

Went on vacation to the North Carolina Mountains and the Grand Canyon: it was fun~!

start of vacation...
...end of vacation
Looking Glass Falls in North Carolina
The South Rim at the Grand Canyon
Forgot my para glider...
was cloudy that day, so I took it easy~


Got jabbed!

I felt extremely ill for 24 hours and got nursed by Electra through my day in bed

Then I felt all better and super happy to be vaccinated

Quick and easy. Feels like I’ve been punched in the arm, and I’ve been pretty tired since. So happy to see the light at the end of this long tunnel!

I was vaccinated on 14 July, 9am, at Axiata Centre, Bukit Jalil, Selangor.

It was a Pfizer dose: while the doctor injected the dose on my arm, I closed my eyes and prayed “Om Namah Shivaya”, to clear my mind from the pain. (yes, I worship Shiva).

An arm pain occurred for two days before it went out.

Looking a bit smug, you say? That’s because I just got my second vaccine! I feel like somebody left the gate open! Of course, I’ll still wear a mask & avoid large crowds, but there’s finally light at the end of this tunnel

It’s amazing what data is coming to light because of all the shite they are throwing at us, admittedly stuff I had never heard of before, in this case. First on Twitter, I see a post a new follower re-tweetted, & that’s how I found out, then I did a quick web search. Here’s what I found. It’s an immune system problem, & the jabber-woke-y is destroying people’s immune systems.

From Mayo Clinic:

Bullous pemphigoid occurs when your immune system attacks a thin layer of tissue below your outer layer of skin. The reason for this abnormal immune response is unknown, although it sometimes can be triggered by taking certain medications.

I could be wrong, I probably am wrong, all that I know is that something just isn’t right.

That’s about all I can do for waking people up about Monkeypox(for plandemic 2).

GUESS WHO JUST GOT HER VACCINE!!!!! Please go get it if you have it available in your area
