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 Patron poses at an award ceremony in Kyiv, Ukraine on Sunday. The Jack Russell terrier is credited

Patron poses at an award ceremony in Kyiv, Ukraine on Sunday. The Jack Russell terrier is credited with detecting more than 200 Russian explosive devices since the start of the war.  Efrem Lukatsky/AP

Patron the bomb-sniffing dog gets a medal from Zelenskyy : NPR

A tiny Jack Russell terrier has won hearts and admirers for helping neutralize hundreds of Russian explosives in Ukraine. Now he’s won state honors, too.

Patron the bomb-sniffing dog — and his owner, Mykhailo Iliev of the Civil Protection Service— received a medal from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a news conference on Sunday, in recognition of their service to the country.

Patron, whose name means “ammo” in Ukrainian, is credited with detecting more than 200 undetonated explosive devices since the beginning of the war in late February, according to Reuters.

With his powerful snout and pint-sized protective vest, Patron has become a fixture of Ukraine’s official social media channels and an international symbol of patriotism. He’s even inspired an outpouring of fan art in the form of illustrations (ranging from poignant to tongue-in-cheek) and knit plushies. His official Instagram page has more than 220,000 followers.

Zelenskyy handed out the award at a news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Kyiv, as Patron barked and enthusiastically wagged his tail….

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Ukraine’s mine-sniffing dog given medal after finding over 200 explosives | Ukraine | The Guardian V

Ukraine’s mine-sniffing dog given medal after finding over 200 explosives | Ukraine | The Guardian

Volodymyr Zelenskiy presents award to jack russell Patron, who is seen as a symbol of resistance against Russia

A mine-sniffing dog credited with detecting more than 200 explosives since the start of the war in Ukraine has been given a medal for his services to the country.

Patron, a two-and-a-half-year-old jack russell, was presented with the award by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, at a ceremony in Kyiv.

The terrier, whose name means “ammo” in Ukrainian, sniffs out Russian mines and explosives in the north-eastern city of Chernihiv and acts as a mascot of the country’s state emergency service.

He has become a national symbol of Ukraine’s resistance against Russia, featuring regularly in videos on official Ukrainian social media channels.  …

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Russian ambassador to Poland pelted with red paint at VE Day gathering | Poland | The GuardianRussiaRussian ambassador to Poland pelted with red paint at VE Day gathering | Poland | The GuardianRussia

Russian ambassador to Poland pelted with red paint at VE Day gathering | Poland | The Guardian

Russia’s ambassador to Poland has been pelted with red paint thrown at him by people protesting against the war in Ukraine as he went to lay flowers at the Soviet military cemetery in Warsaw on the anniversary of the allied victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.

Video footage released by Russian news agencies showed Sergey Andreev and several other men with paint on their clothes and faces surrounded by a crowd, some holding Ukrainian flags. In other videos of the incident circulating online, anti-war activists can be heard chanting “fascists” and “murderers”.

Andreev told the Russian news agency Tass that he and his team had not been seriously hurt in the incident. The protesters prevented the ambassador from laying flowers at the cemetery and Polish police escorted him away.

Russia’s foreign ministry responded to the incident by demanding Warsaw organise a new wreath-laying ceremony immediately and saying Poland should “ensure complete protection against any provocations”.  …

…  Poland, which has taken in millions of Ukrainian refugees, cancelled all official commemorations of the anniversary.

Speaking during a trip to Iran, the Polish foreign minister, Zbigniew Rau, said: “It is an incident that should not have happened, an incident that is, by all means, regrettable.” He said diplomats enjoyed special protection regardless of the policies pursued by the authorities of their countries.

The Polish interior minister, Mariusz Kaminski, tweeted: “The gathering of opponents of Russian aggression against Ukraine, where genocide takes place every day, was legal. The emotions of Ukrainian women participating in the demonstration, whose husbands courageously fight for the defence of the Motherland, are understandable.

“The Polish authorities did not recommend the Russian ambassador to lay flowers on 9 May in Warsaw. The police allowed the ambassador to safely leave the scene.”  …

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