#get vaxxed


The boy is sick. Which would be fine-ish if I wasn’t mildly worried it was covid.

We’ve been going to the playground without masks for a few weeks now. At first it was the smaller playground, with less (or no) kids. But then they started wanting the big playground.

The big playground is crowded. It’s also situated at the top of a hill where Bill O'Reilly and Trump fans live. So I’m not convinced those people are vaxxed. I am convinced that many of them are fucking stupid. The Trump signs are irrefutable proof.

Anyway, you can’t be socially distant on a tire swing. My son and another girl were having the best time spinning and screaming in each other’s faces. Then his sister wanted in, then five other kids.

I know better, but I also know how much they needed this. I hope I didn’t fuck it all up.

Quick and easy. Feels like I’ve been punched in the arm, and I’ve been pretty tired since. So happy to see the light at the end of this long tunnel!



It’s honestly like being told that it doesn’t matter if we die.

[tweet by @/azbrodsky

“A friendly reminder: people who will be high-risk patients if we get coronavirus can hear you when you reassure everyone we’re the only ones who might die.”]

A cartoon depicting Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn from huddled together with their bow, axe, and sword raised (a reference to the scene in the Fellowship of the Ring where the three characters pledge their help to Frodo). To the far right, a person in plain clothes and a mask yells, "You have my social distancing!"ALT

But seriously, stay safe. Protect yourself. Protect one another.

I’ve had my first coronavirus vaccine!! I was given Pfizer I’m very happy and incredibly grateful to all the scientists and medical experts who have dedicated their lives throughout this pandemic to create vaccines that will save so many lives. If you are eligible and able to be vaccinated, please do! It’s an incredibly important step for our world to get back to the way things used to be.
