyle kept telling me that he had a surprise planned. Something major planned for later. After lunch we even went back to the house for a nap because he said: “We will need our rest for later.” He kept saying that he wanted my 18th birthday to be the best of my life, and he was here to make sure that happened. I had no idea what he meant. At the time. Today, I believe he had the night planned out all along. That Birthday remains My Favorite Birthday Celebration of all time!! The gift I received couldn’t be purchased at a store and will forever hold the title of “Worlds Greatest Birthday Gift!”

That day was a precursor for our entire Summer. It shaped my entire life and Kyles. We look back sometimes and… Well Im getting ahead of myself again…

Me and My BIG Brother pt 3

The sun began to set on my 18th birthday as I woke from an afternoon nap. Kyle had insisted that we take a nap. Although it wasn’t my typical routine, the sun had drained me, and the thought of curling up in one of Gran’s heavy blankets with that big old window unit blowing arctic air into the dark lakehouse bedroom sounded like heaven. It was. Many times I have wished myself back in that old bedroom.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the colors of twilight peeking through the window. The air was filled with that lazy summer afternoon feeling. God had painted the sky with pink, orange, and red shades. All those hues were spilling through the blinds and onto the pinewood floor’s old but well-polished planks. I slipped out of bed and headed to witness the full spectrum of the sunset. One of the most spectacular things about the Lake was its sunsets. They could easily take your breath away. This one was no disappointment.

With hair pressed to one side of my head, I swayed towards the living room. Kyle was nowhere to be found. The house was expansive; he could have been anywhere. I assumed he had taken refuge in our childhood bedroom, and I was correct. I opened the door to find him asleep on the bottom of our old bunk bed. The nostalgia was immense, but the picture was quite different. Where there had once been a skinny kid curled under a blanket now lay a broad-shouldered man. He now encompassed the entire space with one leg off the side. A twin-sized mattress would no longer suffice. I watched him breathe and allowed my mind to wander.

I thought of my life after this summer. I thought of Kyle’s life at school. Our parents were now determined to spend their retirement exploring the world as well they should. They certainly deserved it. They had made their intentions clear for years with phrases like, “Boys, when your Mom and I retire, you’ll have to send a messenger pigeon to find us.” Mom would say, “Yall, make sure you get a job that supports you because we don’t plan to leave you a dime. You can have the house and the RV. Unless we need to sell the house to keep up our expensive on the road lifestyle.” Dad would chime in, “By that time, yall should be doing well on your own and can send us money and support us until we drive over the same cliff as Thelma and Lavern did.” This was always followed by laughter, yet we knew a portion of that was the plan. I chuckled at the thoughts.

My mind could not help wondering what our lives would be like in the next few years. I’m sure Kyle would find a girl and get married. What would I do? I had known I was gay for some time now. I knew Mom and Dad knew as well. We simply hadn’t talked about it. That’s how things were as Southern Baptists in the 90s. You threw things under the rug and left them alone, like normal people. There were very few deep talks about feelings. Both Mom and Dad were supportive and loving; we let things go without words. Wait until I tell you how I “came out.” So typical for my family.

Back to the Lakehouse…

As my mind pondered the many unknowns, I stood in the doorway and just listened to Kyle sleep. It was an adorable sight. He had a slight snore. Nothing obnoxious, only enough to let you know he was asleep. His tanned leg caught the same sunset that I had just seen. The rays of color leaped from one side of the room to the other as they struck his perfect jawline casting a mater carpenters shadow onto his chest. I thought; the sunset wasn’t the only thing God did well. At this time, I glanced at the small dresser mirror and saw even more of the resemblance. I looked back at Kyle just in time to watch the afternoon’s amber rays meet the emerald green in Kyle’s eyes. He opened slightly and said. “Are you just standing there looking at yourself in the mirror? Get out, get your own mirror; this one is for my face.” He muttered and laughed as he stretched himself awake.

I was a bit embarrassed that he had caught me watching him, but I played it off and started walking towards the dresser to dig through the drawer. “So, what’s the plan? What’s this amazing memory we’re gonna create? Wait, are you taking me on some kind of hunting thing with one of your high school buddies? Cause if I have to dress in camouflage, I didn’t bring a thing.” I stated with my usual quick wit and shallow comic timing. “And I ain’t shooting nothin’,” I added with the same demeanor.

