#german sheperd puppy


The New neighbor (pt1?)

Dream x Fem reader

!tw! Fluff, happiness? !tw!

Y/n’s POV

The sun was bright, not a cloud to block it. The birds were singing their precious tunes. Work was off today. My dog Amara is cuddled up next to me. I let out a content sigh, feeling the sun shine onto me through the blinds on the window. Feeling Amara did nudge my shoulder, I feel a small smile form. Blinking my eyes open the crust that had developed overnight flaking off. I turn my head towards Ama who is laid next to me.

“I know girl, I’m up,” I say, Ama’s tail wagging in response to her nudging.

“Yeah yeah, let’s get you fed hun,” I mumble. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I stretch my back. Crack, I sigh in delight. Looking over at Ama who is running in circles waiting for me to feed her. Letting out a soft laugh at her antics, I stand. Grabbing my phone, which was charging next to my bed, I started heading downstairs.

After getting Ama her food, I look around for anything to eat, settling on a blueberry bagel. Leaning back on the counter I look out the window. Tilting my head to the side as I notice the moving truck across the street. Hearing Ama’s paws trot up next to me, I look down at her.

“Weird right, it’s been so long since the previous owners have been trying to sell that house. They used to have such a lovely garden too. I remember every year when I was younger they carefully tended to their orange Calendula flowers. They reminded me of honey and the sun just before the sunset,” I mention in remembrance, “but what do you know you’re just a dog.” I laugh at Ama’s clueless look, tail wagging nonetheless. Finishing my bagel, I go to let Ama outside. Heading upstairs to put my contacts in, letting Ama take her time. Getting them in finally, I head back down to let Amara in.

“Ama,” I yell with a whistle, “inside sweety!” Looking around my backyard, panic sets in when I see the gate slightly open. Rushing out I see her collar caught on the nail that was sticking out of the old fence. Great now not only is she lost, but no one will be able to contact me if someone finds her. My panicked thoughts rush through my head, as I scramble inside for something that would help me find her. Grabbing Ama’s favorite treats, her leash, her collar, and my phone.

Rushing outside the front door I start looking to where I think she would go. I started walking over to the new neighbor, maybe he saw where Ama went. Knocking on the door, it is silent for a moment before the door is swung open, startling me slightly. A young man is standing there. He is rather handsome. Sandy blonde hair, green eyes, about 6'4", a scar running down the corner of his mouth. Ignoring his handsome appearance I say, “Hi I’m your neighbor, and uh I was wondering, have you seen a dog by any chance? She’s a German shepherd but has floppy ears and about this tall,” putting my hand about the mid of my waist. He gives me a weird look before turning and whistling, Ama who is somehow in his house comes trotting up the front door. Noticing my startled face.

“I found her in my backyard just a moment ago, she decided to come inside and make herself at home,” he explains. Ama walks up to me and grabs her collar, only to go back into his house and sit down.

“No, Ama here girl I have to get you home,” I say. The stranger is also helping me try to get Ama over to me. She finally gets up and moves over to us, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for helping me, I never caught your name stranger,”

“The name is Clay, but I prefer Dream,” he replies.

“Dream, I like it. It’s good to meet you, hopefully, meet you again under better circumstances,” I confess, a grin bright on my face.


Dream’s POV

I watched as my new neighbor walked away with their dog. Oh, I never got their name. Well, I hope I meet them again.



(I wrote this really fast so let me know if there are any mistakes) <3

Thank you for reading. I will be taking a small break from Vilbur and reader, as to not burn myself out. Let me know if you have any requests I don’t bite!

little throwback when she took her fav toy aka deflated ball with Hannah Montana with her for 2 hours walk in the forest. The best part was that she threw it into the small river and I had to save the ball cause she’d be very upset and never leave. She’s so dramatic..
