#gender recognition certificate



[Sign here]

Here in the UK, it has been proven in court that nonbinary people are protected “beyond any doubt” under the protected characteristic of gender reassignment in the Equality Act 2010. By not including nonbinary people in the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which allows only binary trans people to change their legal documentation (e.g. birth certificate) to reflect their true gender, the government are breaking the law.

You can sign if you live in the UK or you’re a British citizen living abroad.

This petition has 39,538 signatures so far, and it needs 100,000 to be considered for debate in parliament. It’s also the petition getting the most signatures right now (2nd May 2021). You can check out the signature rate here.


The deadline is 26 October 2021.

Thank you!

[Sign here]


This petition has been very successful! We first posted about it on 2nd May at just under 40,000 signatures, and it was started 5 days previously. It reached 100,000 signatures on 3rd May, less than a week after it was started:

[Graph source]

It’s now at over 130,000 signatures!

Please keep signing and sharing. Don’t let them think we’re going to give up just because we reached their arbitrary goal. Keep pushing.

[Sign here]

[Sign here]

Here in the UK, it has been proven in court that nonbinary people are protected “beyond any doubt” under the protected characteristic of gender reassignment in the Equality Act 2010. By not including nonbinary people in the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which allows only binary trans people to change their legal documentation (e.g. birth certificate) to reflect their true gender, the government are breaking the law.

You can sign if you live in the UK or you’re a British citizen living abroad.

This petition has 39,538 signatures so far, and it needs 100,000 to be considered for debate in parliament. It’s also the petition getting the most signatures right now (2nd May 2021). You can check out the signature rate here.


The deadline is 26 October 2021.

Thank you!

[Sign here]
