
Hello @kutyozh​! I was your Secret Santa for @langblrsecretsanta2021​, and since you said you were iHello @kutyozh​! I was your Secret Santa for @langblrsecretsanta2021​, and since you said you were iHello @kutyozh​! I was your Secret Santa for @langblrsecretsanta2021​, and since you said you were i

Hello@kutyozh​! I was your Secret Santa for @langblrsecretsanta2021​, and since you said you were interested in/studying Aymara, I thought that I would give you a gift related to that. This is a scan of a comic from Literatura aymara: antología, compiled by Xavier Albó and Félix Layme; the comic itself was drawn by Moshó for the Proyecto Bilingüe de Puno in Peru and is based on a traditional story. I’ve transcribed it below, including the original Aymara, the Spanish translation from the book, and my own English translation of the Spanish for non-Spanish speakers who are interested. Hope it’s helpful and/or enjoyable, and best of luck with your studies!


—¡Kamisaraki k’usillu! Jutma, manq’antañatakiw ajllsma.
—¿Cómo estás, mono? Ven, te he escogido para comer.
“How’s it going, monkey? Come, I’ve chosen you to eat.”

—¡Amust’ma! Uturunkuw qhipaxankaski.
—¡Piénsatelo! Detrás tuyo está el oso.
“Think carefully! There’s a bear behind you.”

—(Kusillux sarawxa rakitay nasa.)
—(¡Oh! El mono se ha escapado.)
(Oh no! The monkey escaped.)

—(¿Kawkinkis ñanqha k’usilluxa?)
—(¿Dónde está el maldito mono?)
(Where’s that damn monkey?)

—¡Pirqaw thuñxatasitani! ¡Yanapt’ita! ¡Nayax mä k’ullu aptiriw sara! ¡Nukxasma!
—¡La pared está por caerse! ¡Ayúdame! Yo iré a buscar un palo: ¿Podrías aguantar?
“The wall’s about to fall! Help me! I’m going to go look for a stick, can you hold it up?”

—(¡Wali jayäxiwa, janipuniw k’usillux k’ullu apt’at kutinxiti! ¿Kamachpachasa?)
—(¡Ya hace mucho rato y el mono nunca llega con el palo! ¿Qué hago?)
(It’s been a long time and the monkey never brought the stick! What do I do?)

—(Jichhax jakipunimamäwa.)
—(Ahora sí que te voy a encontrar.)
(Now I’m really going to find you.)

—¿Cómo estás?
“How are you?”

—Manq’at wali awtjatatwa, jumasti wali suma manq’araktawa.
—Muerto de hambre. Y tú eres muy buena comida.
“Starving. And you’re very good food.”

—Nayraqatax khä quqar makhatt’ayita pä achu manq’ant’aniwa!
—Antes déjame subir a aquel arbol para comer un par de frutas.
“First let me climb that tree to eat a couple of fruits.”

—¡Sarma! ¡Makhatma! ¡Manq’antanma! ¡Ukat jank’akiw saraqanïta!
—Ve, sube y come. Pero baja rápido.
“Go, climb up and eat. But come down quickly.”

—¡Ayy! ¡Ayy! Janiw kuns uñjkti. ¡Janiw uñjkti!
—¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡No veo nada!
“Oww! Oww! I can’t see anything!”

Qamaqisti, niya juykt’ataw k’usill thaqiri qullu parki makhatatayna.
Y el zorro, casi ciego, dice que subió a la ladera del cerro buscando al mono.
And the fox, almost blind, they say he climbed up the side of the hill looking for the monkey.

K’usillusti niya mä p’iyar purisin qamaqirux jak’achkatatayna.
Pero el mono llegó a la orilla de un pozo y se acercó al zorro:
But the monkey came to the edge of a well and brought the fox over.

—Jilat qamaqi: “Nina jalluw purini” qulipakaw situ. Nayax aka p’iyaruw imantasi, jallu aphjtipanuw mistsunxä.
—Hermano zorro: “Está por llover fuego” me ha dicho la señora Aguila. Yo me meteré en este pozo y saldré cuando haya pasado la lluvia.
“Brother Fox, Mrs. Eagle told me, ‘It’s about to rain fire.’ I’m going to get into this well and I’ll come out when the rain is passed.”

