#good post







can we like…get rid of the so-called leather and rubber “pride flags” ? it’s honestly ridiculous and offensive to the lgbtq community. those aren’t pride flags. 

The leather pride flag is the second oldest pride flag. It has been at almost every single US pride parade and protest in history.

It’s older then you are, it’s older then I am. The leather community is responsible for pride. Leather daddies were the ones chasing away cops when they tried to arrest us for being queer in public back when Pride Parades were illegal in the US. They are still the ones chasing away cops and corporations from smaller pride events and those that aren’t sanctioned by Wells Fargo. The leather community is essential to the queer community and has a long and rich history.

Please fuck off if you’re not going to learn the actual history of pride.

And don’t fucking out your hate in our tags, asshole.

The leather pride flag represents an expression of self which is inherently queer, and a community which has been around for generations. It is not offensive to the LGBT+ community in any way. I have seen cis gay and bisexual men standing shoulder-to-shoulder with trans men, all of them united by their leather community roots. The leather community is more diverse and nuanced than you perhaps know, but that is no reason for you to shit on a community you don’t understand.

Here is a photograph from 1998, displaying the leather pride flag, the bear gay pride flag, and the rainbow flag. This is our history.


Here is a photograph from 1987: three queer women entering into the Ms. National Leather Association Contest, or simply gathering as spectators.


A flyer from 1989, rallying the leather community to march in a Stonewall anniversary protest.


A photograph from 1988: Tony Deblase, the creator of the leather pride flag, and a gay man, embracing a fellow member of the leather community. Over his shoulder is Judy Tallwing McCarthy, a Native American woman who was part of the leather community from 1959. She co-founded the first lesbian BDSM group in Portland, along with her partner, Sashie Hyatt.


Just because youdon’t know the history, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Be humble, and always assume you have more to learn. Hatred, and outright dismissal of communities you know nothing about, is the most aggressively anti-LGBT thing I can imagine.

The leather community has always included trans people, lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. The leather community is global and nuanced. The leather community is where many of us encounter our found families, and our lovers. For you to dismiss that is cold-hearted and ignorant. Just because queer sex is involved, doesn’t make the community dirty or bad.

I’m again fucking begging the baby gays to read/watch/listen to How To Survive A Plague.

Do you have any. Any idea. Any god damn clue. How kink intersects with LGBT and queer community. Queer history. Do you know why the community pushed for, and against, closing the bathhouses during the 80s? Do you know who organized awareness campaigns about HIV, even way back when it was still called GIRD. Do you know who created the safe sex pamphlets, the classes, who pushed for disclosing your health history to partners, who distributed contraceptives and condoms and dental dams at parties and meetings and baths? Do you even know where the safe sex education we have now comes from? Do you know where a bulk of the language about consent came from? Do you have any good god damn idea what the kink communities have done for us, and continue to do for us?

Keep their names out of your mouths because you clearly don’t know what the hell you’re talking about

If there is one thing I could say to young queer folks, especially young queer folks in the U.S. who are coming of age in a world that is more accepting than the one I knew growing up, it’s this:

Don’t be so quick to sanitize your queerness and make it corporate pride daytime TV-friendly. Don’t be so quick to jump on the purity bandwagon. Don’t be so quick to speak on what your community should look like before you’ve actually learned the history of your community, and always be aware that there are things you probably don’t yet know.

These things will not protect you. They never have. And all you’re doing is isolating yourself from community, from support, from the strength we all have when we stand together in a world that would gladly pick us off one by one.

Queerness isn’t as hidden or embattled now (in some places) as it once was, but make no mistake: when our existence was illegal everywhere the people you have this knee-jerk “hide the weirdos” reaction to are the very ones who would’ve had your back against the cops and the gay-bashers.

The people who made me feel safe to come out in my 20s flew the rubber and leather flags alongside the rainbow flag and often the trans flag as well. You don’t get to tell any of them they don’t belong anymore just because you don’t understand.


