#gordon ramsey meme




Huge disclaimer that for training people should value reading theory and learning about different styles of dog training etc but like I think the best thing I’ve done in my dog training that started with a puppy is that dogs have no concept of right and wrong and their decision making process is about what is the most fun or exciting thing. If my dog isn’t listening to me that’s a me problem and I need to give her a reason to listen to me like a high value reward or to remove her from a too distracting environment before she is ready. Misbehaving is just me not managing resources properly or once again I am not giving proper incentive to listen. If a particular training method isn’t working my dog isn’t going to change their approach I need to. Obviously training the dog in front of you is what’s most important but if your first solution is that a dog should be punished/corrected ask yourself why.

@doomspaniels with an excellent addition
