#gender stereotyping


Chinese people who actually wear those China looking hats (you know wut I’m talking about, the triangle ones) are being racist against themselves and brainwashed if they can’t understand that the whole world has turned their hats into a disrespectful stereotype.

The party of tolerance and racial justice should be the only way forward.



Whoever disagrees should have their genitalia cut off, repeatedly punched in the head, and their fingers crushed by an anvil.

When I was 12 I got my first period.

My mom and dad shamed me endlessly for it. Every month. Every damned month.

“Oh you’re bleeding again?? Why can’t you ummmm idk HOLD IT IN???”

“Bleeding is a perversion.”

Etc etc.

Can you understand now why period shaming is still a thing?


It’s incredibly troubling how deep white supremacy goes. The fact that this poor lady was assaulted by a BIPOC because of the external forces of white supremacy enforced on both of them by the cis heteronormative neurotypical patriarchy.

It’s indicative of the systemic oppression imposed on us all under the current fascistically militaristic western capitalist dichotomy or the imperial colonialist authoritarian hegemony.

It breaks my heart that white people would cause this much suffering to marginalized communities. That poor man of color will probably end up locked away and worked as an indentured servant and that poor asian woman will now live in fear of her fellow POC due to white fearmongering.

Until we abolish white people, their supremacist ideologies will continue to infest the paces that the most vulnerable folx congregate. It’s so incredibly frustrating that white people would do smth like this.

I need to unpack my internalized traumas and unclean my former considerations so that I can better myself as a person while I educate myself on the dangers of being white.

Dear brxwn pxople:

Just to let you know, no you do NOT look like sh!t. At all. I’m sorry that society associates your skin color with smth as low as that.

I remember people being outraged about the abortion law in York that allows you to have an abortion even up until the 9th month.

Betttch pleeeeeeez.

If a wxman decides to have an abortion up until the last day- nay, until the VERY LAST HOUR of delivery, it’s her FUCKING RIGHT and her FUCKING BODY. FUCK DAMN. WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP SAYING THIS. FUUUUUUCK.

Say it with me:

You aren’t really pro choice until you allow a wxman to have an abortion up until the VERY LAST HOUR OF DELIVERY.

Honest to god I’m on a hate-binge for MGTOW and unsurprisingly it just proves that men who don’t date women are woman-hating bigots.

Even the gay men???

Yes, even the gay men who don’t date bio women or wxmen with a vagina.

I have just confirmed that my labradoodle is a Blxck man on the inside. ‍♂️ He has all the qualities! Also, further proof that dogs are NOT exempt from race theory.

My previous Yorkie that always barked at the Blxck mailman? WHITE SUPREMACIST KKK ALERT

Okay imma die on this hill.

We should all walk naked in public to de stigmatize slut-shaming.

If someone balks l, objects or stares in public, you know how deep the patriarchal oppression runs in them.


The reason we call out people for their homophobia and talk of striking FEAR into the hearts of individuals who deviate from our message of love and acceptance is because WITHOUT striking this fear into the cishets, we’d NEVER be accepted in the first place.

We are scary.

We are the dominant future.


These signs might give you a few giggles at your favourite bar or gain you a few likes on your Facebook wall, but they also perpetuate gender stereotypes and dehumanise women. The stereotypes depicted in the images above make daily life harder for women, and men, as they taint our interactions at the workplace, in our universities and in our private lives. By brushing it aside, saying it’s “just a joke”, we normalise these stereotypes and sexist behaviour and therefore never actually address the problems sexism causes. Don’t be afraid to question a sexist joke!

December 3rd 2014 was the day 12-year-old Ronin Shimizu,California,decided to end his life.


Because of the constant bullying he suffered from not adhering to current gender norms. Ronin Shimizu was a kind, polite boy who was passionate about fashion and cheerleading. He was the only male cheerleader with the Vista Junior Eagles Cheer Team and excelled at it. He sketched out his own designs and had an eye for fashion. But the other students at Folsom Middle School would not accept Ronin for who he was. They simply could not forget what they had been taught about how a boy should be. So they bullied and tormented him. They turned his life into a living hell. The constant harassment made him abandon cheerleading, which he loved. They made him leave school to be home-schooled. They made him not want to live anymore.

