#good morning reblog



Whenever Levi sees you not being your usual self, he pulls you into his embrace and hold you tight against his chest, letting you listen to his steady heartbeat and he’ll lovingly stroke your hair.

“It’ll be okay,” he whispers next to your ear and you wrap your arms around his waist tighter, letting out a soft sob. “You’re my girl, you’ll be okay.” Levi presses a soft kiss to your forehead and hugs you even closer. Wrapping his strong arms protectively around you, he lets you know that he’s never letting you go.

“I’ll always be here.”

caiabresebun:caiabresebun:selling leftovers of aa charms! you can purchase here ⬇️ linkcaiabresebun:caiabresebun:selling leftovers of aa charms! you can purchase here ⬇️ linkcaiabresebun:caiabresebun:selling leftovers of aa charms! you can purchase here ⬇️ linkcaiabresebun:caiabresebun:selling leftovers of aa charms! you can purchase here ⬇️ link



selling leftovers of aa charms! you can purchase here ⬇️


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caiabresebun:OC Thermis sketch commission for @lynnetendothank you ⚔️!!


OC Thermis sketch commission for @lynnetendo

thank you ⚔️!!

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mystictober day 9: theater + hourglass

zen + theater + hourglass

words: 1546 (don’t ask why it ran long…)

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!

There is an hourglass on your bedside table that you got from the last flea market you went to with your best friend. She was looking for a certain book that her boss sent her to find, and you had poked around and looked at what else they were offering. The owner said that it didn’t work anymore, but you thought it looked cute- especially since the sand was a pinkish red color that seemed to shine gold in the light and its frame had these diamond shapes that made it unique. So despite what the owner said, you still went ahead and bought it.

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mystictober day 10: seven x mc + space station

seven x mc + space station

words: 638

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!

!! this i dedicate to jay, @galaxytastes, my one and only starboy. THANK YOU for bringing dear sev into my life.

You’re on the moon.

This, you know because of the view of Earth before you- an image you had only ever seen on screen was right before your very eyes. Below you were craters of moondust, and you stand to look outside the glass pane that separates you from the moon’s atmosphere.

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mystictober day 8: jaehee x mc / vacation

jaehee x mc + vacation

words: 1,076

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It may have been a passing comment, but it was one that had stuck to you ever since you attended your first RFA party.

“I must ask Sherlocking to retrieve my lost vacation days,” Jaehee says with a little laugh after welcoming the detective and checking the his name on the guest list. It was said lightly, but you felt the truth in her words, especially after the soft sigh that escapes her before you both move on to the next guest.

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mystictober day 7: favorite cg / matching

saeyoung + favorite cg + matching

words: 525

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!! reader is wearing a dress, but nothing other than that is specified.

also, this isn’t my favorite cg cause i cannot pick one, but it’s definitely one of them <3

You feel yourself go still as his hands wrap around you, as his chin hooks over your shoulder. He has you surrounded you now, and you know well enough that there’s no getting out of this. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide- not in this bunker, not when you’re in the hands of God Seven himself.

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Introducing:Lynelda/Merlin (Lynelin) in Pyrogenous

“Merlin, time to wake up.”

“Five more minutes…”

“Don’t even think about it.”


When a girl with no connections nor money trips upon a boy with none of those things as well, they didn’t think much of it; poverty and obscurity were common after all. But when the two see each other again, with the boy chained to the stocks and getting rotten tomatoes thrown at him and the girl, now a surrogate mother, gently wiping some of the vegetables off his face, neither of them called out in recognition; the boy only reached out to wrap his arms around the girl’s waist in his sleep, and the girl racked her brains in vain for a single similarity between the blurry memory of a smiling child magicking flowers into a flower crown to place on her hair, to the shirtless boy asleep in her bed. And as the world grows darker with the rise of evil forces, the boy and the girl might just have to break their agreement and learn to trust each other once more…


“Princess, I –”

“Save it until after this is over, I’ll be waiting.”

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Say It Again

Pairing: Poe Dameron x fem!Reader, modern!AU (part of the No More Wasted Time universe)

Word Count: 1.5k (ish)

Rating: Teen and up (BLOG IS 18+, THOUGH, MINORS DNI)

Excerpt: “I just feel terrible, Poe,” you say with shuddered breaths. “I haven’t been this sick in so long and all I want… sniff… is… is…”“Is for someone to take care of you,” he finishes for you, planting a kiss on your sweaty head. You nod into his chest and let him hold you a little while longer while the tears subside. Your eyes grow heavy again and you sway a bit on your feet. 

Warnings: Brief descriptions of reader being sick, fluff, EMOTIONS

Summary: When you get sick, Poe immediately jumps into action taking care of you.

A/N: Found a prompt from this wonderful prompt list and thought it was time for a certain moment to be shared between these two. The prompt was Damn, you’re burning up. Thank you, as always, for @creatively-analytical for giving this a look over and beta reading for me, I LOVE YOU.

Cursing every god you could think of, you reach up to flush the toilet you’d been hugging for the last 10 minutes. The early morning light seeps through the gossamer curtains over the small bathroom window, a breeze causing them to sway along the sill. You lean against the wall and tip your head back, sweat sliding down your neck and body shaking. Damn co-workers, coming to work sick and spreading it around…

You start to drowse, your stomach calm enough now to actually relax. The breeze dries the sweat from your body and your breathing begins to even out when…

Knock knock knock

The sudden rapping on your door startles you and you jerk awake, stomach once again beginning to roll with the movement. You shakily stand, opening the bathroom door and stumbling to the front door before peeking through the spy hole. 

“Poe?” Your voice is haggard, throat raw from being sick. 

“Baby? Everything okay?”

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❤️ First Page 6! :D censored for tumblr :/ uncensored is on InstagramandTwitter

❤️ Page 7 is up early for patrons!
