#got7 reaction


Wow Im so happy that my last reaction seem to be a success. As many know I have not been active for a while because of personal life and lack of inspiration, I have some busy weeks at school and my birthday is coming up (29th of September). But hopefully during vacation (about two weeks) after iv’e taken a certain test I will be a little more active. Thank you all for being here!!! <3


In this reaction, I kinda had to ignore the fact that they are famous people who are probably followed everywhere so I could make the scene a bit more private and between just the two of you, hope you don’t mind! ♥



It was getting dark and you were in a café, waiting for your friend to arrive. Even though you were exhausted from work, the two of you were planning this for a long time so you couldn’t cancel it at the last moment. As you were waiting for them, you were shocked to see a very familiar person sitting in the corner. You stood up, walking over to him.

“Excuse me, aren’t you Mark from Got7?” You asked even though you already knew the answer. Turning his head to look at you, he smiled, making your heart flutter. “That’s me, are you a fan?” “Of course! I was wondering, can I take a picture with you? If you want to, of course, I don’t want to bother you or anything.” You said. “I’d love to! Why would I say no to a fan?” He replied, gesturing for you to come and sit next to him.

But as you did, you could feel your head getting lighter and your vision starting to blur. Before you knew it, you were lying on the ground with a worried-looking Mark above you. When he saw that you were okay, he smiled, waving at you. “Hello again, it’s still me. Is everything okay? I didn’t know you were that happy to see me.” He said with a chuckle, helping you sit up.

You smiled sheepishly, embarrassed by the whole situation. “No no, I’m not that kind of fan, I just didn’t get much sleep because of work lately, that’s all. Not that I’m not happy to see you, I am of course!” You rambled on awkwardly. He laughed as he stood up, giving you his hand so you could get up as well.

“It’s okay, I know what you mean. Let’s take the photo now, shall we? And promise me you’ll get a lot more rest from now on. What if I wasn’t there to help you next time?” He said, making you blush.



After many tiring hours spent at work with no sleep the night before, you were finally able to go home. But being the lucky you, you managed to miss the bus by just a second. Not wanting to wait for the next one, you decided to go through a small park connecting your work and home. As you were following the path trailing between the big trees looming above you, you noticed a small wooden board ahead of you with a person beside it, examining it. Coming closer, you noticed the man was looking at a map of the park and its surroundings.

“Excuse me, do you know what path leads this way? I got a little lost.” He said, pointing at the map and turning around to look at you. Seeing who the man was, you almost screamed. Right in front of you was Im Jaebum himself, asking you for directions. “Oh, r-right! You just have to go that way and turn left at the end.” You said as calmly as you could while pointing in the direction you were describing. 

“Ah, okay. Thank you!” Jaebum smiled and started to walk away. You just stood there, trying to process the whole thing. Realizing what had just happened, you ran after him. This was a one-time opportunity, you couldn’t waste it like that! Hearing your footsteps, Jaebum turned around, confused.

“Wait! You’re Jaebum, right? I’m a huge Got7 fan! I just wanted to tell you that I really love your music and I hope-” As you were talking, it felt like the run had cost you your last bit of energy because the next thing you knew, everything was black and your legs gave in, resulting in you falling down. Luckily for you, a pair of arms managed to catch you at the last second, easing you slowly onto the ground.

Gaining your consciousness back, you were met with Jaebum squatting next to you, smiling. “Are you okay? Wait, I didn’t get you too excited, did I?” He asked, making your cheeks heat up. “What? No! I’m fine, I just didn’t get much sleep and had a long day at work, that’s all.” You told him as you got back up. “Whatever you say. But get a lot more rest from now on, will you?” He asked with a bright smile, making you smile as well.



Just like any other Saturday, you woke up extra early to go to the gym. This was the best time to go since there were almost no people in there at that time, leaving you to yourself. But with the insane amount of work you had throughout the week, waking up that day was harder than ever. 

Pushing through, you headed into the main room, finding a place to warm up. There was only one other person in the room, working out by himself while listening to some music. Perfect. Once you got to your spot, you started your usual stretches.

Midway through, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Looking up, you froze on the spot. Right in front of you was the one and only Jackson Wang. How did you not notice him before? 

“Hi, sorry to interrupt you, but what’s the stretch you’re doing called? I’ve seen it a few times but I never knew how to do it properly, so I’d like to look it up when I get home.” He said with a small smile. You tried to reply as casually as you could, but what came out was a stuttering mess. “O-of course - I mean I’ll show you, haha. I don’t really know w-what it’s called, b-but I can teach you how to do it.”

To your surprise, he just laughed, making you even more embarrassed than you already were. Seeing your shocked face, Jackson caught on pretty quickly, which made him laugh even more. “Really? Thank you! Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but do you know who I am?” He asked, making you smile shyly. “I-I do, I didn’t notice you when I walked in, so you just caught me a bit off guard, sorry. Anyway, would you like me to teach you how to do it?” You asked, to which he nodded eagerly. And so you leaned down. That turned out to be a big mistake as your whole body decided to give out from the sudden movement, sending you straight onto the ground.

You woke up a moment later to see a very confused Jackson staring back at you. “Umm, are you okay? It’s not because of me, is it?” He asked, making you embarrassed that he thought you were so excited to see him that you actually fainted. “No no, it’s nothing like that, I’m just a bit tired from work, that’s all.” You said with a reassuring smile, but it didn’t seem to impress him at all. “You know, I’m tired as well, but I’m not fainting, so it doesn’t seem like anything small to me. Wait here, I’m going to get you some water.”

To your surprise, Jackson actually stayed with you for some time, talking with you as you slowly came back to your senses. 



Today was the day. The day that the book you wanted from the library would be available again after someone had it for what seemed like ages. You were exhausted from work but couldn’t risk anyone else borrowing it, so you went anyways. Walking into the library, you went up the stairs and started searching. After a few minutes, you spotted what you were looking for.

You tried to get it, but it was all the way up on the top shelf. Stretching higher, your fingertips finally touched the book, making you smile victoriously. Using all of your energy, you didn’t hear the footsteps behind you until it was too late. A hand reached out and grabbed the book, pulling it out of the shelf.

You turned around to see the stranger, but what you saw was beyond anything you had expected. Park Jinyoung. The Park Jinyoung. Your eyes widened, unable to say anything. “Excuse me, but I came here for this book as well.” He said, holding up the book. “What?” You asked, dumbfounded. Did Jinyoung just steal your book? “I said that I’m very sorry, but I wanted to borrow this book as well, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to take it home with me.” He said, chuckling.

“But Jinyoung- I mean-! I came here first!” You said, feeling the blush creeping onto your cheeks. Seeing your flustered state, he laughed. “Oh, so a fan of mine? Hmm, what about a deal? You let me borrow it and in return, I’ll let you take a selfie with me.” He said with a grin. “O-oh ok! Sure!” You said, pulling out your phone but dropping your keys in the process. You quickly bent over for them, but it seemed like the sudden movement didn’t go along with your body too well as you suddenly got very dizzy. Sinking to the ground, you heard Jinyoung call out for you one last time before fading into nothing.