Kyle rolled his eyes and leaned up in the tiny bed. He rested himself on his elbows and said, “I guess you could say it’s a bit of hunting. But you’re going to have to help me out this time. I’m taking you to the hunting grounds.” He winked and shot me a shy and devious smile. I stood there and pondered on what he could have meant as he hopped up and headed towards the hallway bathroom. He punched my arm as he passed by and said, Come on, Get ready. We have a whole night ahead of us.“ Before I could protest or question any further, he was in the bathroom.

I left the bedroom doorway and started walking back to the master bedroom. That was not typically my room, but I claimed it for this summer. Since Kyle was in the shower, I unpacked the remainder of my things. The last 36 hours had been filled with too much excitement to worry about unpacking. I gently placed one summer’s worth of items into the cedar-scented dresser drawers. My mind was racing, Hunting Grounds? What did that mean? I didn’t give it much more thought as my mind began to focus on spending the evening with my Big Brother.

The closest major city was a port town called Wilmington, NC. There was a mid-size town of approximately 150 thousand people. The great thing about it was the mixture of cultures. It hugged the coast of North Carolina, so one part of town carried a definite laid-back beach surfer vibe. However, traveling about 20 miles across town, the downtown area boasted an Urban Bohemian feeling. The lakehouse was in a tiny community surrounding the Lake. There was a general store and gas station, a small wal mart and a handful of mom-and-pop restaurants. Over the years, we traveled to this city many times for supplies and items unavailable locally. I assumed that Kyle had something planned there. The lazy lakeside community was not big on nightlife. My mind continued to race as I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey, Bro, I’m out. Get Ready; I know how long it takes you.” He yelled as I heard the wet bare feet hitting the hardwood floor as they traveled across the hallway.

“Shut Up,” I demanded as I closed the dresser drawers and turned to make my way towards Kyle’s room. “What am I supposed to wear? I seriously don’t have camouflage. I didn’t bring much.” I spoke as I walked towards his room to hear him better. In complete honesty, I could hear him fine. I was walking closer to see him fresh out of the shower. The sight of My Brother with a towel around his waist was a vision I had not drooled over in some time. I continued as I got closer to the entrance, “I was not planning to go to a prom; all I brought were clothes to hang ar… round, in…” My words slowed to a dead stop as I arrived at Kyles wide open door and looked up. Kyle was standing at the side of the bed with a pair of Wide waistband blue briefs in one hand, red CK boxer briefs in the other. Other than these articles of clothing, nothing else was touching his body. He was completely naked. He held both pairs of underwear up, gave each one an inquisitive look, and said, “Ok, tell me, blue or red.”

My eyes immediately began to survey the vision and store it for later memory. I had seen Kyle before, but I had never been given such a bold, deliberately unobstructed view. I also quickly surveyed the changes that had manifested over the past year. Today had obviously been the only time he had tanned while wearing shorts. His minimal tan lines drew a reddish-pink line across his waistline and above his knees. He was smooth almost everywhere. A dusting of blonde leg hair covered his beautiful stems. The evening twilight had since given way to a dark purple sky, and the lights inside the house gave off an enchanting Amber glow. The shadows seemed to highlight Kyle’s Heavenly features. A perfect group of muscled gathered to form a deeply defined Adonis Belt V that seemed to point to the Grand Prize.

It was definitely worth the attention, and my heart gave a standing ovation as my eyes drank in this marvelous view. Kyle’s package was neatly shaven but not completely. Two heavy balls hung lazily on either side of an equally weighted, perfectly formed Cock. His balls were smooth and served as the superb backdrop for such an incredible piece of God’s artistry.

His dick was like mine yet longer with more girth. I was stunned, and I stared directly at it. There was no hiding or glancing. I did not look away and say, “I’m sorry.” Once my two eyes met this sight, I found myself in a trance.

Kyle stood in front of me with the confidence of a New York runway model. He was holding two pairs of underwear on his hands like puppets. He looked as innocent as a lamb as he intentionally allowed me to remain in this dumbfounded stooper. I finally circled the wagons in my mind and landed back on the Prarie. I stumbled through the words, “umm Red, I like the blue too…”

“Let me try them on.” He stated as he tossed the red pair in the bed and turned to put in the blue. “cause they both look good, but I think one makes the goods look better.” He faced me full frontal again. “I got these from a friend in school. He sells them and asked me to model them for an AD. I got to keep all the undies.” He continued as he strutted across the room to see himself in the mirror. His left side was towards me as he looked back at the mirror behind him, saying, “They are comfortable as Fuck, and I never taught I’d give a damn about underwear, but I may be spoiled.”

