#geraldine mona

“Bon, c’est ma faute aussi, je n’aurais pas dû te laisser sans surveillance… mais finir

“Bon, c’est ma faute aussi, je n’aurais pas dû te laisser sans surveillance… mais finir le stock de jus de pommes à toi toute seule… tu m’avoueras…”


Translation :

Mona: Once again, the heat is back, and it hits hard. But this time, I’ve planned lots of tips to fight against the heat wave!
I won’t be fooled!

There is the essential: The fan. (Full blast, preferably) It’s simple, and quite effective. But it requires staying in one place without moving.

Above all, protect yourself from the sun! Because it burns! Stay in the shade, and put on a big hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen…
Well, yes, even indoors, you never know! Eh ? It’s your hat ?

We must fight together! Due to this unbearable heat, a little ice cream can help me hold on and…

Geraldine: Mona, I’ve already told you about fifteen times, it’s not time.

Mona:…Not even half an ice cream?

Geraldine: Have an apple juice. I come later.

Mona: In case of absence of ice cream (and cooperation), it is necessary to hydrate, it is super mega important!
Water, fruit juice, whatever, you need plenty!

…But hey, the downside is that you spend three hours in the bathroom afterwards, in addition to feeling a little bloated…
So maybe not plenty, actually…

In the absence of air conditioning, the fridge can also be used…

Geraldine: MONA!!! But in the end, are you okay?!

Mona: But mommy ! Don’t worry, I didn’t touch the ice cream, I promise! I’m just bringing out the fresh…

Geraldine: You’re going to be sick, close that door now! You risk….hot and cold! But how long did you stay in front of that fridge?

Refresh yourself, yes, but not to the point of getting a cold…


“Well, it’s my fault too, I shouldn’t have left alone… but finish the stock of apple juice on your own… you’ll admit it…”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“ Non mais, tu mangerais, toi, un petit être qui te regarde en souriant, tout doux et tout mig

“ Non mais, tu mangerais, toi, un petit être qui te regarde en souriant, tout doux et tout mignon ? Tu lui fais une tête de gâteau si tu veux qu'on le mange ! ”


Translation :

Geraldine: Hello, two baguettes, please.

Mona: Ooooh! A cutie little sheep !

Mommy ! Can you take me a little sheep pleaaaase ?

Geraldine : Well, we just came to get some bread. But hey, it’ll make a little dessert for when we get back.

Mona: Yeah, great !…

…wait,  ’‘dessert’’ ?

Geraldine : Yes ? Mona, it’s a cake, not a plush.

Mona: So what ?

Geraldine: Well, if I get you one, you’ll have to eat it !

Mona: EAT IT ?! PARDON ME ?? But he’s way too cute to eat ! Look at him ! Me, I want to protect it from others, it’s out of the question that anyone eats that little sheep !

Geraldine: Come on, be reasonable… do you really want me to buy you a dessert that you’re not going to eat ? It’s white chocolate-vanilla, too.

Mona: Well we don’t take it, I refuse to participate in a crime against the 'tits moutons. I am very angry.

Geraldine: Alright, Too bad for the dessert… they were too cute to be eaten !

Mona: Criminal !


“ No, but would you eat a little being who looks at you smiling, very sweet and cute ? You make it cake shaped if you want us to eat it! ”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“Tu sais qu’il faut les dilués, les citrons…? Non, parce que bon… si c’est pour

“Tu sais qu’il faut les dilués, les citrons…? Non, parce que bon… si c’est pour perdre mon visage à chaque fois que tu me sers un verre…”


Translation :

Mona: Phew… It’s hot today!

Chloé: Don’t worry, I’m making lemonade. We are going to refresh!

Mona: Do you know how to make lemonade?

Chloé: Let’s say I train, but I practically know how to do it.

Mona: …Are you training? To do what ?

Chloe: To not die of thirst, hey, pumpkin! When it’s hot, you’ll be happy to have a friend who knows how to make it!

Chloé: And then you’re not going to say no to a lemonade! Come on, tell me more!

Mona: Well, thank you!

Glop, glop


Mona: … How many lemons did you put in?

Chloe: Uh… a lot…?


“You know you need the diluted theme,  the lemons…? No, because well… if it’s to lose my face every time you pour me a drink…”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“ Au moins, on a le même sens de l'humour. Mais utilise tes cheveux, s'il te plait.”&ldq

“ Au moins, on a le même sens de l'humour. Mais utilise tes cheveux, s'il te plait.”

