#geography alevel


Another productive day! (04/03/21)

Due to Covid my exams have been cancelled for my A-levels. So things are being switched around and I’m now going to complete psychology coursework instead! I’m actually quite excited for it because it means I can apply my learning to any area I find particularly interesting!

But on today’s agenda:

  • Psychology lesson- Research methods & Memory revision
  • Geography lesson- Hazards
  • Photography work- planning a couple of shoots
  • Drink far too much tea (per usual)

I hope you have a productive day!!

It’s been a while…

Honestly, lockdown 3.0 did a very good job at destroying my motivation to do anything college related. The work was piling up and I just let it. But that’s okay! Because it’s happening to everybody; all we can do is try.

So, I employed the help of a bullet journal. It’s pretty basic, nothing too fancy. I would’ve struggled keeping up with it if it was a lot of effort so I kept the layout simple. What a time to start one, the last week of February.

I am aware that I’ve said this before however!! I’m going to start using this blog again, hopefully it will keep me on track :)

It’s good to be back- Finn