Rules for Losing

So, yeah, Roe vs. Wade.  And also, quite possibly, a huge chunk of the 14th amendment, including support for birth control, trans rights, and Lawrence vs. Texas.  It’s clear that this court is going to rework the American legal framework in fundamental ways, given a decade or two.

I’ve been thinking about what I have to give at the moment, and I think one of the more valuable things is that I’m just barely old enough not to take this stuff for granted.  I’ve got clear, formative memories of what it’s like to live under a government that bans your sexual orientation by law, to work productively towards a better world under those conditions, and to live a good kind of life while you do it.  What follows is a few things I learned from the last time the pendulum swung in this direction, targeted primarily towards US citizens that live in red states and other places where local patchwork laws won’t make up for what SCOTUS will take.

The future is not like the past, and I don’t want to overstate how much will be lost or how big the risks will be.  I don’t think you’ll necessarily need this post in its particulars.  Instead, take it as reassurance that you are not, and need not feel, helpless, even as the larger currents of society sweep us all out to some very alien shores.  There are things you cannot do, but there are things you can, and those things matter far more than you might expect.  Even the worst case scenario is not infinitely bad, and you’re more capable of rising to the occasion than you think.

1: Have a bubble.  The single most important thing you can do for your own security is to find like-minded people, and the internet makes this much easier this time around.  80% of personal happiness comes down to the small bubble of people you spend day-to-day life with, not the laws you live under or the attitudes of strangers.  Keep that support network near you, until you’ve internalized the fact that your intrinsic value as a human being does not flow from the judgments of your society.  When your bubble is in need, give until it hurts.  Rely on them to give you up-to-date information.  When you’re in trouble, make sure they know.  These people are your home.

A group of online friends, no matter how intimate, is not a bubble.  This is not to cast aspersions- many of the deepest relationships of my life are online.  But you need somebody that can smuggle you medicine, that can bail you out of jail, that can give you a couch to sleep on tonight.  You probably won’t need those things often, but when you need them, they can be life-and-death.  Material proximity is simply too necessary in a pinch, you can’t afford to ignore it.

2: Pride is more than a word.  These laws go beyond simple compulsion.  They are designed, first and foremost, to broadcast norms and to define an ‘us’ and a ‘them’.  You’d be surprised, in fact, how often people bend over backwards to avoid actually enforcing this kind of law, although you can never count on it- there’s always a small fraction of true believers out there who earnestly think that abortion is murder or that God will smite cities with earthquakes for harboring homosexuals.  But the real way these laws work is in marking you, not in punishing you.  They will try to make labels like ‘faggot’ or ‘slut’ prominent in your life, and they will succeed.

You can’t control the official narrative, and you can’t stop them from isolating you, but you can create a counter-narrative in the spaces you do control.  Celebrate often.  Reclaim slurs.  Throw great parties.  Be really, really funny.  This is good for morale over a long marathon, it helps facilitate and strengthen those bubbles (Rule #1!), and it also gives the lie to the propaganda about your sad, squalid life outside the guidance of our glorious leaders.  Dissonance is your friend, because it shocks people out of their assumptions and gets them thinking for themselves.

3: The kids are not all right.  Young people are vulnerable in a way that adults are not, and they are quite likely to internalize the norms being pushed by society in a way that can be shockingly self-destructive.  They don’t have a bubble yet (Rule #1!), and the love of parents is typically a lot more conditional than they’ve been told.  Without as much life experience, feelings about sex and self-identity can be very intense.  Whatever you’re going through, teenagers are going through it five times worse.

You won’t often know which kids need your help and which don’t, and you won’t be able to help everyone who needs it.  The best option here is to be an inspiration and wait to see who reaches out to you.  Scatter ideas of a better world as widely as you can get away with, the wink and the nod that says other things are possible and good.  And when someone does respond by reaching out, the most powerful help that you can give will often be your own example.  Tell them your story, give them a model for the sort of life they can live outside the officially sanctioned plan.  This can and will save lives.

4: Disdain kills faster than hatred. Don’t get me wrong, there are some true psychopaths out there, and when you don’t have the protection of the law, there’s a very good chance that one of these will come your way sooner or later.  But the true danger is not from psychos, but from the mass shrug, the indifference of millions that assume your suffering is to be expected and treat the story of your life as a fable about the dangers of sexual disobedience.  Internalize this as soon as possible: once you are labeled in this way, you cannot assume sympathy or help is coming in a crisis, except from whatever your bubble can offer.

But!  Disdain is also a more tractable problem than hatred.  Most people, actually, are not psychopaths, and their willingness to watch you die is a lot stronger in theory than it is in practice, particularly in person.  When people come face-to-face with you, they’ll often feel an impulse to be kind, or at least polite, and this alone can act as a powerful challenge to the indifference of crowds.  Humanize yourself, personalize your relationships, and as much as you can, dissolve crowds and institutions into their constituent individuals.  Good hygiene and dressing well are going to be far more instrumentally important to you than they would otherwise be.  And if you do manage to extract some goodwill out of the system this way, pay it forward; empathy doesn’t flow evenly to everyone, and getting less of it doesn’t mean that you deserve less of it.  Passing is a strategic compromise with injustice, not a sign of moral superiority.

5: You have the mandate of Heaven.  Really.  The future is yours, not theirs, no matter how weak you feel right now, and no matter how powerful they seem in the moment.  Orthodoxy, coercion, and especially physical violence- all are servants of the present.  They are tools used to delay the inevitable, fundamentally degenerative in character.  As an outsider to those systems, you’ll discover more ways to be human in a week than they’ll find in their whole lives, and in time, you’ll make a new world that they can’t even see, let alone control.

Our monkey-brain hates feeling weak, because it knows how dangerous that is, and often tries to lash out violently against systems and institutions that make it feel that way.  But weak or strong, violence is rarely effective and never productive.  Those who suppress dissent have chosen to abdicate their role in the future, a power vacuum into which you can and should step.  To quote Bruce Sterling, “When you can’t imagine how things are going to change, that doesn’t mean that nothing will change.  It means that things will change in ways that are unimaginable.”


george rr martin, being an old white man, has NO business writing brienne chapters as good as he wrote them. not only the thematic resonance of “no chance and no choice” which is THE thesis of the series, and not only the delicious courtly romance between her and jaime (”i dreamt of you” makes me. feel things), but also just. the vibes?

like. brienne is a woman who fits in nowhere. she is by nature unfeminine and therefore holds no place among women (as catelyn says, there is no one more unfortunate than an ugly woman; jaime is openly disgusted by her when she wears a gown). but she is also unwelcome among men, because however skilled she is at arms, and to beat loras tyrell in a melee she must be skilled indeed, she is still A Woman and therefore subject to cruelty, taunting, mockery, or outright threats. she thinks that w her brothers dead, it is a miserable shame that she can be neither son nor daughter to her father

she is not “not like other girls” and holds no disdain for the feminine, only the obvious recognition that the Feminine Realm is not anywhere she has ever found comfort or understanding. she is torn between regret that she will never be a lady w a babe in arms, and relief that she has chosen a different life. she wants the ease of a simple life but never deludes herself into believing it is within reach

brienne is driven by compassion, by love, by innocence, and by virtue. she is not an idiot but nor is she a cynic; she understands the world can be cruel, capricious, and false, but she chooses to believe the best of people and does not let her awful life experiences taint her general being. jaime’s speech about how knights are forced to swear so many contradictory oaths is incredible, but to brienne it is simple: a knight, even one not sworn in, is bound only to protect the weak and powerless. it is her duty, no more and no less, to be honorable, generous, and kind. no chance, and no choice

i was a fat and unattractive teen/young adult and my roommate is a trans man and both of us relate so HARD to brienne bc she straddles the line between worlds and fits in nowhere but does her damnedest to do good regardless and well. i am just heartily impressed that an old cishet white man wrote this character. it is delicious. brienne if you’re free on thursday–



only thing i’ll chip in on this— don’t make a bigger deal out of the ethan thing than it is, but don’t downplay it either. at the end of the day its some weird memes and weird tweets. but also please please be considerate of the people who found it triggering/paranoia/anxiety inducing and do not tell them they’re overreacting? please? be considerate of other people? thankyou bye x

this still holds true even knowing that it’s a bit btw that’s not an excuse to be a dick to people who were upset by it