“ At least, we share the same sense of humor. But use your hairs instead, please. ”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“Je sais que tu as perdu ton parapluie à la maison, alors voici un petit cadeau de ma part pou

“Je sais que tu as perdu ton parapluie à la maison, alors voici un petit cadeau de ma part pour que tu restes au sec pendant cette saison. Je sais que Mona appréciera également, vu que tu vas la chercher à pied, vous n'attraperai pas froid :).
Gros bisous, et aux prochaines vacances,


PS : T’as aussi oublié ton écharpe, mais je la garde pour ton père, il a perdu la sienne.”


Translation :

: What kind of weather is this ?! It’s Late April, and it’s FREEZING. Pfff… there are no more seasons.


There you go… I got cold…!… All I want is just a little hot chocolate ! Snif…

Phew, finally back… Well, I’m soaked to the bones, but I was able to recover the package that mom sent me.

I wonder what it is anyway? She didn’t tell me what it was ! Let’s see….



“I know you lost your umbrella at home, so here’s a little gift from me to keep you dry this season. I know Mona will appreciate it too, since you’re going to pick her up on foot. You shouldn’t get cold :).
Big kisses, and see you next vacation,


PS: You also forgot your scarf, but I keep it for your father, he lost his.”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“ Je suis une oeuvre d'art, maman ! ” “ I’m a masterpiece, mom !”In ca

“ Je suis une oeuvre d'art, maman ! ”

“ I’m a masterpiece, mom !”

In case you were wondering, yes, she indeed searched a bit in the laundry basket to find some suitable accessory for the joke. She just thought that the beret was nice.
Of course, it was on a laundry day. And yes, this dressing gown belong to her mom.

Character and artwork made by me.

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It’s Mona Lisa, but it’s more Mona than Lisa.I actually had this little joke for a while

It’s Mona Lisa, but it’s more Mona than Lisa.

I actually had this little joke for a while, and since there’s a little art contest around this painting on deviantart going on, it was the right moment to do it !
It took me slightly longer to do than what I’ve expected, because I wanted to do the background at least in a similar way than the original.

Character and artwork made by me.

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Little illustration made since Yesterday was Geraldine’s “anniversary”, the 21th A

Little illustration made since Yesterday was Geraldine’s “anniversary”, the 21th April.

She’s in her younger years, here, late teenager. She used to play a lot of guitar at this time. She usually played more “punk” stylized music, but she knew how to play more acoustic and peaceful song.
Back then, it was one of her hobbies, something I will explore and details pretty soon !
Nowadays, she doesn’t play guitar that much, with job and parenthood, but, she can still play it, occasionally.

Character and illustration made by me.

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Perhaps letting Mona oversee the basket while Chloe hunts for the Easter eggs wasn’t the best

Perhaps letting Mona oversee the basket while Chloe hunts for the Easter eggs wasn’t the best idea.
Mona isn’t really good at controlling her appetite, specially with this amount of sweets right under her nose. But she saved one for her friend ! One that she already have a bite in it, but it counts.

Well, at least, they still have the wrappers, it’s still proof that they found the eggs ! So… it’s good ?

Happy Easter to you, guys !

Character and artwork made by me.

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“Si c'était un livre de son âge, elle ne serait venue qu'avec un jus de pomme. Là, elle savait

“Si c'était un livre de son âge, elle ne serait venue qu'avec un jus de pomme. Là, elle savait qu'il y'avait une petite chance que livre ne l'intéresse pas. Mais bon, je peux quand même lire tranquille, et elle est sage. Ça n’arrive pas souvent, donc je ne vais pas dire non ! ”


Translation :

Mona: So ? What are you reading ? What’s the story ? Can I read with you?

Geraldine: It’s just… Uh… I’m not sure you’ll like it. This is a novel for adults.

Mona: Oooh, for the grown-ups? It’s a story with kisses? Smooch-Smooch !

Geraldine: Haha, no, no, not a all !

… It’s just a science fiction book. But…VERY science fiction, a little too much for you.

Mona: Not at all. I can read with you no problem.

Geraldine: Well… if you want.

Mona: Great ! Wait, don’t move, I’ll be back, I’ll get my things! Get ready !

Geraldine: Well, in the end, the book will only have interested her for 10 seconds, but that’s not so bad, for once.


