#grace burguess



Um. Y'all see this from earlier today? Peep that photo in the background. Style inspiration? Do we know if she’s working on anything atm? Or could all of your Ghost Grace worst fears be true?

OMG THAT COMMENTS SECTION !!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                               




(little)THEORY: Is this Thomas’ new tattoo? What does it mean?

First image of Peaky Blinders, Season 6

 As a result of the new image shared on the official Peaky Blinders accounts, I’ve had a number of doubts related to the curious drawing on the clapperboard, which could be Thomas’ new tattoo.

In the drawing you can see some rays, very similar to another tattoo that he already has.

  A precious stone, most likely a sapphire, like the one he gave Grace.

 And some guns with a bloody razor that could represent the criminal and violent life they have led.

  Here are some statements that were made about the firts tatto.

  Therefore, the combination of the sapphire with the weapons in the place where Jesus, believer’s spiritual and moral guide, should be, make me think that perhaps this is a foreshadowing in which Thomas allows himself to be guided by the supernatural (gypsy’s superstitions and magic to which Polly also listens to), as SK communicated to us at the time. This probably will end up affecting the gang with a fatal outcome.

Or, the sapphire could represent his incurable guilt about Grace as we all know, or just be another symbolism of her, in a more positive light, as Thomas’ saviour. Actually she did it before, in S1, so it could perfectly happen again. Of course, for this to happen, she should still be alive…which I do think…

 I have discussed this point with @craziigamerchick​ and, despite my reluctance at first, I think she’s quite right.

One of her post which explains all this: https://craziigamerchick.tumblr.com/post/631255145727115264/grace-is-alivei

In any case, the sapphire is the most important element of the group, and hence its meaning, because if you look closer it is superimposed with respect to the others.

OK. I love this drawing! the symbolism of it ties into the symbolism from s5, so while they may have lost a season, they still seem to be following the same path they have been. Which as you know, I was very worried about. :)  


Alright, lets get into it…..We have the sun rays on top and in place of Jesus (which represents goodness and light) we have the Sapphire (guilt) and the guns, a razor, and maybe a noose at the very bottom by the K (death) or is that blood maybe..

So guilt and death are in the place of Jesus. But it’s not really in place of Jesus, more in Place of Grace. Tommy isn’t religious (as said above) and the only person that really brought him peace and light like Jesus is supposed to do is Grace. let’s look at the symbolism from s1 if you don’t believe me.

Look at the light behind her. She is Tommy’s light and sun. Think of the light behind her as the rays on his chest.

But anyways, back to the drawing on the clapperboard. It shows his mind frame going into this next season. Where Jesus (Grace) is supposed to be, bringing light into his life, is instead guilt over her death and items of destruction, which are ruining his life. 

Until he can get rid of the guilt over her death and get away from his gang related activities, he’s never going to be able to move on and heal.

And I’m sorry but I just don’t think there is any way that Tommy is going to get over the guilt of her death unless she turns up alive. I really don’t. 

Good thing the symbolism in the show says she’ll be back. Let’s take a look at s5.

Does this window not remind you of the rays in that drawing and his tattoo? 

So you’re saying that window even has his PTSD connected to it just like the new drawing has his PTSD and guilt tied into the rays as well. But like someone on twitter said the rays in the drawing actually look like cigarettes, and that makes it even better. They aren’t even really rays anymore, the light is gone and replaced with darkness and smoke because of all his guilt and his PTSD. 

But who is going to bring back the light? 

Look back up there at the window during the day. Where is she standing? In the place of the sun! The rays are behind her. And even some light! She is even blocking his PTSD (the bear). She’s his rising sun and hope. If you don’t believe me let’s look at what else the people behind the scenes have to say about the window.

Now I could see them having all this symbolism around Grace and them just having Tommy kill himself to be with her at the end if it wasn’t for that last paragraph in the picture above. He’s supposed to go back to optimism before the show is out. How is he going to do that without his light? He’s not. Now they could have put hope and light symbolism around his children or anything else really and I wouldn’t have batted an eye about it. But they didn’t.

Don’t forget Grace isn’t just standing in front of a sun but a RISING sun. 