The entire time Kyle walked around the room, I just watched and tried to think of what to say. I wanted to be cool, calm, and collected, but the only thing being collected was blood as it raced to harden my dick. There was no way to hide it. I was in boxer briefs myself. I pushed myself to the doorframe and said. “I like those, but let’s see the red ones.” I was pretty damn bold now. I wanted another view of that massive cock.

“Yeah, they’re comfortable too, and I think these show off the package better. I’ll let you be the judge.” Kyle stated as his tanned thumbs slipped into the waistband of the blue pair. I was almost confident he was getting harder, and that was confirmed as the head of his cock slid from the bandage of the blue fabric. It flopped out and presented its semi-hard self to the world as Kyle tossed one garment on the bed and leaned over for the other. When he came back up with the red pair in his hand, he opened his arms and said. “Well, I’m sorry, Lil bro, I’m guessing he approves of the audience. He sure seems to be pointing towards you. Maybe he missed you watching him?” He confessed with a grip as he slipped one leg then the other into the red boxer briefs.

Stunned, I muttered, “What? Watching … him? what?” My face flushed with the same deluge of blood that had rushed to my dick. I know I was bright red and starting to sweat as I searched for the next words to say. “Hey, hey, no, no, I didn’t mean it like that.” He started as he came closer to me and placed his right hand on my shoulder. “I’m not angry or giving you a hard time.” His voice was like a gentle whisper. His face was so close to mine I felt his breath caress my cheek. Kameron, It’s ok; honestly, I’ve always enjoyed you watching me.” He continued as his hand slid off my shoulder and tightened around my bicep. “I’ve always known you were watching me in the shower. I tried to make sure you saw what you wanted to see.” He whispered. I stared into the floor with enough concentration to look directly through the wood planks to the ground below. My heart was beating in my ears, my cock was throbbing, and my body was trembling. Kyle took his left hand and brought it to my cheek. He slowly cradled my chin and brought my eyes up to meet his. “Was I right or wrong?” Kyle asked with a sultry matter-of-fact expression. He tilted his head to the right, smiled ever so slightly, and came in closer. His hips guided his still semi-hard cock to mine. The fabric containing his stiff manhood softly brushed the stretched cotton holding in my hard dick. He then slid his hand to my hand and started to draw imaginary lines from my middle knuckle to the ben din my wrist.

“Seems like I was right all these years. This is what you wanted to see.” When he said the word “THIS” he pressed himself harder into my hard-on. I thought I might faint and stood there without saying a word. Kyle’s breath passed my face; his eyes remained deadlocked on mine. My brain took a moment to register the situation, and my hormones took over as I leaned forward. Kyle’s tongue stretched forth to wet his full lips. The moist heat felt like warm oil dripping over my body as our lips touched. It was a light and soft kiss. As if our lips were teasing one another. Together than apart, then back together again to find themselves within centimeters of one another.

Kyle’s cock was now rock hard, and it found its rightful place as it was pressed directly next to my rigid cock. The two pieces of male flesh raged alongside one another as if partners perfectly fitted to live together. The only thing preventing their touch was two layers of translucent material. This barrier was now the only thing preventing the complete disclosure of the contents hidden deep within our own Pandora’s box. Years of fantasy and desire were now a reality. I had scripted millions of scenes between Kyle and me in my mind, yet none contained the passion and ecstasy of this moment. This wasn’t a script, and this wasn’t a daydream. I finally broke my silence and said, “Kyle, I want to.” He stopped me with another kiss, then pulled himself away far enough to take my hand and guide it to his dick. His breath shuttered when my hand made contact. I wrapped my fingers around Kyles perfect cock and gently rubbed it up and down as if following an animal instinct. We both took a breath as if it were the first one after being submerged and deprived of oxygen.

We exhaled, and Kyle said, “I hope that is what you want because I’ve wanted to feel your hands on my cock for a long time.” I leaned in to kiss him, and we both started to move back into the room. My right hand reached for his waistline, and I allowed my fingers to pull back the elastic fibers. My body was still halfway in the dimly lit hallway. Suddenly the motion sensor light beamed light onto the porch, and the solid glass door allowed it to flood the hallway with light. At the exact moment, we heard a shrill voice, “YooHoo, Kameron!!! It’s Aunt Patty!! Knock Knock!!”

