#god i just



Three’s a Crowd [Rio x Reader x Silvio][Ikemen Prince][Smut]

Characters ↬ Rio Ortiz x Fem! Reader x Silvio Ricci

Rating ↬ Explicit (Smut – mdni)

Tags ↬ Threesome, Silvio, and Rio compete for the reader’s attention (in bed), Rio has a praise kink, Silvio calls reader “Pet”, PIV, BJ, Swearing, Cunningulus, Silvio and Rio do not touch each other

Description ↬ When the first Prince of Benitoite, Silvio Ricci, comes to visit Rhodolite as part of his official duties, you start noticing your ever-faithful best friend, Rio, acting strange. It’s almost as if the two of them know each other from before? Not to mention this weird unspoken competition they have going on to vie for your attention… not that you’re complaining. What happens next?

A/N ↬ Here’s a spicy Silvrio sandwich. (✪‿✪)ノ Hope you enjoy, nonny! It’s a long one.

Disclaimer ↬ I do not own the rights to Ikemen Prince or any of the Ikemen series games.

Wordcount ↬ 3.8k

Tag List @atelier-maroron@aquagirl1978@kleeps@ikesimp100@chaosangel767@devildomwritersposts@themysticalbeing@and-then-she-died-tm@kpop-and-otome@rhodolitesroseforclavis@curious-skybunny@moonstruck-writing@lordsister@violettduchess If you’re interested in being tagged (or untagged) in future fics, please DM me, comment, or fill out this form.

Your ears perked up at the thunderous roar of two very familiar voices from the other side of your door. One raspier in tone, and the other one typicallysweeter, at least around you. If your suspicions were correct, it was the first Prince of Benitoite, Silvio Ricci, and your best friend, Rio Ortiz, getting into another one of their catfights and proceeding to disturb the peace of all the castle’s residents. Even a stern talking to Sariel had only managed to hold Rio back a tiny bit. However, every word that fell from his lips towards the Benitoitian Prince still dripped with the most dangerous venom.

It had been jarring, to say the least, seeing your usually angelic best friend be so openly hostile towards the Prince. You’d initially thought it was some sort of weird vengeance thing. After all, the Benitoitian Prince had declared you as his “pet” and requested you to accompany him throughout his entire time in Rhodolite – which Rio had taken great offense to. However, as days passed, the unwarranted hostility between the two men only grew.

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EA really said fuck you huh!!!

This girl said the n word, wore a durag, did blackface TWICE and is in a scandal right now for wearing an outfit clearly inspired by African cultures. She just keeps going, all antiblack all day.

and to be clear to anyone outside of the Kpop fandom: hwasa (and by extension mamamoo) have made this their career. They’ve been caught doing that shit too many times for them not to have learned better— this has been going on for Y E A R S. a lot of kpop groups are guilty of appropriation, but nobody does it quite like mamamoo. they’re at a point in their career where they have agency over their creative direction. There’s no excuse.

do you know what i love even more about the vegaspete scene in this ep? the fact that in this ep is when we see vegas unmasked. we’ve had all these rumblings about how awful vegas really is, how he’s evil and how he’s dangerous and how he’s gonna fuck over the main family, but we’ve never really seen it until now. and in that way, we’re like porsche and tawan, two men vegas has been playing with and two men he’s tried to ruin. porsche he played innocent with, sweet, flirted at first but when he realized that wasn’t getting through, that kinn was too protective and porsche wouldn’t fall for him like that, he still got in his mind with that whole “kill me nicely” speech last ep. and tawan, who he strung around with pretend romance and love and promises of marriage, all to manipulate him into doing his bidding, completing his plan. now porsche sees vegas as the man the rumors say he is, evil and scheming and dangerous, and tawan realizes that all he’s been told has been a lie, that the ring is just a ring, that he was just a playing piece to vegas and nothing else. and when unmasked, both porsche and tawan react how vegas wants them to, they’re horrified and broken and disgusted and angry. that’s what vegas wants, what he thrives of, getting that response out of people. he wants to be threatening and dangerous and feared. and he’s played the game with pete too, flashed small smiles, acted nice and calm, never done anything outright terrifying or threatening. so now, when pete is stripped and bound, and vegas is coming towards him with the ability and the promise to break him, when he’s unmasked, he wants that response. but he doesn’t get it. because pete smiles. he laughs, he looks the evil in its face and grins. and you see, it makes vegas mad. bc when pete is screaming and writhing in pain, vegas is smiling, his face is lit up with sadistic joy. but when pete smiles back, his face drops, gets stiff, there’s that angry tension behind that smile that says “you dare laugh at me”. it makes him angry, it makes him wanna give pete more, make him suffer more. and it plays in to pete’s hands. because pete can take it. bc more than any kind of joy or kick he gets from the pain, what will delight him more, is seeing the way he can get under vegas’ skin, and make him break just as much as he is breaking.

norue67: Do not worry! I can’t do anything but I will cry with you


Do not worry! I can’t do anything but I will cry with you

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