Gender norms are damaging, so please think critically and be kind! 

Youtuber Cold Crash Pictures discusses some very common, and very annoying, portrayals of women in film. Not only are women grossly underrepresented in film, the representations (especially in Hollywood films) are often stereotypical.






Watch the whole video and find out more!

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan isn’t exactly known to be a fighter for gender equality, but do we really need world leaders who believe that women and men cannot be treated equally “because it is against human nature”?


On Monday, at the Women and Justice Summit, Erdogan addressed an audience of Turkish women (including his own daughter) with these statements:

“Our religion (Islam) has defined a position for women (in society): motherhood.”

“Some people can understand this, while others can’t. You cannot explain this to feminists because they do not accept the concept of motherhood.”

“Motherhood is something else.”

“Their characters, habits and physiques are different…. You cannot place a mother breastfeeding her baby on an equal footing with men.”

“You cannot get women to do every kind of work men can do, as in Communist regimes.

You cannot tell them to go out and dig the soil. This is against their delicate nature.”

Essentially, what he’s saying is that women aren’t people. Or kind of like people, but not people-people, not like men-people,  since women only have one purpose. 

According to The Guardian

“The Islamic-rooted government of Erdoğan has long been accused by critics of seeking to erode the country’s secular principles and limiting the civil liberties of women.

Erdoğan has drawn the ire of feminist groups for declaring that every woman in Turkey should have three children and with proposals to limit abortion rights, the morning-after pill and caesarean sections.”

Turkey ranked 120th of 136 nations in the World Economic Forum’s 2013 Gender Gap Index, down 15 places since 2006. A third of Turkish women have suffered sexual and physical violence at some point in their lives. Five women are killed in Turkey every day and according to Human Rights Watch, violence against women is on the rise. Erdoğan claims this rise in numbers is caused by more murders being reported rather than more murders being committed. 

“At no point during the 20th century did toy marketing resemble what it’s become today. What we see happening is way more extreme than even periods in our history when gender inequality was at its greatest levels”

These are the words of Elizabeth Sweet, a doctoral candidate who studies gender and toys at the University of California.

Sweet has studied the marketing of children’s toys during the 20th century and her research has shown that today we gender toys more than ever before:

In the Sears catalog ads from 1975, less than 2 percent of toys were explicitly marketed to either boys or girls. More importantly, there were many ads in the ‘70s that actively challenged gender stereotypes—boys were shown playing with domestic toys and girls were shown building and enacting stereotypically masculine roles such as doctor, carpenter, and scientist.”
“During the 1980s, gender-neutral advertising receded, and by 1995, gendered toys made up roughly half of the Sears catalog’s offerings—the same proportion as during the interwar years.”
Why is this damaging?
According to Melissa Atkins Wardy, author of Redefining Girly.

“Gendered toy marketing divides a child’s ability to learn about the world based on gender constructions that are culturally determined. When all of the marketing consistently revolves around gender, it teaches our kids to look at the opposite sex as a different species, because in order to market gendered toys, you have to point out the difference and not the similarities.”

However, we don’t all realise that gender constructions are culturally determined. According to Elizabeth Sweet.

“While the public generally supports the idea that we should have gender equality, polls reveal an increase in the number of people who believe that essential gender differences exist.”

It must be difficult to live as a free individual in a society that believes you are biologically programmed to like a certain type of toy. 

These images are screen shots from Google searches of the words woman silhouetteandman silhouette. They’ve generated very different images. These images  are an example of how we see women vshow we see men, but also howwelike to see women vs how we like to see men. In order words, it’s an excellent example of everyday gender stereoytping and double standards.

Woman silhouette produces images of silhouttes that are:





Man silhouette produces images of silhouettes that are:





