#good doggy lotsa biscuits

Ukraine’s mine-sniffing dog given medal after finding over 200 explosives | Ukraine | The Guardian V

Ukraine’s mine-sniffing dog given medal after finding over 200 explosives | Ukraine | The Guardian

Volodymyr Zelenskiy presents award to jack russell Patron, who is seen as a symbol of resistance against Russia

A mine-sniffing dog credited with detecting more than 200 explosives since the start of the war in Ukraine has been given a medal for his services to the country.

Patron, a two-and-a-half-year-old jack russell, was presented with the award by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, at a ceremony in Kyiv.

The terrier, whose name means “ammo” in Ukrainian, sniffs out Russian mines and explosives in the north-eastern city of Chernihiv and acts as a mascot of the country’s state emergency service.

He has become a national symbol of Ukraine’s resistance against Russia, featuring regularly in videos on official Ukrainian social media channels.  …

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