You woke up on the floor, propped up against a bookshelf. A few moments later Jinyoung returned, this time with a small cup of water. He crouched down, handing you the cup. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t know I would shock you this much.” He said with a shy chuckle. “Oh, don’t worry, it wasn’t because of you. I just didn’t get much sleep lately, that’s why. Sorry that I made you worry.” You said, drinking the water.

“Oh, that’s good - I mean like it’s good that it wasn’t because of me, not that it’s good that you didn’t get much sleep.” He rambled from embarrassment, making you chuckle. “I still feel bad though, so as a small apology I will let you take a photo with me and the book as well.” He said with a shy smile, making your heart melt.  



Leaving work, you were exhausted. But even though the only thing you wanted to do right now was to jump into your bed and sleep for the rest of your life, you still had to drop by a pet shop to buy some food for your little friend back at home.

As you were looking around the shop, you spotted a person you thought you would never have the chance to meet. Before you could even think your decisions through, you were already going up to him, a big smile plastered across your face. “Hi! You’re Youngjae, right? It’s so nice to meet you in person!” You said as he turned around, a little surprised. “Don’t worry, I don’t want a photo or anything. I just saw that you were looking at some dog food and our family has a dog as well so I can recommend some brands that are really good if you want.”

“You would do that for me? Coco stopped liking the food she has now, so I was checking out all the different options here, but it’s a little overwhelming.” He said with a chuckle, pointing at the giant amount of different brands and kinds of dog food on the shelves. “Wait, you’ll really let me help you? Oh my god, that’s so cool!” You said excitedly as you started to look around, spotting the brand you were looking for.

Your excitement came to a halt when you started to feel dizzy, your vision getting fuzzy as well. Next thing you knew, you were lying on the floor with Youngjae panicking next to you. “Oh my god, are you okay? I didn’t make you too excited did I?” Youngjae said worriedly.

You chuckled at his words, finding his behavior really cute. “Oh no, don’t worry, it’s not your fault, I’ve just been sleeping a lot less than I should, that’s all.” You said, sitting up. “Well, you better start sleeping a lot more then! I almost had a heart attack just now!” He said, giving you his hand and helping you back up on your feet. 



After another long day at work, you decided to treat yourself by going to the nearby mall to look at some clothes. As you were changing from one shirt into another, you started to feel a little funny. Deciding it was probably time to go, you quickly changed back into your own clothes and exited the small room.

As you were putting the clothes back where they belonged, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and gasped at who you saw. “What? Am I that beautiful?” BamBam, who appeared right in front of you asked with a laugh. “What- I-I mean of course! I just didn’t really expect to see someone like you here.” You said, suddenly feeling short of breath. 

“Why? I mean, I have to get my clothes somewhere, don’t I?” He said with a chuckle, amused by your still very much shocked face. “But that’s not what I meant to ask you.”  He said, showing you a jacket and a shirt. “Do you think these would look good on me?” 

But before you could say anything, everything went black and you could feel yourself slipping out of consciousness. You came back to reality a few seconds later, only to see BamBam’s face right in front of you, confused. “Are you okay? Do you need any help?” He asked, to which you shook your head, slowly getting up. 

“I’m fine, just a bit tired from work, that’s all.” You said, embarrassed that you just managed to faint in front of BamBam. “Damn it, I was hoping you fainted because of me.” He said, faking disappointment.

Even though he was very worried about you, he didn’t want to make you feel bad, so he tried to make you laugh instead. Which, to his luck, you did. Once you were back up on your feet, he showed you the clothes again, smiling. “So, now that the sleeping beauty has woken up from her slumber, I would like to know her opinion on these.” He said with a grin, making you laugh with him.   



It was late at night when you were finally able to go home. Getting out of the tall building that was your office, you headed down to the subway. Walking down the stairs, you started to feel a bit dizzy, but since you couldn’t really do much about it, you just opted for sitting down at a nearby bench while trying to calm down a little.

The silence in the station was broken by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, making your head turn in its direction, only to spot a tall guy walking down. There was something very familiar about him, but you couldn’t really figure out what. He stopped a few meters away from you, pulling out his phone. In the middle of his texting, he looked up, exposing his face to you.

You felt your heartbeat fasten at the sight. It was Kim Yugyeom, one of your absolute favorites in Got7. Looking up from his phone, he noticed you and smiled, making your heartbeat even crazier. Mustering up all the courage you had, you stood up and walked over to him.

“Hi, I hope I’m not bothering you, but I’ve been a fan for a really long time, so I was wondering, could I take a photo with you?” You said, surprising yourself with how smooth you were. It didn’t seem to last too long though, as your dizziness came back, this time even stronger. You felt your legs give out right after, falling down. Luckily, two hands caught you before you could fall to the ground, but even that didn’t stop your light-headed state as your mind went blank and vision turned dark.

You awoke on the subway bench with Yugyeom sitting next to you, shaking your shoulder gently to wake you up. “Hey, are you okay? Should I call someone?” He asked, voice filled with worry. You shook your head. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing. I just didn’t get much sleep for the past few days and it made me a little light-headed.” 

“Oh.” Was all that Yugyeom said, feeling dumb for thinking you fainted because of him. With blush creeping onto his cheeks, he quickly changed the topic. “So, uh, do you still want to take the photo?”


Finally, after making you wait for eternity, here’s another post! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make myself some pasta for dinner so I don’t die of hunger ♥


Then you shall get it! I am terribly sorry for the huge delay on this, but the time has finally come! Like I said before, this week I’m going to try and post at least one request a day, so if you want to, you can send another request and I promise, it will be delivered a lot sooner!! I hope you’ll enjoy this one and see you all soon ♥



After what felt like years of Mark convincing you to watch a horror movie with him, you finally gave in one night. That backfired quite quickly though as you were having troubles falling asleep the very same night, feeling as if there was someone watching you every time you closed your eyes. But even after you managed to fall asleep, the hauntings continued in your dreams. Mark would be lying if he said he hadn’t expected this, but he was still surprised when he woke up to you whimpering, hugging him close to you. He chuckled, putting his arm around your waist, calling your name in a whisper. You jolted awake, freaked out from the sudden change of scenery. Once you saw Mark happy and alive in front of you, not getting eaten by a scary monster, you were able to calm down again. “This is my fault, isn’t it?” Marked asked, feeling a bit guilty. “Of course it is! Why do you think I didn’t want to watch it?” You replied grumpily, pouting at him. “I’m sorry, jagi, I didn’t know it would freak you out this much. Come here, let your brave boyfriend protect you from the monsters.” He said, enveloping you in a tight hug.



When he woke up to a small pair of arms wrap themselves around him from behind, he couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, jagi?” He said in a raspy voice. But instead of a reply, he felt your grip on him tighten, this time followed by a tiny whimper. Worried now, he turned around to look at you. Even in the darkness, he could see the tear-stained cheeks and the slight trembling of your lips. Realizing you were having a nightmare, he shook your shoulder gently to wake you up. Once you did, you were met with a sleepy Jaebum giving you a small smile. Without saying anything, he reached out his arms and hugged you as well, rubbing circles on your back to calm you down. “Do you want to talk about it?” He whispered with his lips on the top of your head. “No, it’s fine…Can we just cuddle for a bit?” You asked. “Of course we can. Come here, baby.” He said, intertwining your legs together to bring you even closer. And just like that, the two of you began to slowly drift back to sleep, you feeling much better now. 