“If it was a book of her age, she would only have come with an apple juice. There, she knew that there was a small chance that the book would not interest her. But hey, I can calmly read my novel , and she’s calm too. It doesn’t happen often, so I’m not against it!”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“ C'est un livre que l'on m'a recommandé, apparemment un classique. Mais je suis pas sûr que t

“ C'est un livre que l'on m'a recommandé, apparemment un classique. Mais je suis pas sûr que tu t'intéresses aux livre de science-fiction, Mona. Ça parle de désert, de vers géants, d'épices et il y'a un enjeu hyper important entre le protagoniste et… ah. Tu t'es endormie.”


Geraldine:Yippee !! I finally finished my job! I have a little hour of tranquility ahead of me, I can comfortably continue my book!

So, where was I…? Page, 233, 233… There! Peeeerfect !

Mona: So? What are you readiiiiing?


“It’s a book that was recommended to me, a classic, apparently. But I’m not sure you’re interested in science fiction books, Mona. It’s about the desert, giant worms, spices and there’s a huge stake between the protagonists and… oh. You fell asleep.”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“Au final, la sauvegarde était pas si loins, donc j'ai pas perdu grand chose, MAIS QUAND MÊME,

“Au final, la sauvegarde était pas si loins, donc j'ai pas perdu grand chose, MAIS QUAND MÊME, LA FRAYEUR !”


Traduction :

Geraldine : Aaah ! It took me hours, but I finally finished this presentation! I can finally rest ! Freedom !

I Just need to save and It’ll do for today! I just click here and…

_° Program error, reboot in progress, loss of previous backup.°_

Geraldine: I don’t remember last time I saved…


“In the end, the backup wasn’t that far, so I didn’t lose much, BUT STILL, THE FEAR !”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“ En même temps, faire du ballon dans l'appart, dans le couloirs qu'est pas bien grand, fallai

“ En même temps, faire du ballon dans l'appart, dans le couloirs qu'est pas bien grand, fallait pas s'étonner de casser quelque chose.”


Traduction :

Mona: Mom! I have to tell you…

Geraldine: Yes ? What is it, Mona ?

Mona: Well, I… uh… What are you doing here?

Geraldine: That, Mona, it’s yoga ! This is an activity that one of my friends recommended to me. It is to be more relaxed and in better shape, both physically and mentally.
And I must admit that it is effective.

Mona: So there, are you relaxed?

Geraldine: Yes.

Mona: Well, that’s a good thing!

… Does that mean you won’t get upset if I tell you that I broke one of your favorite vases?

Gerladine: …Let’s say I’ll give you more time to leave the room before I get angry.


“At the same time, playing ball in the apartment, in the hallways which isn’t very big, you shouldn’t be surprised to break something.”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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“Bon, je ne vais rien dire, c’est la 1ere (et dernière) fois que tu fais ça. Mais clairement,

“Bon, je ne vais rien dire, c’est la 1ere (et dernière) fois que tu fais ça. Mais clairement, ne refait pas ça, tu me demande à la place. Et non, des biscuits, tu viens d’en avoir.”


Translation :

Geraldine: Well, I should put the cookie box away . With Mona around, it better not drag on.



…Uh ,hehe, howdy ?

Geraldine: May I know what you’re doing in there ?

Mona: Bah, since you store the biscuits there now… I-I climbed…

Geraldine: Why did you do that ? Don’t you know that you could have fallen and hurt yourself badly ? You could have split your head open!


Geraldine: …Hey ! Mona, no, don’t cry…

It scares me to know that you could hurt yourself by falling like that.
It’s very dangerous ! I didn’t mean to scream, I just want you to understand… that’s all… don’t do it again, okay?

Mona:Snif… Yes…

Can I still have a cookie, please ?

Geraldine: SIGH… Mona, geez, really ?


“Well, I’m not going to say too much, it’s the first (and last) time you’ve done this. But clearly, don’t do that again, you’re asking me instead. And no cookies, you just had some, that’s all now.”

Character and comic made by me. Do not repost.

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Geraldine once again, working, but with the rhythm of the holidays. So it’s chill.She usually

Geraldine once again, working, but with the rhythm of the holidays. So it’s chill.
She usually takes cookies to calm her stress in times of rush, but this time, it’s just because she was a little hungry.

She doesn’t often have “calm without a surprise rushing at the last minute” work moments, so these little moments are precious !

Character and artwork made by me.

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