#alevel geography


Another productive day! (04/03/21)

Due to Covid my exams have been cancelled for my A-levels. So things are being switched around and I’m now going to complete psychology coursework instead! I’m actually quite excited for it because it means I can apply my learning to any area I find particularly interesting!

But on today’s agenda:

  • Psychology lesson- Research methods & Memory revision
  • Geography lesson- Hazards
  • Photography work- planning a couple of shoots
  • Drink far too much tea (per usual)

I hope you have a productive day!!

First day back to sixth form:

Honestly, the first day back could’ve gone better. It was strange as my whole college is now a one way system and you have to wear masks in communal areas (basically just the corridors). You have to book slots for the library when you used to be able to just walk in freely.

However, my timetable isn’t all too bad as I have Wednesday off each week! I had psychology and photography today, we briefly went over what we did in lockdown and started circadian rhythms in psych. I’m excited for this year, hopefully I can book enough slots for each week in the library :)