He would wake up to you tugging on his sleeve, your other hand clutching his tank top like your life depended on it. Knowing you were probably having a bad dream, he patted your shoulder, trying to wake you up without scaring you even more. You jolted awake, panting as you looked around with big eyes. “Hey, it’s okay, it was just a bad dream,” Jackson said, patting your shoulder. “Yeah, but a really scary one.” You said, looking up at him. He chuckled. “I figured. Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. You shook your head, not wanting to go through it all again. One thing still bothered you though, so you decided to ask, a bit shy because of the request. “It’s okay, I just…Could you check the closet please?” You asked, looking up at him. He tried not to laugh since you were scared but he just couldn’t help it, finding you absolutely adorable. He went up to your closet, knocking on it. “Hello? Any bad guys in there?” He asked jokingly before opening it. After looking inside to find nothing there, he went back to bed, wrapping you in a loving hug. “There was one in the back, but I took care of him already, so don’t worry, we’re safe now.” He said, making you chuckle.



It was long after midnight. You were asleep, but Jinyoung was wide awake, reading the book you gave him the other day. He told you he was going to sleep after he would finish reading the chapter, but here he was, numerous pages later, too invested in the story to stop. He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw you toss and turn next to him, your arms moving in all directions as if you were looking for something. Once they finally found him, you moved closer, draping your arm around his waist and gripping his clothes tightly. “Jagi?” He asked but got no response. Confused, he set his book on the nightstand, looking at you curiously. The curiosity turned into worry when he heard you sniffle and saw a small tear running down your cheek. “(Y/N)? Are you okay?” He said, this time a bit louder, waking you up. You gasped, looking around frantically. “Is everything alright?” Jinyoung asked again, worried to see you like this. “Yes, just had a nightmare, that’s all. Sorry.” You said, embarrassed for being so scared just because of a nightmare. “Don’t be sorry, jagi. Come here, let’s talk for a bit, yeah?”  He said as he moved you closer to him, letting you rest your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. The two of you ended up talking until the early hours of the morning, enjoying each other’s presence. 



Since Youngjae is a heavy sleeper, he didn’t notice you holding onto him tightly or mumbling his name. You finally woke up, panting as you tried to calm down. After a while, you tried to sleep again, but every time you tried to do so, the images of your dream crept back into your mind, making your scared all over again. You tried to calm yourself down, but nothing seemed to work. Even worse, it seemed like your mind has started to play tricks on you as the darkness started morphing into scary creatures, making you even more scared than before. Having enough, you shook Youngjae awake, clinging onto him. He was surprised to see you so scared, bringing his arms around you as well. “What is it, jagi? Did something happen?” He said, rubbing circles on your back calmingly. “Yes, I had a nightmare and now I’m too scared to fall asleep.” You said, burying your head into his chest. Hearing this, Youngjae smiled, cooing at you. “Aww, you’re too cute, jagi! But don’t worry, nothing can get you when you have your big strong boyfriend protecting you!” He said, making you chuckle. Even though he was very sleepy himself, he made sure to stay awake until he was sure you were asleep, wanting you to feel safe. 



When he woke up to you clinging onto him like your life depended on it, he was confused, to say the least. He looked at you questioningly, only to see you mumbling incoherent words to yourself, some sounding like his name. Deciding this was too funny to keep to himself, he took his phone from the nightstand and pressed record. “What kind of wild dreams are you having, (Y/N)?” He said, chuckling as you hugged him even tighter. His words seemed to have woken you up as you screamed his name out loud, making him scream as well. You were startled, watching Bambam laugh hysterically on the bed with a phone in his hand. After he explained to you why exactly was he filming you in the middle of the night, you were laughing as well. The next morning, you watched the video, laughing when you heard the two of you screeching because of each other. Months later, the video was still one of the many inside jokes the two of you shared together, never failing to make you laugh. 



He was awoken by the calling of his name, turning around to see what was wrong. When he saw you fast asleep, he quickly realized what was happening. Instead of shaking you awake and scaring you more, he brought you closer to him, enveloping you in his arms. You woke up but calmed down quickly when you felt a kiss on the top of your head. “Shh, it’s okay, jagi. I’m here.” He said in a calming voice. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, but you shook your head. “I don’t want to think about it more…Could you tell me a story, please? So I can think about something else.” You said, looking up at him. He smiled, finding your request really cute. “Of course I can. Just relax and listen, okay?” “Okay.” After getting comfortable, he told you a funny story from his childhood, making you laugh. A few minutes in though, you began to feel sleepy again, your eyelids growing heavy. Noticing that you had fallen asleep, Yugyeom chuckled, tucking you in and placing a small kiss on your cheek. “Good night, jagi.” He said as he fell asleep himself, holding your hand in his. 


Don’t worry, it’s not too fantasy! It’s just my first time writing this kind of reaction, so if it’s not what you wanted, I’m sorry, just tell me and I’ll rewrite it ♥. Because the reaction itself was very short, I decided to add a little scenario of how they found out, hope you don’t mind!



You and your boyfriend have been together for quite a while now, both of you loving every second of it. While his presence brought you happiness and comfort, there was always that one part of you that couldn’t help but worry. When will your secret come out? How will your boyfriend find out? And most importantly, how will he react? It was quite scary to you at first, but as time passed, you were finally able to relax, deciding to not worry until then. What you didn’t know was that the day was closer than you thought it was…


It was an early Saturday morning when you woke up, the sun shining its way into your shared bedroom. Slowly opening your eyes, you turned on your side to check on Mark sleeping next to you. The movement must have woken him up though because before you could fully turn around, a pair of arms was already wrapped around your waist, accompanied by a head resting on your shoulder. “Good morning, baby.” You heard the sleepy voice behind you say. “Good morning to you too, how was your sleep?” You asked, placing your hand against his. “It was nice, but I could really go for a shower right now. How about you join me, hmm? How does that sound?” Mark asked and you could feel him smile against your neck. As nice as it sounded, you knew you couldn’t do that, feeling a little sad yourself. Slowly, you turned around in his grasp, cupping his cheek as you tried to deny him as nicely as possible. “I’m sorry, honey, but I’m not really feeling it right now.” You told him, seeing his smile disappear and be followed by a sigh. “Are you really though? Jagi, I believed you the first five times, but I’m not stupid. Every time I ask you, there’s always something that makes you unable to shower with me. What is it? Did I do something?” He said, looking at you with concerned eyes. You shook your head no, looking down. “Then what is it? Am I the problem? Do you not find me attractive anymore?” He said, worry evident in his voice. At this, you had enough, sitting up and grabbing your boyfriend by his arm. “No! Of course I find you attractive, why would I tell you that you’re handsome if I didn’t actually mean it? But since you wanted to know so much, come with me.” You said as you tugged on his arm to make him follow you. “Jagi, you’re scaring me a little.” He said, following you slowly. Grabbing a glass of water on your way, you went into the bathroom. Once you were inside, you gave the glass to Mark and sat down. “Pour that water on me.” You said, looking him in the eyes. His own widened in surprise at your request, unsure of what to do. “What?! Why would I do that?” “Just do what I tell you!” You barked, seeing him flinch a little. “Okay, but remember this was your idea, not mine.” He said before tilting the glass, spilling the water on you. He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating, but what he was seeing was definitely not what he expected. On the floor before him laid you, looking just like the mermaids he read about in fairytales. “Jagi, I…Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why were you hiding this from me all this time?” He said, kneeling down beside you, looking at the colorful fin covered in smooth scales. “I was just…scared, I guess? I don’t know, it’s not like you see this every day…“ At this, Mark chuckled, a bit more relaxed now. “Yeah, it definitely isn’t. But this doesn’t make me love you any less, you know that, right? If anything, the amount of trust you had to put into showing me this side of you makes me love you even more. But we should probably still talk about this you know…It might surprise you, but I don’t really know how to take care of a mermaid.” He said, making you laugh as you could feel all of the anxiety slowly disappearing.

After that morning, Mark has definitely kept his word, not leaving your side after seeing the new side of you. Since then, you felt as if this strengthened your relationship, deepening the trust between you two even more. Besides the big responsibility of keeping you away from water at all times, Mark also felt very proud to have such a unique person by his side, finding you even more beautiful after that.



You and Jaebum finally had some free time together, meaning the two of you had the opportunity to go on dates, watch some movies, play games, etc. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend managed to catch a cold, so instead of going out like you planned to do, you decided it would be better to just stay at home so he wouldn’t get even more sick from the cold weather. It was getting dark outside as you found yourself in the living room, splayed across the couch, searching for a good movie while Jaebum was getting the two of you some snacks in the kitchen. As you were flipping through channels, the alarm on your phone went off, making you jump a little. “Jaebum!” You called out, hearing your boyfriend’s footsteps echo through the hallway. “Yes?” Jaebum asked, peeking at you from around the corner. “It’s time for your medicine again.” You reminded him, knowing very well how distracted your boyfriend could get when he was tired or sick. “Already? I totally forgot about it, sorry. I’ll be right back.” And with that, he shuffled back into the kitchen, only to come out a minute after, this time with bags of food in one hand and a hot tea in the other. “I’m here! It looks like we’re not the only ones who want to watch a movie though, Nora seems to be quite excited as well.” He laughed, looking down at the cat rubbing her head against his legs, walking along with him. You giggled at the cute scene before you, but before you could do anything more than that, you suddenly felt a stinging pain on your lap, looking down to see what had caused it. Seeing your pants soaked with burning hot tea, you realized what had probably happened. “Nora! I almost stepped on you!” Jaebum yelled, avoiding the cat at the last second. Knowing very well what will happen next, you managed to ignore the stinging pain and got up, running into your bedroom and locking it behind you just in time. Before you could reach the bed though, you already turned, leaving you no choice but to lie on the cold floor. A few seconds later, you heard a voice coming your way along with heavy footsteps. “(Y/N)! Are you okay?” Jaebum called out, finally reaching the door to the bedroom. “I’m fine, don’t worry!” You yelled back, trying to get yourself up from the floor, but it wasn’t as easy when all you could support yourself on were your two arms, which had the strength of overcooked spaghetti. The sound of the doorknob jiggling resonated throughout the otherwise quiet bedroom as Jaebum tried to open the door. “Why did you lock the door? Did something happen?” He asked, but was met with silence as you crawled over to your closet, hoping there would be some towels to dry yourself with. You were taken out of your thoughts by the creak of the door opening, revealing a Jaebum with a spare key in his hand. Damn it. His worried expression quickly turned into a shocked one when he saw you, the sight making him freeze in the doorway. Silence slowly filled the room as the two of you just stared at each other, neither of you saying anything. “Surprise?” You said, unsure of what to do. “You’re going to leave me, aren’t you?” You said, feeling your heart ache just from the thought of Jaebum leaving. With your mind already clouded with sadness, you were quite surprised when you felt a soft fabric around your shoulders and a hand holding yours. You looked up to be met with Jaebum’s eyes looking into yours as his hand cupped your cheek, bringing your lips closer for a short but sweet kiss. “I would never.”

Surprisingly, Jaebum was calmer than you expected him to be. You thought he would be weirded out, but he never said anything, acting like it never happened. He wanted to make you as comfortable as possible so he stayed the same, only being more cautious of your surroundings since then, wanting to protect his little mermaid at all costs.



It was a hot summer day and since the sun was being way too bright for the two of you, you stayed inside for the most of it. But even inside you couldn’t help but cringe every time your clothes stuck to you and the couch you were sprawled on got too warm, forcing you to move elsewhere. After a few hours of failing to find a comfortable spot, you were beyond annoyed, running downstairs into the kitchen where Jackson stood, getting himself some water. You plopped down onto the cold tiles, sighing in relief as Jackson watched you curiously. “You good?” He asked, walking closer to you. “Of course not! It’s like an oven in here and the outside is even worse! All I wanted was to just cool down a little, but no!” You complained, rolling around as the spot you were laying on got too warm once again. After a moment of silence, Jackson spoke again. “Wait here, I think I know how to help you.” He said and walked away, leaving you confused. What did he mean by that? Your question was quickly answered when you felt a horribly cold sensation all over your body. Turning around, Jackson stood in the doorway with a big water gun in his hands, laughing. “What the actual fuck, Jackson?!” You screeched at him. “You said you wanted to cool down, didn’t you?” He said, laughing even more at your annoyed expression. That was until you finally got up and charged at him. He quickly dodged you, running out of the kitchen while laughing hysterically. You tried to chase after him but found yourself unable to do so as you fell back down onto the ground, your legs morphing into a fish tail. After a bit of silence, you heard slow footsteps coming closer. Finally reaching you, Jackson called out your name. “(Y/N), are you alright? Was that too m-” Before he could finish his sentence as he walked back in, he stopped, looking at you with his mouth wide open. “Don’t worry, I forgot about it for a moment too.” You said, chuckling. “Well you might have forgotten about it, but how come I don’t know anything about this?” He asked but luckily seemed more curious than mad. “I know, I’m really sorry for not telling you sooner…” You said, trailing off at the end, uncertain what was going to happen next. You watched nervously as Jackson sat down next to you, his eyes scanning your body countless times, still not believing what he was seeing. “It’s okay, I get it.” “So you’re not angry at me for keeping this away from you?” You asked, surprised. “Of course not, why would I be? This is so cool! But to be honest, I do have a lot of questions.” He said, making you laugh.

Jackson would be also really good at making you comfortable with yourself, but unlike Jaebum, he would ask a lot of questions, wanting to know everything about mermaids and how you happened to become one. Would sometimes tease you in front of the members by calling you fish-related nicknames, making everyone except for you very confused much to his amusement.



It was late in the evening and the two of you were getting ready for bed. Right now, you were huddled in your blanket, waiting for your boyfriend while scrolling on your phone mindlessly to pass the time. Waiting for what seemed like hours with Jinyoung still being in the bathroom, you got up, huffing annoyedly. You went to the bathroom door, knocking on it. “Can you hurry up, please? I’ve been waiting for forever.” You said, hearing faint rustling on the other side before the door opened, revealing a still very wet Jinyoung in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, smiling at you. “Well, I wanted to get dressed, but if you really can’t wait any longer, I guess I will have to go to sleep like this.” He said, chuckling when he saw your flustered face. You didn’t like the teasing tone, so you decided to tease back. “Actually, I think I can wait for a bit longer, don’t worry.” You said, turning on your heel and walking away, hearing another chuckle behind you. “Are you sure about that, jagi?” You heard him say smugly, thinking nothing of it until you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around you and a face press into your shoulder, the wet hair against your neck making you yelp in surprise. Jinyoung laughed, rubbing himself against you more just to annoy you further, using you as a towel to dry himself. You tried pushing him off, knowing too well what was going to happen next. But even with you using all of your strength his arms didn’t seem to get any looser, leaving you no choice but to wait for the inevitable. When he felt you become heavier and heavier in his arms, he looked down at you in confusion, only to notice a fish tail instead of your legs, making him almost drop you in surprise. “Could you maybe like, put me down?” You said, his staring making you feel self-conscious. “Oh, I’m sorry, I just didn’t really expect…this.” He said, lowering you carefully onto the bed and sitting down next to you. “So, I know you wanted to sleep, but I might have some questions…do you mind staying up for a bit longer?” He asked, making you laugh. “It’s okay, I guess I can talk for a bit.” You said, making him laugh as well. 

It ended up being a lot longer than the both of you had intended, the two of you talking until the early hours of the morning. 

After this, Jinyoung would become even more attracted to you, finding you that more interesting. Would love seeing you as a mermaid, but would be too shy to ask you to turn yourself into one. Wouldn’t talk too much about it, but you might catch him reading stories about mermaids every now and then. 



Coming home after a hard day at work, you decided to draw yourself a hot bath to relax a little. Youngjae wasn’t home, meaning you had all the time for yourself and didn’t have to worry about him seeing you turn in the bath. After filling the tub with hot water, you sank into it, feeling your muscles relax and all of the stress melting away. To make yourself even more comfortable, you turned on some music, the sound resonating throughout the bathroom. Before you knew it, your eyelids were growing heavy and you felt sleep creeping its way onto you. You were almost asleep when a sudden crash echoed in the room, making you jolt awake. You opened your eyes to see Youngjae in the doorway, his mouth agape and his phone lying on the ground. So that was that sound. When you noticed the nice clothes he was wearing, it suddenly made sense to you why he was here. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I totally forgot about the date today, I thought it was tomorrow! Are you mad at me?” You asked, feeling really guilty. You even wrote it down, how did you manage to forget it? When you heard Youngjae chuckle, you looked back at him, a little confused by his sudden reaction. “No, it’s okay, I’m not mad…but I think we might have to talk a little.” He said, pointing at you. It took you a second to understand what he meant, but then you realized the state you were in, feeling a bit stupid for not getting what he meant immediately. “Right, I’m sorry, I kind of forgot you’ve never seen me like this before.” You said sheepishly, making him laugh. “It’s fine, I guess you didn’t really expect this to happen either. So…is it ok for me to ask questions?” He asked with a small smile, making you happy to see he wasn’t uncomfortable by all of this. “Of course, but you might have to wait for a bit since it will take me a while to turn back into a human again.” You said, gesturing to the water surrounding you to emphasize your point. "It’s okay,” said Youngjae as he went over to the tub. He sat down next to it and reached out his hand, placing it over yours with a smile. “I can wait here with you.”

Finding out how easily you could turn into a mermaid at any time, Youngjae was reasonably worried. As much as you tried to convince him that you will be okay, he couldn’t help but get anxious every time you went outside, making it his responsibility to guard you and watch over you at all times.



It was autumn, so the two of you decided to go to a café, watching the gloomy sky outside as you enjoyed each other’s presence. When you finished the coffee, it was still quite early, and so the two of you decided to go on a walk in a park nearby. It was lunchtime, so the park was completely empty, leaving just the two of you there, walking around hand in hand and talking about anything that came to mind. As simple as this was, it made you happy. And by the look on Bambam’s face, he looked pretty happy as well. Coming to the center of the park, you sat on a small bench, watching the lake in front of you and letting your legs rest for a bit. Suddenly, you felt a small, wet feeling on your hand and looked down. There it was, a drop of water on your hand, followed quickly by another, then another and so on. Before you knew it, rain started to pour down on the two of you and the ground beneath you was turning muddy. Your breath hitched, the park suddenly being a little too open and public for your liking. You looked around for a place to hide, panicking. You tried to find something closed off, but the only thing you could see was a gazebo on the other side of the small lake. Knowing this was your best option right now, you decided to run for it. You shot up from your seat and ran as fast as you could, running through the park while hearing Bambam call your name in the distance. You made it in time, sitting down just as you changed. You sat there, your hair and clothes soaking wet from the rain, but at least you were under a roof now. You heard loud thumps as Bambam caught up to you, calling your name one last time. “(Y/N)! What happened? I’ve never seen you run so fast!” He said as he walked in, trying to catch his breath. When he finally managed to steady his breathing, he looked at you to check if you were alright, only to be even more worried. “Oh my god, are you okay?” He said, his voice filled with worry as he ran to your side. “Yes, I’m okay.” You lied, not being okay at all. The cold wind was hitting your bare body andwet hair, making you shiver at the freezing feeling. You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt a coat over your lap and a pair of arms wrapping themselves around you. “No you’re not, you’re freezing. How long until you turn back?” He asked, looking around to check if there’s anyone else in the park. “I don’t know, it might take a while. Look Bam, I’m really sorry you had to find out like this and I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but-” “It’s okay, don’t worry. We can talk about this later, but right now your well-being is all that matters. I don’t want you to get sick.” Bambam said, hugging you tightly.

Weirdly enough, Bambam would be completely okay with this. You didn’t know if he faked it to make you more comfortable, but he was very nice about it nonetheless. Likes to annoy you with dumb questions like ‘If I cry on you will you turn’ or ‘If you bite me will I become a mermaid as well’ and so on. Wouldn’t be as worried as the others about you going outside, knowing that if you could handle it on your own for so many years, you will be just fine on your own without his protection.



It was only about a week or two into summer but it was already scorching hot outside, making it hard for you both to stay alive. The only thing keeping the two of you at least a little cool - well, Yugyeom, to be exact, was the pool in your backyard where he would be most of the day, soaking himself in the water from head to toe, refusing to come out unless it was absolutely necessary. You respected his decisionto become a human floatie, knowing very well you would join him if you could. But because you couldn’t, you opted for just laying down in the shade outside, reading or scrolling through your phone most of the time. Yugyeom asked you to get in the pool with him a few times, but you managed to turn him down politely every time. Yes, he would always whine about it, but you both knew he was just playing around, not really minding your decision to stay away from the water. Or at least you thought. You were lying on your side, watching videos on YouTube. Since you did this most of the time you were outside, you decided to bring your headphones so Yugyeom’s splashing around wouldn’t interrupt you. It turned out to be a little too effective when you suddenly felt a pair of hands lift you up unexpectedly, making you yelp in surprise and drop your phone onto the ground, ripping the headphones from your head along with it. You turned your head to see a grinning Yugyeom looking at you with mischief in his eyes. “And what exactly do you think you’re doing?” You asked as he proceeded to carry you closer to the pool. “I am helping you cool down and spend a bit more time with your amazing boyfriend! I was talking to you for about five minutes before I realized you had headphones on and I felt like a dumbass! So, as a punishment…I recommend you hold your breath, jagi.” He said with an evil smile, leaving you no time to say anything in response as he threw you into the pool, letting the water splash everywhere. You tried to get out before you turned, but there was no hope for you. Once you managed to swim back up, you were met with a wide-eyed Yugyeom staring at you. As you looked at each other, you could feel the tension in the air, Yugyeom clearly shocked from what just happened. “I’m-I’m really sorry.” He said as he ran off, leaving you there, confused.

More than shocked, Yugyeom would feel incredibly guilty, feeling like he exposed a secret of yours without your consent. After a few hours of him not coming out of the bedroom you decided to go talk to him, wanting to know what has gotten your boyfriend this upset. But even after you talked everything out, he made it his top priority to not let anyone else see this side of you and let this be a secret just between you and him.


And that’s it! If there are any grammatical errors I missed please tell me, I have a headache, so I had to take pauses between rereading and it’s possible I missed some things. Anyways, I hope you liked it, thank you all so much for the support even when I’m not that active and I’ll see you soon! ♥


Thank you for the request!! I am extremely sorry for doing this so late, but it’s exam week at school rn and I am slowly losing my sanity lol.

To be honest, I didn’t know what a saree was at first and I still don’t know everything about it, so if there are any mistakes, I am very very sorry, feel free to message me and I will correct them! 


Setting: You and your boyfriend were dating for quite a while now, knowing everything about each other. Well, almost everything. One thing he still didn’t know much about you was your culture and home, making him that more curious to learn about it. No matter what you two were talking about, it would almost always end up in him asking you about your roots, finding it very interesting. 

You were always happy to answer all of his questions, not really paying much attention to them, so it surprised you quite a lot when you came home one day to find your boyfriend looking inside your closet, inspecting a piece of clothing. Noticing you, he jumped, visibly embarrassed to have been caught looking through your stuff. You came closer, wanting to see what he found so interesting, only to find your saree you used to wear back home before you came to Korea. 

Looking up at your boyfriend, you gave him a confused look, waiting for his explanation. “I’m sorry jagi, I didn’t mean to look through your stuff, I was just searching for the hoodie you borrowed a week ago, but then I found this…What is this anyway?” He asked, examining the small ornaments on the piece of clothing.

“This? It’s just my old saree, why?” You said, still slightly confused. He looked away for a bit before speaking hesitantly. “Nothing, just…Would you mind trying it on? I want to see how it looks on you.” You couldn’t help but feel your heart jump at his cuteness, deciding to give in. “Okay, just give me a second, okay? Wait for me in the living room.” He smiled happily before he walked away, leaving you alone to change.


“I’m done!” You finally yelled from the bedroom, making your way to Mark. 

When he saw you coming down the hallway, he jumped to his feet, grinning widely. He ran to you, clapping excitedly as he looked at you in awe.

“You look so good jagi! I never knew you could be even more beautiful, but look at you! You should wear this more for sure!”

“Thank you!” You said, happy seeing your boyfriend so excited.

“I’m really glad you like it and want me to wear it more often, but I don’t think it’s the best attire to wear to work in Korea, I don’t want everyone’s eyes on me, you know?” You said, making him pout.

“But why? Everyone’s eyes are on you already since you look amazing already, this would only enhance it!” He said, making you giggle.



Seeing you, he could feel his heart melting at how cute you were, standing shyly in front of him.

“Oh my god, you look so cute! Why didn’t you show me this before?” He said, a big smile plastered on his face as he hugged you, swaying you from side to side lightly.

“Bummie, you know this isn’t supposed to look cute, right? It’s just a type of clothing.” You told him, chuckling. At this, he pouted slightly and pretended to be sad, but the glint of excitement was still evident in his eyes as he looked at you from head to toe over and over again.

“I know jagi, but it just looks so cute on you! Can I take a picture of you at least? Just a small one?” He pleaded, making you sigh in defeat. You couldn’t say no to him when he was this adorable.

“Okay, but just one.” 

“Thank you! I will keep this one for sure.” He said, pulling out his phone and unlocking it quickly.

And he kept his word, setting the photo as his phone wallpaper so he could see you everytime he unlocked it, making him soft all over again.

(ignore the text in the gif lol)



The second he laid his eyes on you he screamed, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas. He was really happy, so much to the point that he couldn’t really form proper sentences so he just looked at you, smiling wider than he has probably ever before.

“Jagi! What- how- I- You- Just-” He tried to talk, but was too hyper to continue.

“You okay there Jackson?” You chuckled, amused by your boyfriend’s behavior.

“Of course I am, it’s just that you look so good!” He said before erupting into yet another scream, becoming almost too enthusiastic for his own good.

Even though the neighbors probably thought there was a murder in your apartment because of the screaming, you couldn’t help but smile too at seeing your boyfriend so excited from things as small as you wearing a saree.



Unlike the other boys, Jinyoung couldn’t help but get a little shy when he saw you in front of him, not sure what to do. When you saw him just stand there without saying a word, it made you a bit self-conscious.

“Does it look bad?” You said sadly, not noticing the blush on his cheeks.

Seeing you sad because of him, he started to panic, not wanting you to get the wrong idea.

“No, of course not, it looks great jagi! I just didn’t expect it to look this nice, that’s all…” He said quickly to prevent you from getting any sadder, all the while still avoiding eye contact.

Seeing your boyfriend shy and embarrassed like this made you smile and forget your worries instantly. The atmosphere got a little awkward though as Jinyoung still felt bad for making you think he didn’t like it. Wanting to break the silence, you spoke up again.

“So, are you ready to try it on yourself?” You said, making Jinyoung widen his eyes at you, stuttering as your words took him by surprise. When he saw that you were joking, he broke down in laughter, lifting the serious atmosphere.

“Jagi, don’t do that! I was actually considering wearing it!”



While Youngjae waited, you were struggling quite a bit. Usually, you would be able to put it on yourself, but your arms were still sore from working out the other day and you couldn’t do it yourself. You didn’t want to ruin the surprise by making him put it on for you though, so you just stood there, contemplating whether to ask him for help or not.

You had to think for quite a long time, because the next thing you knew, a worried Youngjae was calling your name. 

“Is everything okay jagi?” He asked from the other room.

“Yes, but my arms are sore and it’s hard to move them up, but I don’t want you to see me until I’m ready.” You said, hearing a chuckle from the other room.

“So you want me to help you while not looking?” He asked, amused.


And so you made him close his eyes as you made your way over to him and told him what to do, his eyes closed the whole time. 

When he was finally allowed to look, he thought you looked amazing, loving the colors and patterns on your saree. He was also very proud of himself, earning the position of the saree expert in the relationship.



As you were putting on your saree, you heard tacky music being played from the other room, making you smile. Ready to go, you heard BamBam shouting from the living room.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome our next model, (Y/N) (L/N)!” He announced dramatically, clapping loudly as you emerged from the room.

You decided to play along and pretended to walk on an imaginary runway, all the while staring right through his soul with a way too serious face, making him laugh.

“As you can see, the look of murder goes amazingly with her stunning saree, making her easily the prettiest model this evening.” He said, earning a playful smack on the arm from you, making him laugh even harder.



You walked into the room where Yugyeom was waiting, hands covering his eyes like a child, making you giggle.

“What? I want it to be a true surprise.” He said with a smile, putting his hands away from his eyes, widening them in amazement before he started jumping around, hooting loudly. You laughed, a little embarrassed at his loud actions.

“So, do you like it?” You said, waiting for his answer. He stopped jumping and looked at you, pretending to be thinking hard before replying. “Yes, but I can’t help but think that something is missing…Wait here, I’ll be right back.” And with that, he disappeared into your bedroom.

You just stood in your living room, confused and waiting. Hearing footsteps, you turned around, only to see Yugyeom with blankets wrapped around him, trying to imitate your saree. You laughed, the big blankets making him look like a giant marshmallow. He grinned, looking at you proudly.

“See? I knew something was missing! What kind of couple would we be without matching sarees?”


Anonymous said to kpopgroupsreact:pease do a got7 scenario where they lose their gf in a really crowded place because they get distracted or something, thanks in advance hope it makes sense!!

JB: He’s usually really good at keeping together, especially when it’s crowded. But he would get so caught up in sightseeing that he would lose track of checking to make sure both of you were keeping pace with each other. After realising you had lost him in the midst of a fast-paced crowd you would stay in the same spot until he eventually finds his way back to you.

“I didn’t even realise, I’m sorry y/n I thought you were behind me the whole time, I turned around and this grandmother was staring at me as if I were crazy because I kept talking to her like it was you,”


Mark: If you two got separated in a crowded place it would probably be because he got distracted by food (or you did, both actually because I mean food). He would be a bit more aware that he had lost you though, and probably a bit smarter and call you to ask where you were even though it would probably still be super hard to find each other because of how crowded it was. In the end, you’d have to meet at the highest point because it was easiest.

“Sorry, y/n, you must have been worried on your own, but I did save you some food,” 

In which case, all is forgiven because again: food.


Jackson:You know, you might think that there would be a loud, bellowing voice calling for you once he sees that you’re missing from his side. Which, honestly would be more helpful.



But let’s be real, he’ll probably be completely lost himself and you being lost too would make him twice as confused while he tries to search for you amongst the hundreds of people moving around him.

Y/n was right here a second ago…?


Jinyoung: He probably wouldn’t be the one to get distracted and lose you, so it would most likely be you getting distracted and separating from him in the rush. But he would genuinely feel bad about losing you in the crowd. Like he would actually be really worried. Like really, he really does feel awful for letting you wander around amongst so many strangers on your own because he had reminded himself to be more careful due to the place being more crowded. So when you finally find each other, it’ll be a real surprise that he doesn’t have some sassy remark about how irresponsible you were for leaving his side.

I should buy y/n some ice-cream to make her feel better…


Youngjae: Sunshine would have had a wild run looking for you everywhere after he realised you disappeared from beside him. When he finally finds you right where you two had last been together he’d be relieved but also breathless.

“I’ve been running around for twenty minutes, I can’t believe I didn’t check here first,”


BamBam: Let’s be honest with each other, there’s no way you would get lost in the crowd before he gets lost. Trust, you’ll find him at the lost kiddy centre. On your right, near the slinkies.

“What took you so long, y/n? I’ve been having a blast with these.”


Yugyeom: He would probably lose you real fast in the crowd, he’d be so preoccupied with looking around he wouldn’t even notice you were gone until you eventually found your way back to him after which he would try to make lame excuses to act like he wasn’t to blame for you two getting separated.

“Y/n, I can explain, the lady was offering free sampl-”


Your expression was soft as you glanced up, finally noticing hat the sun was beginning to lower. It was a sight that you had never tired of, a sight that you sought plenty of comfort from ever since you found yourself flying solo again, opting to enjoy a chance to relax for a while.

The sight of the sunset didn’t stop Jaebeom from playing on your mind from time to time. It had been a good few months since the two of you had separated, but despite everyone telling you that time was a healer, it didn’t feel that way for you.

Random moments after left you thinking, pondering how different things could be if you had Jaebeom by your side. Enjoying a sunset was something that you always hoped to do with him, but before the two of you got the chance to, you found yourselves going your separate ways, unable to see a way to make your relationship work.

You had found yourself heading to the park ever since, dumping most of your thoughts whilst you watched the sunset it. It was exactly what you needed, especially when one person in particular captured your attention.


You thought your mind was playing tricks with you as a familiar voice called out your name, but as you looked behind you, a familiar face stared down at you. A sheepish smile was on their face, not quite knowing what to do.

“Hi, how are you? You look well.”

“Y-yeah, I’m good, thank you.”

Your heart began to race the moment that your eyes landed on Jaebeom, as the feelings that you had soon came flooding back. Nothing had changed for you, he looked just as you remembered, if not even a little bit better.

“Can I sit?” Jaebeom asked you, “are you watching the sunset too?”

Your head nodded as you shuffled a little to make room for him, “I come down here most evenings after I’ve finished at work.”

“I can see why, it’s great here,” Jaebeom remarked as he took a seat down beside you. “Are you still doing your internship at that office by the café that we liked?”

A lot had changed since the two of you had last seen each other, with plenty to catch one another up on. As you began to tell Jaebeom that you’d ended up securing a job at the office, his smile grew, proud of how hard you had worked.

For a moment all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around you, but then he remembered. It felt as if the two of you had never been apart, but at the same time there was months of history behind you both, having never said a word to each other.

“I always knew that that place would want you,” Jaebeom smiled as soon as you finished speaking, “you used to come home with so many compliments.”

You smiled appreciatively back across to Jaebeom, a little uncertain as to how the right way to act around him was anymore. “Thank you,” was all that you ended up saying, choosing to be safe around him.

The two of you soon found yourselves falling silent, both staring across to watch the sunset instead. Your breakup hadn’t left you both hating each other, but it was still the elephant in the room for you both as you tried your best to be civil to one another.

You’d ended up deciding to go your separate ways after you found yourselves at two different stages of your lives. You were a little younger than Jaebeom, and whilst he wanted to think about settling down, you were still pretty keen to head out and explore.

As soon as the fans caught the slightest clue that the two of you were together too, your relationship was pretty doomed. You could never bring yourself to repeat some of the insults that were sent your way, still often hearing a few of them in the back of your mind.

If he could have changed how things would, Jaebeom would in a heartbeat. He hoped that your heart hurt like his did, he hoped that seeing him excited you like the way that seeing you had left him feeling nervous, and hopeful that it wouldn’t be the last time too.

“I’m glad to hear things are going well for you Y/N.”

Your eyes flickered as soon as Jaebeom spoke up, finding yourself listening to everything that he had to say. It had always been one of his favourite things about you, how much you paid attention and always listened to what he had to say.

“I still think about you a lot, I’ve been wondering a lot over the past few months, but I never wanted to reach out and ask,” he told you.

Your head nodded, still a little uncertain as to what to say. As much as you wanted Jaebeom to reach out, you had no idea as to how he felt about you, especially after your breakup too.

“Do you still think about me?”