There’s a popular post going around that’s like “well tone indicators are helpful for people for anxiety because some people need stuff like “ /nm (not mad)” or “ /nbh (nobody here)” and I absolutely get it because I have an anxiety disorder but like. You can very much add that on the text of a message itself and it will be way more clear and accessible than expecting them to memorize this whole new fabricated code. 

Which one do you think will be clearer, faster to understand, and more direct to the point:

“oh my god someone is pissing me off /nbh”

“oh my god someone (not from this server, don’t worry) is pissing me off”


“have you done the dishes? /nm

“have you done the dishes? don’t worry, im not mad, just wondering”

You can be mindful of someone else’s needs and talk to them in a way that is respectful and understanding of those needs. The key is communication. Expecting people to memorize a lot of abbreviations is like the contrary of accessible.


Kai’s (very deformed) Goldfish

(Mini comic made by me!)

Kai buys a goldfish and gets curious as to what it’s thinking! Asks Nya to translate for him, (chaos ensues.)


they/them cock got me acting devious and looking up incantations in my tome



can you even imagine riding a city bus and it said that in the sign. I would b pretty confused but maybe it’s art hmmm ok. but then if the driver referenced it like that I would be like. hmm ok so the city put it there hmmm ok whynot… pride month


i can’t relate to horror stories where it’s like ‘my wife started acting crazy isn’t that so scary?’ because i would support my wife no matter what i would love my crazy wife


and this is where I keep my cages full of starving twinks watch this they hate it when I do this *starts smacking the cage with a bat loudly*



i am not kidding when i say bears make my little gay heart flutter, i love them so much, they are so warm and so good, i just want to love on a bear is that too much to ask???


I’d almost recommend reading my other psych post first: I did a whole post about the (different) mental health allegory relating to “ vecna’s curse” ( in relation to his victims, such as  Max). These 2 posts will really illustrate how prevalent the  psych themes are within s4 and prior seasons.And just how great the Duffers’ writing is.But, given the (um… oddly thirsty)  reception to Henry as a character.I’m going to have to preface this by stating the obvious- my explanation of why Henry does what he does is not excusing of any of his horrid actions. It’s simply an explanation. And goes with the broader psych themes in the series.  So let’s begin.

We kind of see the exact moment- Henry probably decided to implement his lab massacre  plan (the RULE talk/  electrocutionscene):


We later see Henry get electrocuted by Brenner (because the “RULES’ still apply to him in the same way- as they do to the other numbers)


In Henry’s speech to el after the lab massacre: he  mentions  ” making his own RULES(aka his  explanation for the massacre is him saying it’s going against Brenner’s ab*sive RULES).- Despite what he’s did to the numbers being unjustifiable, since they were v*ctims of Brenner’s rules too).

 And again vecna targets people with mental health issues who are actually seeing a good psych counselor (Mrs Kelly who has a clock necklace): but Henry as a child glares at the clock- while discussing : ” straight jackets" and the “RULES” (aka the idea of being trapped with psychiatrist dr. Brenner who implements ab*sive “rules” and called him “broken“as a kid). 


This is what caused him to snap completely as a kid and as an adult… Brenner (and wanting to escape Brenner’s grasp/ ab*sive “RULES’). We see as a child Brenner was already medically treating Henry- and the thought of being locked away with Brenner made him attack his own family-and later his lab family  .


Both of his v* olent rampages and psychiatric breakdowns have to do with trying to “break free” from his psychiatrist Dr. Brenner.


