#gelfling erdahn



These 4 were overdue for a redraw!

All of these Ocs belong to the Lovely @thanatasia

I really like how Erdahn, and Ira turned out^^


What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much @fenth-eiria

Your redraw of the grandparents looks nice and I can definitely see how much your art is improving!

Thank you so much!!!

The Grandparents return!

I had an IG question about them but I like these drawings too much to only show the screenshot.

The Stonesan siblings are closer to their Stonewood Grandparents but they still have a good relationship with their Dousan Grandparents. The birth of Cha’l really helped bridge the gap both couples had with Maeve and Bhihaar.

The difference in ages between the two pictures is intentional. Erdahn/Vidra got to be with Fleur and Cha’l a lot more when the two were very young. Seeing them so often has gifted them with a strong connection with them and many moments of being silly. They definitely talk about a lot more personal things with them than Ira/Nairami. Romantic problems/blossoms and tales of adventure were always talked about or teased with the Stonesan grandparents.

Fleur and Cha’l got to see Ira/Nairami fewer times but they still love them with their whole hearts. Fleur is most likely closer to them than Cha’l. With them the Stonesan are more polite but sometimes Nairami/Ira surprise them with their own way of being humorous. The arts and anything that required total concentration were practiced with the Dousan grandparents. They also taught the Stonesan how to sign, although they aren’t very good at it.

I’d go more in detail but we’d be here all day lol

I’m gonna share the IG post alongside some other questions referring to the Stonesan family. The main thing is that both sets of elders loved their grandchildlings very much!
