#global south


“Much like the US and the western European nations, the standards of living in the Nordic countries are based not on having invented a wonderful system that can provide for everyone’s needs, but based on the exploitation of resources and labor of the global south. Lenin described one of the key tendencies of imperialism as ‘the exploitation of oppressed nations—which is inseparably connected with annexations—and especially the exploitation of colonies by a handful of 'Great’ Powers, increasingly transforms the 'civilised’ world into a parasite on the body of hundreds of millions in the uncivilised nations.’ While the large colonial empires of Lenin’s time have largely dispersed, the relationships have not so much disappeared as they have changed form. The global south is exploited, and the western powers profit.”


“You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. Besides, it took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen.”
Thomas Sankara

What is Pan African Communist Nkrumahism-Toureism?:

Nkrumahism-Toureism takes its name from the consistent, revolutionary, scientific socialist and Pan-African principles, practices and policies followed, implemented and taught by Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kwame Ture; three of the foremost exponents and practitioners of the scientific strategy to liberate and unify Africa, and all African People in every corner of the World, under scientific socialism. These principles, practices and policies are recorded in their speeches, writings, actions, contributions, achievements and lives. They must be read, studied, analyzed, and implemented.

In a larger and more complete sense, Nkrumahism-Toureism is a product of Africa’s history and culture, the result of the accumulated practical and theoretical contributions and achievements of centuries and generations of mass, revolutionary Pan-African and larger socialist struggles. Nkrumahism-Toureism is a way of life! It directs it adherents to place the need of the People over money and material wealth and establishes revolutionary ethics and morality for how we engage each other and fight the enemy in the African Revolution. It highlights and underscores the need for the absolute emancipation of African women as African women have suffered triple oppression, politically, economically, and by men imbued by and with the sexist ideology of capitalism.

Nkrumahism-Toureism is grounded in the science of Revolutionary mass struggle, as it is applied to Africa, to the almost 1 billion people of African descent who are scattered, suffering and struggling in every corner of the World. It philosophically and ideologically defines, incorporates, and synthesizes three distinct historical experiences that have impacted and define Africa and Her Children worldwide: Traditional Africa, Euro-Christian Africa and Islamic Africa. Nkrumahism-Toureism’s concrete living example is to be found in the creative struggle, contributions and achievements of African Revolutionaries to the African and International Revolutions.

Nkrumahism-Toureism provides the Masses of African People with a set of uncompromising principles, a scientific, revolutionary, and Pan-African method of viewing Africa and the World; and a scientific methodology and set of analytical tools, which enable African People to correctly interpret, understand, redeem and reconstruct Africa, and make their revolutionary contribution to the redemption and reconstruction of the Oppressed World.

Nkrumahism-Toureism provides a complete social, cultural, political, philosophical and economic theory that constitute a comprehensive network of Pan-Africanist scientific socialist principles, beliefs, values, ethics, morals and rules, which guide our behavior, determine the form which our institutions and organizations, laws and rules will take; and acts as a cohesive force to bind us together, inspire us, guide and channel our revolutionary mass political action towards the achievement of Pan-Africanism and the inevitable triumph of scientific socialism.

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Seeing Like a Feminist is a stunning introduction to Global Southern feminism for the intersectional feminist. The ‘Western’ feminist voice overwhelmingly dominates feminist discussions, and we have grown lazy and unwilling to do the work even as we pat ourselves on the back for occasionally reading outside of our comfort zones.

This book blew my mind. In a single moment it flipped my entire perspective on its head, and I opened a closed door in my mind that I hadn’t realised existed. I was standing at my bookcase flipping through the book, interested, and then Nivedita Menon perfectly and beautifully explained Butler’s theory of gender performance to me in a way that sang in my bones. I stopped. I picked up my highlighter. I sat down on the floor. And four hours later, I finished the book.

The wham moment for me was this. I had always been taught Butler as this basic formula: gender is constructed through a set of acts that are said to be in compliance with dominant societal norms. Gender is performed. Butler is incredibly difficult to read, although incredibly rewarding, but unless you are undertaking a degree in sociology you don’t break past the first layer.

But then Menon writes this: “…it is gender that produces the category of biological sex. And gender produces sex through a series of performances.” Menon goes on to explain that, just as gender is on a spectrum, sex is on a spectrum. Sexed bodies are created by societally prescribed genders: over time, we alter our bodies to fit this performance. The biology of bodies is so complex that they cannot be divided into two ‘legitimate’ types, but exist in a multitude of beautiful and true ways. We attempt to adhere to a binary that has never existed: we express a binary of sex through a binary of gender by creating a multi-layered and prescribed performance in our actions and with our bodies. Furthermore, the pervasive templates of binary genders originated in European cultures and, through colonialism, have overwritten pre-existing, nuanced, unique and diverse conceptions of gender and sex.

Menon explores the history and conceptions of sex and gender in Global Southern cultures, and examines the damage that Western scholarship has created by misrepresenting these cultures through its assumption that gender identities and social hierarchies follow a universal pattern – the Western pattern. Societies, cultures, religions, genders, sexualities – all misrepresented through a cracked lens. Her interrogation of the dominance of Western voices does not stop at the gender binary but continues through to queerness, kinship, representation, activism and sexual violence.

Her challenge to the ingrained assumptions and worn paths of Western feminism is relentless and sharply critical: one by one she dismantles the reigning discourse and challenges us to reconstruct our feminism/s as more critical, more aware, and more cognisant of other pathways and traditions, especially those irrevocably damaged by Western colonialism – our feminism/s should be a challenging journey forward without completion.

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70 years ago the fear was “babies will be grown in vats” but little did we know the vats would be impoverished women on the other side of the globe. capitalism and misogyny combine, finding the cheapest, not the safest, way to deliver babies as a product.

Ukraine Is Blackmailing The Global South By Officially Demanding Weapons For Wheat

Ukraine Is Blackmailing The Global South By Officially Demanding Weapons For Wheat

The so-called “deadlock” over resolving the global food crisis is just as artificially manufactured as its origins since Kiev has now officially declared that it won’t resume wheat exports by sea to the Global South unless it receives anti-ship missiles first.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar officially demanded weapons in exchange for resuming wheat exports by sea in what amounts to…

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