

“Break a leg. On second thought, let me break it for you.”

“I’m torn between looking like a snack or eating one…”

“What state are you living in?”

“Constant anxiety.”

“No. I meant like in the U.S.”



Using said after the dialogue isn’t great and neither is just plugging in -ed or -ly words. Try adding more to help your reader better understand how the charter feels. Don’t be afraid to make it creative, make a comparison, or make it metaphorical.

“I can’t” she said. 

“I can’t” she said shyly. 

“I can’t” she whispered only to herself, but she didn’t realize the dust in the empty chair could hear too. 


You’ve been infected by a sentient, eldritch parasite. Realizing it’s counting on you for its own survival, the parasite offers occult knowledge, wisdom, and secrets in return for the host’s sustenance and protection. Describe this unlikely friendship.

“So… You’re an eldritch being.”


“You have unimaginable power.”


“All the knowledge in the world.”


“But you need a host to stay alive?”

“We’ve been over this 5 times. Yes, I do require a host as I am unable to acquire the sustenance myself.”

“So you’re a real-life Alakazam but parasite version?”

“… If the comparison will help you comprehend my existence then yes, but please refrain from referring to me as a parasitic Alakazam.”


“So can you just hand me the answers to the test while I’m doing it?”

“I could but I don’t recommend, doing this won’t help you grow as a human.”

“Welp, let’s have another night of chilli hotpot!”


“It’s your fault that you’re weak!”

“It’s not my fault that you’re an abomination!”

“So is that a yes or a no, cause I’m really craving some-”

“FINE FINE! Just don’t put me through that torture again!”


600 Followers Celebration

So, I have no idea how I’ve managed to reach 651 followers already and I’ve only just had this blog for like, what? A month? This is insane! But I love you all for it anyway. Thank you so much and please enjoy these prompts to show my gratitude.

  • ❝The moment I held you… something changed in me.❞
  • God, I really thought I could have it all.❞
  • You are my greatest legacy.❞
  • ❝Let me help you. Please - it’s what I’m here for.❞
  • ❝I am so in love with you. So, so in love.❞
  • ❝You’re slipping through my fingers.❞
  • ❝I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.❞
  • ❝I will gladly carry that burden for you.❞
  • ❝This is pointless.❞
  • ❝You’re hopeless.❞
  • ❝We can do anything you like.❞
  • ❝I’m falling for you so much that it’s freaking me the hell out.❞
  • ❝Crushes are messy things.❞
  • ❝Wait. Do you have a crush on me?❞
  • ❝You don’t have to hide from me.❞
  • ❝You are the only one who really understands me, so please—don’t go.❞
  • ❝Take it all out on me. Use me, I don’t care.❞
  • ❝You see it now, right? I’m not good for you.❞
  • ❝No…you can’t be in love with me. You can't—because I’m not in love with you.❞
  • ❝Hey, good things are allowed to fall apart.❞
  • ❝Tell me all the things you hate about me and I’ll fall even more in love with you.❞
  • ❝I will never fray from you, never abandon you—I am forever and infinitely yours.❞
  • ❝I fall in love with you more every day.❞
  • ❝For you? I’ll do anything.❞
  • ❝Tell me whatever it is, and I’ll be that for you.❞
  • ❝Who do you want me to be? Stupid? In love? I’ll be anything for you.❞
  • ❝I go wherever you go. That was the deal, remember?❞
  • ❝Who cares if they’re staring, let them.❞
  • ❝You’re my guardian angel.❞
  • ❝Let me all the way in!❞
  • ❝I could live in his/her eyes.❞
  • ❝She’s the devil, that one.❞
  • ❝I keep letting you back in and it hurts.❞
  • ❝I love you, I love you, I love you!❞
  • ❝I wish you could see the way you look at me.❞
  • ❝I haven’t been held like this in a very long time.❞
  • ❝I’m so lucky to have you.❞
  • ❝Why won’t you pay attention to me? It’s been hours since you looked at me.❞
  • ❝Come back to bed.❞
  • ❝Can I keep you?❞
  • ❝Looking at you is like looking at the moon itself.❞
  • ❝Quick! Take a picture with me!❞
  • ❝Did you just take a picture of me?❞
  • ❝Let go, just for one night.❞
  • ❝Hey, don’t cry. Everything is okay, see?❞
  • ❝I’m having so much fun with you.❞
  • ❝My precious girl/boy.❞
  • ❝I find solace in everything you do.❞
  • ❝You’re like my own little compass.❞
  • ❝My one and only love.❞
  • ❝I have loved you since the very beginning, and I won’t stop now.❞
  • ❝Hardy har-har, you’re such a comedian.❞
  • ❝You are my greatest treasure.❞
  • ❝I need you like the earth needs the sun.❞
  • ❝You’re my superhero.❞
  • ❝I was enchanted the first moment I laid eyes on you.❞
  • ❝You’re like a needy baby.❞
  • ❝Now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting go.❞