If the psych allegory wasn’t obvious already the tracker in Henry is called “Soteria” (which is an alternative to a psych hospital). 


Nothing Henry did was justifiable but if Brenner (and the lab) wasn’t so ab*sive who knows if it would have happened? Was henry just destined to be evil- or is his disdain for his doctors *as a child/adult * (and his villainous outcome) a critique of the mistreatment mental health doctors caused to some patients in the 50s-70s? What would have happened if Henry had a proper psychiatrist? Mkultra (which Brenner is a part of)was literally run by psychiatrists -some  experimented on unsuspecting psych patients in psych hospitals. One v*ctim of mkultra, Esther Schrier, was a pregnant women with depression : who was electrocuted so badly she became incontinent, and unable to walk or talk (which is very reminiscent of Terry). The fact that Terry is stuck in a “dream”(as Becky called it)  because Brenner electrocuted her . While peter became a literal dream monster (vecna) because of electrocution/Brenneris starting to seem like an obvious parallel. Not to mention, in s4, we see vecna and Brenner cause people to have nightmares of the past (to further solidify the parallels) .


I don’t think this theory is that farfetched. When s4 tackles mental health themes- and we see how poorly victor creel is treated in the psych facility. Henry even stated he wanted his father to be placed there -which seems like a vindictive act of revenge (since his parents wanted to place him in the care of an ab*sive psychiatrist, even if his parents were unaware of how bad Brenner was ).Also need to mention in s2, we literally hear about kali saving a girl (Dottie) from a mental asylum. And behind kali it says "o'bedlam”:a british poem about society discarding /mistreating  the mentally ill. Bedlam was also an American documentary about the mistreatment of the patients at mental hospitals- and it even discussed the connection to dungeons and dragons. Or the infamous bedlam asylum- which shaved it’s patients’ heads and t*rtured them .And guess what- Dottie was (very old) british slang for  "mentally ill”. Kali even describes people like Dottie as similar to her and other numbers. These of course aren’t the only examples of mental health in st, the themes of mental health have been there since s1, and there’s too many to list here.


We see a lot of parallels of Henry to other characters(but also significant differences)…

 kali/8 in a s2 flashback is electrocuted by a guard similar to Henry : Henry even mentions 8′s escape to el . He may have seen a kinship with Kali as well (similar to El)  so helped her escape.


It would explain both henry /kali telling el to use an(angry) memory to be more powerful, both saying to El others see them as “monsters” because of their powers, both describing the lab as a “prison”,  and both being associated with spiders . Both even have illusion powers.  I think if kali learned what Henry did to her “siblings”: it would probably cause her to have  an existential crisis of sorts. Because a lot of her life philosophies were probably inspired by  him. I do believe if kali returns she will side with el though .


The biggest difference between Kali & Henry is that: henry sees people like himself… and hurts them. Meanwhile kali “saves” them. We see this contrast via the pointing of the head gesture. Sunshine says   “ we were de*d, all of us…kali saved us.Here” (points to head). Meanwhile El sees all the people Henry k*lled- and Henry (points to his head- and says’ they’re “inhere”).


However Brenner points to El’s head and says that’s the real “prison”. This obviously has hidden symbolism relating to El’s mental  tra*ma. But it shows Brenner not realizing that numbers like 1 and 8- saw him and the lab as the real “prison” rather than their mind.


Keep reading





What the fuck do neurotypicals talk about. I tried telling my mom about a show that I really like and explained the symbolism and she made fun of me for “talking about a tv series for like 20 minutes”. Same with like 4 other people around my age. All of them even told me outloud they wanted to hear me talk but then mocked me for actually being serious. I do not understand

me at a NT person: do you mind if I tell you about x?

Them: sure!

Me: speaks for 5 minutes interrupted

Them: not every thought you have needs to be said :))))

me: oh. *never speaks again until we leave that wretched place*

this isn’t a neurotypical thing y’all. this is an asshole (at best) thing.

you’re being treated poorly by people who don’t care about the interests and thoughts of others and enjoy hurting people’s feelings, belittling their interests, etc. this is not normal at all and i’m really sorry people have done this to you


like again, none of this is true. this is not the norm. i’m gonna try to be gentle here, but the comments on this post are… not good.

1. this might be the most important point: you cannot tell if someone is disabled or mentally ill based on their interests or how they talk or how they present themselves. you cannot assume someone is neurotypical because they like things you don’t. you also should not forget about masking, which people will especially do at places like work.

2. most people have as many interests and as rich of inner lives as you and it’s potentially harmful to assume they don’t. it leads to you dehumanizing and potentially really hurting those around you. “they’re not as smart/insightful/interesting as me” is not a great approach to socialization

3. just because something doesn’t interest you, doesn’t mean it’s objectively uninteresting or meaningless. and no one is all deep conversation all the time. most disabled and mentally ill people i know, myself included, also like talking about our jobs, pets, etc.

4. you are upset by people dismissing your interests while… dismissing people’s interests. a lot of the comments are just dissing people for not being interested in talking about film/tv or for liking things like sports.

5. i’m autistic and i hear that autistic people are “gifted” or “super geniuses” or whatever a lot and it’s dehumanizing. the idea that i have some deeper insight or heightened intelligence because of my disability is not helpful.

6. sometimes conversation is about give and take you will need to listen to and talk about things that don’t interest you much because you value the person you are talking to and they deserve a turn to share

tl;dr: people who dismiss your interests are rude, cruel, and/or doing so unintentionally. call them out or try to distance yourself from them. surround yourself with people who care to listen. at the same time, people who talk about things that don’t interest you are not inherently boring, shallow, or neurotypical. neurodivergent people can and do talk about things like the weather and going shopping.


tw: nazisme, racisme, antisémitisme, islamophobie

Coucou ! Aujourd’hui, parlons d’un sujet qui peut paraître épineux : incarner un personnage J/juif (eh oui, ça commence déjà avec les majuscules et les minuscules mais vous inquiétez pas, c’est assez simple) sur les forums rpg francophones. Voici quelques petites clés de compréhension pour vous aider à y voir plus clair, straight from a Jewish person.Disclaimer : être J/juif, c’est un sujet complexe, aujourd’hui plus que jamais. Je le dis ici, et je le redirai certainement : le bingo du parfait personnage J/juif, ça n’existe pas, tout simplement parce que dans la vraie vie, ça n’existe pas non plus. 

J/juif, kézako?

Merci de poser la question, Jean-Michel, je te sens confus et je te pardonne, parce que ça l’est ! Pour comprendre l’identité juive, il faut d’abord faire la distinction entre Juif (avec une majuscule) et juif (avec une minuscule). 
Juif - s’applique d’une part à l’appartenance ethnique et culturelle.
Ex:La famille Cohen sont des Juifs ashkénazes. Ils viennent de Pologne et me forcent à manger des pierogi toute la journée !
juif - s’applique à la pratique religieuse du judaïsme.
Ex: Simon est juif pratiquant. Il a célébré sa bar-mitzvah et reste traumatisé par sa tante qui a roulé une pelle au DJ. 
(Note : à bas les pierogi et vive les tantes pompettes aux bar-mitzvah)

Cette distinction est très importante, car elle représente la réalité de millions de personnes aujourd’hui. On peut être Juif sans être juif, c’est-à-dire être ethniquement et culturellement Juif sans mettre le pied dans une synagogue et sans faire sa bar-mitzvah. Certaines personnes qui se convertissent au judaïsme (un sujet sensible et complexe), souvent pour pouvoir se marier et garantir à leurs enfants une reconnaissance, sont donc juives sans être Juives.

Mais dis-moi Jamy… Juif ? Ethniquement ? Culturellement ? J’ai peur de faire une boulette (de pierogi).

L’identité juive est très complexe et est indissociable des persécutions subies au cours des siècles et des mouvements de migration. J’adorerai pouvoir décortiquer tout ça, mais on n’aurait pas assez d’une vie, alors voici quelques points qui éclairciront les zones d’ombre.

