

Hear me out:

Camp Camp’s “Better Than You” duet but with Revivebur as Daniel and Ghostbur as David.

chekhxvsgun: I’m shattered porcelain, glued back together again; invincible like I’ve never been. ap


I’m shattered porcelain, glued back together again; invincible like I’ve never been.

apologies, self acceptance, a sunrise.

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Ghost boy



Me? Forgetting to post here? Haha whaaat-

Anyway, Ghostbur, me sad, the usual:

Ghostbur cosplay bc I miss him :(

I’ve never really tried cosplay before, but… Ghostbur my beloved

Cropped panels from an short unfinished sm!Ghostbur comic. I lost motivation to finish the comic and these are from like a month ago, but I don’t want them to go to waste, so here you go

“Make a wish!”

“I don’t have any diamonds…”

“Use smiles” :)

Aka my favorite Ghostbur scene