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #62

  1. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been listening to myself speak for twenty years.”
  2. “Let’s just say we have unfinished business.”
  3. “You’re in my way. Move.”
  4. “Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense later.” “I sincerely doubt that.”
  5. “Do you have to wear that?”
  6. “You drugged them?!” “Yeah, what’s the problem?”
  7. “Are you always this jittery?”
  8. “What are you doing?” “Tidying.”“…Why?”
  9. “Listen here, ugly.”
  10. “Let me throw up real quick-”

Prompt #41

“What do you even see in me ?”

“I see someone that is trying their best to be a good person”

“I was never meant to be a good person, you know this as well as I do”


She went all the way to the store by the way of a car in which she had just purchased. ✖️


She went to the store in a car she had just purchased. ✔️

He very much loved the sounds that the cars made as they made their way passed his house at a very fast pace.✖️


He loved the cars’ sounds as they quickly passed his house. ✔️

▪️Avoid run on sentences:

He bought a dog from the shelter because he wanted to give a homeless dog a nice new home and that made him feel like a good person. ✖️


He bought a dog from the shelter because he wanted to give a homeless dog a nice new home. This made him feel like a good person.

▪️Cut out “was” when possible:

Courtney was smiling. ✖️


Courtney smiled. ✔️

▪️Try using one sentace paragraphs:

She liked how the rain felt on her bare skin.

So, she chose to walk home, her feet crashing through puddles.

It took longer than it would have in a car.

But she didn’t regret it.

▪️Try shorter sentences:

Ann’s heart felt sad.

She didn’t know what had caused it.

All she knew was that she woke up one morning feeling sad.

▪️Be conside:

I like carrots. Carrots are better than broccoli.✖️


I like carrots better than broccoli. ✔️

▪️Be Specific:

She ate a snack.✖️


She ate peanut butter crackers. ✔️

She went out for entertainment.✖️


She went to the theater.✔️

▪️Paint pictures:

The sun was yellow. The sky was blue.✖️


The sky was a blanket of gold, fluttering through the pale blue. ✔️

▪️Express don’t impress:

Scintillating gold fulgrated across the sphere it was a quintessential evening.✖️


Sparkling gold mixed through the navy sky. It was the perfect evening. ✔️

Best Writing Tip EVER:

  • If it’s boring to you, it’s boring to your reader.

Otherbest writing Tips:

▪️Write what you love

▪️throw away guidelines (if you want to write about a character that passes out every five seconds for no reason, GO FOR IT)

▪️stop writing for other people

▪️stop worrying ☺️

▪️fall in love with your story, characters, and setting

▪️allow writing to be fun again

▪️don’t write for money, popularity, or anything other than YOU (you’re not an accountant, you’re a writer! But if money follows your passion, yay you!)

Questions to ask yourself:

If bores me, why am I writing it?

What do I love? Hobbies, places, food, subjects, events, eras, etc.

What do I not love? Don’t write it.

What do I know? Homeschooling, raising animals, career, art, cleaning houses. (You’d be surprised what others don’t know and how interested they would be to just read about a character that mops floors for a living )

Am I writing about a subject I’m unfamiliar with?

Do I love my book?

Does my book excite me?

Do I love my characters?

What books do I like to read?


Once upon a time, a writer that loved to write couldn’t write any more.

She tried everything in her power but ended up hating her book just as much as a runny nose and sore throat.

She wondered why this had happened to her.

She realized she had been writing for others, what she thought they wanted and liked.

But in reality, her stories were boring like watching rain out the window.

Especially to her.

So she decided to take a break from internet writing and wrote a private story for herself.

She quickly realized she had never lost her writing gift and she felt so happy that she finished an entire novel and published it.

