


Wishlist:Steam Page

Quest Of the Graal is available on Steam

Ruins Of Mitriom is available on Steam for free ( with remote play support and some small additions )

Post jam version of Ruins Of Mitriom is available:

Ninja Adventure Asset Pack Update

Free Ninja adventure asset pack update


Everything is free with CC0 license for personal and commercial use, if we reach the donation goal we’ll add new content on it.

Quest Of Graal DX - Level Creation Timelapse

kable1217 asked:

Hi! Just found your blog today! So my question is about the game. What game development program are you using? Unity? (i tried learning by myself through video tutorials but some of the coding stuff weren’t working no matter how many times i checked, redid, and experimented so it didnt work out) Unreal? Or some other program? Also will you be selling this game? If so will it be on steam?


Hey there! I’m using a free, open-source game engine called Godot Engine. I really like how it feels, and great resources are starting to really pour in for it. Regarding your coding concerns, it’s coming out with more and more support for code-free programming. I haven’t looked into that much because I enjoy coding normally, but this should be great for those who don’t.

When Project Xadia is available, it will be totally free; I will not monetize any part of it directly. I own no legal rights to any of the TDP intellectual property, so that’d be a huge no-no. Even if I use some of my Project Xadia music in my own original games, I’ll be making sure to modify any sections of the tunes that use TDP themes. The game will probably be hosted on itch.io, because I think that’s a good place to put free games and demos?

The time may be approaching for me to open a Ko-Fi, so people can donate independently if they desire.


Dash-swimming! I got this new mechanic animated and programmed last night. Swim fast, panic fast. Such is the way of the Moonshadow elf. …Or maybe that’s just Rayla.

New devlog where I get more personal about what compelled me to begin this The Dragon Prince fan game, and why I’m so keen on seeing it through.