Être Juif ethniquement, c’est descendre de Juifs. Dans la tradition, la judéïté (le fait d’être Juif) se transmet par la mère. Si ta mère est Juive, tu es Juif ; les origines de ton père n’ont pas d’importance. Bien sûr, aujourd’hui, il y a de nombreuses discussions philosophiques à ce sujet. Certaines communautés conservatrices ne reconnaissent encore aujourd’hui que l’ascendance matrilinéale et les enfants de femmes converties ne seront pas reconnus comme Juifs, même si élevés dans la culture et religion juives.

À l’origine, les Juifs vivaient dans une zone, la Terre d’Isräel, qui correspond aujourd’hui plus ou moins à la Palestine (attention: Terre d’Israël =/= état d’Isra*l). Cette zone a eu de nombreux noms au cours des siècles et est considérée comme sacrée par les trois grandes religions monothéistes : judaïsme, Islam et christianisme. Après les destructions successives du Temple de Jérusalem et de nombreuses guerres, menés notamment par l’empereur romain Titus (eh oui, ça remonte !), les Juifs se sont dispersés aux quatre coins du monde, ce qui a également contribué au mythe des Juifs errants, condamnés à vivre loin de la Terre Promise. Cette dispersion a contribué à la création de nombreuses cultures juives.

Il y a énormément de cultures juives différentes. Les deux groupes les plus connus sont :
- les Juifs ashkénazes (coucou, c’est moi !) : les Juifs ashkénazes sont les Juifs d’Europe centrale et de l’Est. Par exemple, la majeure partie de ma famille vient d’Ukraine mais j’ai également des ancêtres polonais. Beaucoup de Juifs ashkénazes ont fui les pogroms et ont émigré soit vers les États-Unis (où leur “ashkénazité” a mué, car oui, l’identité ne reste pas gravée dans la pierre !) soit vers l’Europe occidentale. Gardons en tête que selon les pays où ils se trouvaient, les Juifs ashkénazes ont adopté certains comportements, certaines cultures, etc. Ce n’est pas un “one size fits all”, même s’il existe des éléments communs comme le yiddish par exemple. Enfin, l’histoire des Juifs ashkénazes est malheureusement indissociable de la WW2. Chaque Juif ashkénaze ou presque a une histoire à raconter. Ce n’est pas de l’histoire ancienne et ça a un impact très réel sur des millions de vies. 

- les Juifs séfarades (coucou c’est encore moi !) : ce sont des Juifs originaires d’Espagne qui ont ensuite été chassés par les Rois Catholiques Isabelle et Ferdinand, au XVème siècle. À la suite de cet exil, les Juifs séfarades se sont établis en Afrique du Nord, dans l’Empire Ottoman (fun fact, une légende raconte que le sultan Bayezide II se serait ouvertement moqué de Ferdinand et Isabelle d’avoir ainsi chassé les Juifs, car ils constituaient selon lui “un trésor”). Par exemple, j’ai également des ancêtres grecs, plus précisément de la ville de Thessalonique. Mon oncle a épousé une Juive marocaine : mes cousins sont donc sont mi-ashkénazes, mi-séfarades, mais la famille de ma tante est entièrement séfarade (on s’y perd, je vous jure…) ! Les Juifs séfarades présentent donc, au même titre que les Ashkénazes, une grande variété de cultures au sein de leur groupe. Certains parlent arabe (comme l’une de mes tantes), d’autres ladino (un mélange d’hébreu, d’arabe et d’espagnol), d’autres grec, etc. Évidemment, les Juifs séfarades ont également été touchés par la WW2.

Il existe des diasporas juives partout dans le monde: en Iran, en Inde, en Chine… Chaque diaspora a sa propre culture, sa propre liturgie, ses liens avec les non-Juifs, etc. 