—(Alax pachax rusaruptatawa.)
—(Pues sí, el cielo está rosado.)
(Well indeed, the sky is pink.)

—¡Aka p’iyax nayatakipana!
—¡Este pozo es mío!
“This well is mine!”

K’usillux qamaqiruw allintxatayna.
Dice que el mono enterró bien al zorro.
They say that the monkey buried the fox well.

K’usillux larusisaw ch’apinakamp qamaqirux imantatayna.
El mono, riéndose, dejó bien guardado al zorro con espinos.
The monkey, laughing, left the fox well-guarded with thorns.

Post link

This song is a bop (as are all the songs on this album), but I thought if I translated it then maybe I could convince some of you guys to scream over Rosa permanent with me. Anyways, please enjoy, and also listen to their whole album!

A tu, que ets llavor i que creixes lliure
You, who are a seed and growing free

t’he vist en els ulls milers d’estels.
I’ve seen thousands of stars in your eyes

Dins teu surt la llum de la ferida
Inside you, light emerges from the wound

que ha cicatritzat amb temps.
That has scarred over with time

Tot el plor del món no n’abasta gens

All the tears in the world won’t encompass it at all

per del pit omplir el forat, per estimar tot el que es perd.
To fill the hole in your chest, to love all that is lost
Plorem del riure que ens fa la vida,
Let’s cry from the laughter that makes our life

brindem pels amors eterns.
Let’s toast to eternal loves ]

Cada llàgrima que et cau (dibuixa el teu camí)
Every tear that falls from you (draws your path)

Full en blanc, esperit d’estrip.
A blank page, the spirit of shreds

Cada pas que et fa saber (dibuixa el teu destí)
Every step that makes you know (draws your destiny)

Desplega l’ànima!
Bare your soul!

Vesteix-te de somnis i utopies.

Dress yourself with dreams and utopias

Recull l’alegria dels mals dies,
Gather up the joy of your bad days

i torna, torna a brillar
And return, shine again

i torna més forta que abans.
And return stronger than before

Preferim ser un incendi que morir en el glaç.
We’d rather be a fire than die in ice ]

La por als moments difícils només posa llum
Fear in difficult moments just shines a light

a les teves veritats.
On your truths

Les millors coses arriben quan deixem el fum,
The best things happen when we leave behind the smoke

quan seguim l’estel fugaç.
When we follow the shooting star

Dins teu, dins teu reneix aquella llum que et fa viure.
Inside you, inside you, the light that makes you live is reborn

Dins teu, dins teu colpeja fort el crit que no dius.
Inside you, inside you, the cry that you won’t let out knocks insistently
Desplega l’ànima!
Bare your soul!


I just found this song and I thought it was really cute so I thought I would share it! I feel like it’s good enough to deserve more attention and I hope it gets it <3

Gaurko eguna besteen berdina izango da
Today will be the same as the others
Mundua aldatzeko gogorik gabe
Without the desire to change the world
Monotonia huts honetan gaude murgilduta
We’re submerged in this empty monotony
Bizirauten saiatzen
Trying to survive

Hainbeste ahots egin behar duguna esaten
So many voices saying what we have to do
Ixildu nahi ditut une batez
I want to quiet them for a moment
Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas
Go to bed so your imagination can play
Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske
Only in dreams are we free

Amestu dezagun
We can dream
By day
Askatu gaitezen
We can free ourselves
Amestu dezagun
We can dream
By night
Esnatu gaitezen
We can wake ourselves ]

Ez ditut maindireak kendu nahi
I don’t want to get out of the sheets
Esnatzean aurkituko dudanaren beldur
Fear of what I’ll find when I wake up
Oheko babesa askoz nahiago dut
I much prefer the shelter of my bed
Esna jaso baititut hainbat gezur
Because I’ve woken up to so many lies

Txikitatikan bideratu gaituzte haitzulora
Since we were little, they’ve guided us into the cave
Amets guztik lapurtu dizkigute
They’ve stolen all our dreams
Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas
Go to bed so your imagination can play
Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske
Only in dreams are we free


Ametsetan bakarrik gera aske
Only in dreams are we free
Galdu dezagun burua
We can let our minds go
Joan gaitezen Hogwartsetik Narniara
We can travel from Hogwarts to Narnia
Ahaztu dezagun mundu hau
We can forget this world