His question took you slightly by surprise as your body tensed up. “I do,” you sheepishly told Jaebeom, watching as his eyes lit up. “It’s pretty impossible not to think about you when you constantly come up on my TV screens, releasing yet another incredible song.”

Your words made Jaebeom’s heart soar, struggling to control his smile as he listened to you, not wanting to let you see just how touched he was to hear you.

“I always knew that you’d smash it.”

“There’s always felt like there’s one thing missing from that though.”

You knew straight away who Jaebeom was talking about, feeling his stare intensify in your direction. There were so many times when Jaebeom wanted to have you by his side, enjoying the moment with him, but instead he was left wondering where in the world you even were.

“I’m so glad that I came down here tonight, I was thinking of just heading home, but I thought a walk would do me good,” Jaebeom told you, “it’s done me the world of good getting to see you, there’s been so much that I wanted to say to you over these past few months.”

You weren’t quite sure where Jaebeom was going with what he had to say to you until you felt a hand rest over yours. You didn’t react for a few moments, but after realising what Jaebeom was doing, you turned your hand so that it pressed against his.

“Let’s not do anything too quickly,” you warned Jaebeom, “if this is the two of us deciding to at least see each other past tonight, then I don’t want to rush anything Jaebeom. I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time between us.”

“I won’t let that happen, I promise you,” Jaebeom smiled in reply to you. “You have no idea how happy my heart is just being able to see you again Y/N.”

“I never thought I’d see you again,” you admitted, still stunned to see Jaebeom before you.

Although he had gone on to do plenty ever since the two of you separated, he still thought of you, still wished that things could have ended so differently between you both too.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Jaebeom asked you.

Your lips pursed together as you thought momentarily, “that depends, what do you need to know my plans for?”

“It’s for a thing, it’s called a date, didn’t you know? I think we’ve been on one or two before.”

“It seems that I have plans for tomorrow now in that case.”


A soft sigh came from you as you glanced to the clock that was on the bedside table beside you, noticing just how late into the afternoon it was. Downstairs, you could hear Jackson clattering around, with intrigue getting the better of you as to what he was up to, slowly sitting yourself up and waking your body back up too.

As ever, it took you a few minutes to stand yourself up and catch your balance, with your growing baby bump slightly getting in the way. After a few minutes of slow walking and balancing, you walked through the downstairs of the house to find Jackson in the kitchen.

He had no idea that you’d arrived as he busied himself looking through all of the kitchen cupboards, jumping at the sound of you clearing his throat. As soon as he saw you, he pulled a chair out for you at the dining table in the middle of the room to make sure that you could rest and get comfortable again.

“How was your nap?” He asked you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you sat down. “I thought as it’s nearly dinner time I could make a start on things so that you don’t have to worry about cooking too much.”

“My nap was exactly what I needed,” you laughed, resting back against Jackson’s chest. “Are you sure that you don’t mind doing dinner? That means cooking Jack.”

His eyebrows raised as you seemed to doubt him, poking his fingertip against your forehead, assuring you that there was no reason to worry about him taking control.

“I’ve got this,” he confidently smiled back down at you, “you just sit here and relax. Is there anything that I can get for you?”

Your head shook in reply to him, “I’m just looking forward to seeing this.”

“I can cook Y/N,” Jackson assured you as he walked back towards the oven, “I promise you tonight you will dine like you’ve never dined before, I found a fancy recipe online too.”

You were still sceptical as Jackson began to take control of things, making sure that everything around the kitchen was as it was supposed to be. “You know that I can help you do something if you want me to.”

“You focus on growing our little human instead Y/N.”

“They’re growing very nicely tucked up in here.”

Jackson’s head nodded in agreement with you, “I found a recipe online that is said to be perfect for pregnant people, full of nutritious value that will help the two of you.”

“You’ve really thought of everything, haven’t you?” You laughed back across at him, “do I get any hints as to what it is that the two of us will be eating tonight?”

“All I can say is that you are in for an absolute treat, people always underestimate me.”

Your head nodded back at Jackson as he kept glancing back at you every few minutes. His protective eye never went away, he worried about you constantly and always liked to make sure that you were alright. You had tried to stay awake earlier in the day, but it was him who made you go and get some rest, which you were thankful for now that you had.

Despite you assuring him several times that you didn’t want anything, that didn’t stop him from getting you drinks constantly. Midway through cooking, he couldn’t help but grab a cushion from the sofa too and place it behind your back so that you were more comfortable whilst sat at the dining table.

“How are you feeling?” Jackson asked again as he caught you out of the corner of his eye whilst placing one of the baking trays into the oven. “Dinner should only be a few minutes now, I just need to warm it through. Do you want anything nice to drink with dinner? Maybe I could find some juice or a fizzy can somewhere?”

“Right now, I’d love a glass of wine,” you scoffed, “but I don’t think I’m quite going to be able to get my hands on something like that.”

Jackson’s eyes rolled, panicked for a moment that you were serious, until he saw your laugh. He had thrown all temptations out as soon as you fell pregnant, replacing your coffee with decaf and buying several packets of fruits that would be helpful for your health.

“I can get you a glass of orange juice,” Jackson weakly smiled across at you, “you’ve only got to worry about these things for two more months, that’s all it is.”

“I’m only messing Jackson,” you assured him, “I’m more than alright with water for dinner, I need to have a clear palette so that I can make the most of the taste of dinner, right?”

“I like you’re thinking there.”

“The food is more important,” you teased.

His head nodded in agreement with you, “I know I keep telling you to look forward to this Y/N, but I think this might have turned out even better than I hoped it would,” Jackson told you, continuing to toot his own horn.

“If this turns out nice, maybe dinner can be your job until the baby arrives,” you suggested, “I won’t be able to move around for too much longer to cook.”

“Once you’ve tasted this, you’ll beg me to cook.”

Your head shook in disbelief as he grabbed a couple of plates from the cupboard, placing them down beside the oven. Jackson slowly began to plate the dishes up that he had made, making sure that it looked exactly as it did on the picture that was on the recipe’s website.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he grinned, spinning around after a few moments and placing the two plates down at the table, watching your eyes as they looked down too.

Your head nodded as soon as you looked at what Jackson had made. “It looks lovely,” you smiled across at him, noticing the proud grin that he had too.

“It’s not exactly aesthetic, but it’s great for the baby. Don’t forget that bit.”

You did exactly what Jackson told you too as he eventually sat down at the table with you, grabbing some cutlery from the middle of the table. You sat back and let him take a mouthful first, hearing him hum pleasantly as he tasted things, much to your relief.

Throughout your meal, Jackson’s eyes were on you, making sure that you ate up like he hoped you would. Since day one he had been worrying about your diet, and especially after he had cooked, he wanted to make sure that you enjoyed.

“At least when the baby arrives, they should be nice and healthy too with all of this,” Jackson told you with a smile. “You should have seen the list of health benefits that were on the website Y/N. I’d have you eat this every single day if I could to make sure that you get everything that you need whilst pregnant.”

Your head shook as Jackson spoke, “I know you worry a lot about me, and the baby, but we’re alright Jackson. I’d tell you if anything ever felt wrong for either of us.”

“I worry too much, I know,” he chuckled, “I just can’t help it.”

“Don’t be silly, I love how much you care.”

