

Dialogue Tags:

▪️He explained. ✖️

▪️He advised. ✖️

▪️He warned. ✖️

▪️He confirmed. ✖️

▪️He accused. ✖️

▪️He babbled. ✖️

▪️He said.✔️

Although these tags aren’t always bad they can be overused and redundant to the reader.

Let me explain.

▪️“You stole my cookie, Linda!” Roger shouted.

(We already know Roger is accusing Linda and don’t need to say “Roger accused”.

It’s better to keep your tags basic.

▪️He said. ✔️

▪️She said. ✔️

▪️He asked. ✔️

▪️She asked. ✔️

▪️He yelled. ✔️

▪️She yelled. ✔️

But don’t overuse your tags.

“Hello,” Linda said.

“Hello,” Roger said.

“How are you?” Linda asked.

“I’m fine,” Roger replied.

Omit tags when readers can assume who is speaking.

Linda put her arm around Roger. “I love you.”

He smiled. “I love you, too.”

Use action instead of tags.

“I’ll miss you,” Roger cried. ✖️


Hot tears swelled in Rogers eyes. “I’ll miss you.” ✔️