Many people loved and commented on her book, telling her it was the best book she had ever written.

Now she realized that her own passions also interested others so she kept writing for herself. And others enjoyed it, too!

Now she writes for a living, it’s not boring, and she has fun everyday.


Spice up your dialogue:

“I can’t,” she said.

Or you could say…

“I can’t,” she said, slowlyand moved away from him.

“Will you come?” He asked.


“Will you come?” He asked, timidlywith his head down.

Balance your tags like this:

Tags: pink

Adjective: orange

Action: blue

“I’m tired,” Mia said with a yawnand crawled into bed.

Daniel lowered the book he was reading. “It’s too early for sleep.”

Two seconds later, Mia’s snores echoed through the room.

“Oh well.” Hechuckledand turned off the light.


She said, softly and looked down.

She said, timidly stepping away.

She said, robustly and met his eyes.

She said, angrily with a flushed face.

She said, quivering and fell to the ground.

He said, laughing and holding his stomach.

He said, stiffly and turned away.

He said, bitterly and his jaw flared.

Dialogue Tags:

▪️He explained. ✖️

▪️He advised. ✖️

▪️He warned. ✖️

▪️He confirmed. ✖️

▪️He accused. ✖️

▪️He babbled. ✖️

▪️He said.✔️

Although these tags aren’t always bad they can be overused and redundant to the reader.

Let me explain.

▪️“You stole my cookie, Linda!” Roger shouted.

(We already know Roger is accusing Linda and don’t need to say “Roger accused”.

It’s better to keep your tags basic.

▪️He said. ✔️

▪️She said. ✔️

▪️He asked. ✔️

▪️She asked. ✔️

▪️He yelled. ✔️

▪️She yelled. ✔️

But don’t overuse your tags.

“Hello,” Linda said.

“Hello,” Roger said.

“How are you?” Linda asked.

“I’m fine,” Roger replied.

Omit tags when readers can assume who is speaking.

Linda put her arm around Roger. “I love you.”

He smiled. “I love you, too.”

Use action instead of tags.

“I’ll miss you,” Roger cried. ✖️


Hot tears swelled in Rogers eyes. “I’ll miss you.” ✔️

Dialogue is so so important! If your reader sees that you know what you’re doing, they’re more likely to read your book ☺️ this book is only 4.99 on amazon, link posted below! Happy writing!


Also, this is a treasure! Especially for my fellow wattpaders out there. If you want to successfully publish on wattpad, this book is a necessity. Good luck! Link posted below…



“I have a question about the humans”.

“Uh? What is it?”

“You know how they have to cover themselves up at all times?”


“Why do they have to do that? It’s not like they are walking on inhospitable places all the time. They could just wear a karket to cover some of their parts up”.

“… Uh…”.


“Have you ever seen a human before?”


“That would answer the question”.

“It doesn’t? They have fur. They are just covering their fur”.

“They don’t have fur- where did you get that idea from?!”

“I saw a picture of them! They havefur! I heard they complain about the weather being too hot all the time. If only they wore a karketlike we do…”.

“You mean, the fur on their heads? That’s hair”.

“They have a special name for that? But the fur on their bodies is the same…”.

“For the last time, they don’t have fur! Not thick fur, at least. They like to shave”.

“That’s… Not true. I can’t think of any intelligent species without fur or scales. It would be like… Seeing exposed flesh. They don’t have exposed flesh”.

“They don’t- you know what? Look”.

“I am looking”.

“Look at this. Thisis a human! Does thislook like fur to you?!”



“What the fuck is that?! The fuck- the fuck?! That’s exposed flesh, but not really exposed! What are the other Earth intelligent creatures?!”

“There aren’t any other. Only humans and the robots, but they are basically the same thing”.

“You must be fucking kidding me…”.

“Show me what you saw, then!”

“Fine! Fine! Just let me find it- there! Right there!”

“… Dude”.

“Are you seeing it? That’s fucking fur!”



“That’s a fucking monkey!”

So this weekend I participated in the GMTK game jam. The theme was “only one”. My team decided to in

So this weekend I participated in the GMTK game jam. The theme was “only one”. My team decided to interpret that as Only one Word. So we made a fun absurdist dialogue game where you could answer using one word but with different inflections. It was super fun and I was surprised how much we were able to get done. If you have time check the game out here. And if you like it give it a rating and leave a comment.

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