Ce que j’explique ici, ce n’est qu’une base simplifiée ! N’hésitez pas à vous perdre dans les recherches : Wikipédia est un bon début, mais il y a aussi ResearchGate, JSTOR, Persée.fr, etc… 

L’antisémitisme (tw: insultes)

“Alors, ton nez est crochu pour mieux sentir l’argent ?”
mdr merci Eudes-Jacques, quelle blague fabuleuse. Non, mon nez est cassé parce que je passe mon temps à mettre des coups de tête aux débiles dans ton genre. L’antisémitisme, c’est le racisme spécial anti-J/juif. Ses racines sont toutes aussi pourries et haineuses les unes que les autres et je ne ferai pas le plaisir à ses utilisateurs de les détailler. Les obsessions antisémites sont multiples : on serait tous riches à millions (ah), oeuvrant dans les banques et dans le show-business pour étendre notre domination sur le monde (c’est cela, oui), incapables de loyauté et de patriotisme (affaire Dreyfus, le fameux “séparatisme” qui obsède tant nos gouvernants ne date donc pas d’hier… ), avec des nez crochus et des mains difformes pour mieux voler l’argent des bons chrétiens. Nous serions également tous islamophobes et anti-arabes, et l’extrême-droite, tous comme certains gouvernements (Isra*l, Ar*bie Sao*dite, Ir*n, pour ne pas les nommer) à qui cela profite sont trop heureux d’exploiter cette rhétorique puante. Il est tout aussi raciste et islamophobe de supposer que les musulmans (Arabes ou pas) détestent les J/juifs. 

Enfin, l’antisémitisme tue et fait taire : c’est la peur de porter une étoile de David dans la rue ou en soirée, découvrir que nos cimetières ont été vandalisés, tout simplement passer sous silence son identité pendant des années. C’est se faire agresser dans la rue parce qu’un homme porte une kippa et une femme une perruque. C’est voir des soldats postés devant toutes les synagogues de France et de Navarre, se voir accuser par tous les conspirationnistes du dimanche de comploter sur tout et n’importe quoi. Et enfin, l’antisémitisme, c’est avoir un peu peur de poster ce post parce que… j’ai aucune idée de comment la communauté va réagir.

Incarner un personnage J/juif, je fais comment ? 

Les différentes conversations qui ont eu lieu ces derniers temps dans le monde du rpg francophone nous permettent de répondre facilement à cette question : pour incarner un personnage Juif, mieux vaut choisir un fc d’origine juive. Mais peut-être que ce n’est pas votre intention et qu’en fait, votre FC a simplement des origines juives et que vous vous demandez comment faire. Dans ce cas, à vous de vous interroger ! Est-ce que la culture juive a une grande importance dans la vie de votre personnage ? Est-ce qu’il mange kasher et fête le shabbat ou pas du tout ? Est-ce que ses parents sont juifs dans le sens religieux du terme ? Ou pas du tout ? Enfin, un Juif peut pratiquer une autre religion que le judaïsme (autre question épineuse).
Si votre personnage n’est pas Juif, mais pratique la religion juive pour X raison, il peut être de n’importe quelle origine. À vous d’expliquer son cheminement intérieur qui l’a conduit à se convertir !
Enfin, il est ok d’écrire des personnages qui se questionnent par rapport à leur identité. Je pense que c’est quelque chose d’universel de se questionner sur sa culture, sa religion, son degré de croyance envers cette religion, etc. Nous sommes des humains, pas des saints, et les personnages les plus intéressants sont ceux qui admettent leurs faiblesses, leurs imperfections et leur humanité en général. Mais faisons-le avec respect et ne nous servons pas de ces questionnements pour critiquer une culture ou une religion qui n’est pas la nôtre. 

Voilà, c’est tout pour aujourd’hui. Encore une fois, il ne s’agit qu’un mélange de connaissances factuelles et d’expérience personnelle. Je ne suis qu’une voix parmi d’autres et je vous encourage donc à vous renseigner par d’autres biais. Ce n’est qu’une base de départ. Shalom!
