
 Nanomaterials: The Invisible Killer Lurking in Our Consumer Products Our consumer products, such as

Nanomaterials: The Invisible Killer Lurking in Our Consumer Products

Our consumer products, such as food, cosmetics, and clothes, might be filled with nanomaterials — unbeknownst to us. The use of nanomaterials remains unregulated and they do not show up in lists of ingredients. This is a cause of concern since nanomaterials can be more dangerous than COVID-19 in the long term if no safety action is taken: they are tricky to measure, they enter our food chain and, most alarmingly, they can penetrate cells and accumulate in our organs.

Nanotechnology is appearing everywhere, to change our daily lives. Thanks to applications of nanotechnology, we can treat many diseases so efficiently that they’ll soon be a thing of the past. We also have materials that are 100 times stronger than steel, batteries that last 10 times longer than before, solar panels that yield twice as much energy than old ones, skincare products that keep us looking young, not to mention self-cleaning cars, windows, and clothes. These used to be the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies, but are now the reality we live in.

Nanotechnology has the potential to become the next industrial revolution. The global market for nanomaterials is growing, estimated at 11 million tonnes at a market value of 20 billion euros. The current direct employment in the nanomaterial sector is estimated between 300,000 and 400,000 in Europe alone.

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 New record in lead-free halide double perovskitesIllumination consumes more than 20 percent of elec

New record in lead-free halide double perovskites

Illumination consumes more than 20 percent of electricity. Thus, finding an efficient, stable, single-phase warm white-light material is very important. Lead hybrid perovskites have drawn interest for excellent photoelectric performance and simple synthesis. Lead perovskites with white-light emission have been studied, but photoluminescence quantum efficiencies (PLQEs) are low. However, the large-scale application of lead perovskites is hindered by toxicity and instability. Therefore, the substitution of Pb with less toxic or non-toxic elements and the replacement of organic cations with relatively stable inorganic cations is being investigated.

Very recently, Keli Han’s group at the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, reports a series of bulk lead-free double perovskites: Cs2AgBi1-xInxCl6 (0 < x < 1). They demonstrate the existence of the parity-forbidden transition by photophysical characterization in Cs2AgInCl6 bulk crystal. The Cs2AgBi0.125In0.875Cl6 breaks the parity-forbidden transition and shows warm white-light emission with broad emission across the entire visible spectrum, with the highest PLQE of 70.3%.

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 Extracting heavy metals with vegetable oilsDangerous lead levels in drinking water in cities across

Extracting heavy metals with vegetable oils

Dangerous lead levels in drinking water in cities across the nation have recently made national headlines. Water contaminated with lead, mercury, or other heavy metals poses serious problems for not only our health but also for our environment.

At the Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) in Peoria, Illinois, scientists are investigating safe ways to remove heavy metals from various substances. Recently, they developed and patented a new method that uses vegetable oils to remove metals from liquids, solids, and gases.

Rex Murray, research leader at NCAUR’s Bio-Oils Research Unit, and his colleagues have created a chemical process to modify vegetable oils into “functionalized” vegetable oils that effectively separate heavy metal ions fromwater. The team included chemist Kenneth Doll, physical scientist Grigor Bantchev, chemical engineer Robert Dunn, and physical science technician Kim Ascherl.

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SO I have this dilemma

I am seeing this guy, he’s like tall, buff and just an angel. I think I can honestly say that I feel a deep connection with him. We’ve been seeing each other for 2 months now and I, like the unsure gal I am, asked what we are.

He said it felt like a relationship, but without a title. Then I asked him why he hasn’t asked me yet and he told me it wouldn’t matter since it already feels like a relationship. So it basicly is a relationship, but without a title??? For my this ‘dating’-phase means more of a try-out if the two of us will actually work (and it does). The change from 'dating’ to a relationship shows me that it’s steady and I can rely on him, idk. I really just want a steady relationship, not 'some kind of’ relationship. Or maybe I’m just a bit old-fashioned in this matter.

So I don’t really know what to do, because he sounds pretty sure of himself at this point and maybe I’m wrong. He is really good for me though, so I don’t know if this matter is important enough to make a point of.

SO, anyone here that knows what to do (or maybe don’t do) with this?

Thank you all for your replies, I’ve decides what to do. I’m going to talk it over with him again and if he doesn’t co-operate I will go away :). I don’t need more toxic ass people in my life. I know I’m always trying my best to not overthink stuff or that I shouldn’t get mad over certain things. But this time I think I’ve the right to say what I want.

What did we learn? Men are stupid like usual and we don’t always need to accept it

Toxic society

I dont understand this world at all, people are brought into this world and their automatically forced to be something resembling perfection. Kids being put in a position where they have to be “perfect and socially acceptable” in a world that isnt perfect. “My child is a perfect darling he never acts up and makes perfect grades”. “My daughter is cheer captain with a 4.0 gpa shes the perfect child”. People brag about their good children and because of this idea of the “picture perfect kid and family” parents end up comparing their child or children to this seemingly perfect kid that does no wrong. And then the parents and family wonder why that child grew up to dislike them. What epic cluster fuck of a failed society are we living in if people do shit like that and its considered normal?



For witchcraft practitioners who work with plants, be it in spells, charms, being tactile in nature or gardening, this list contains some of the plants that can bring harm if used incorrectly or have a high level of toxicity.

Always be cautious and so research on any plant or herb you’re planning to utilize or grow.

Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius) • Ingesting a single seed can kill an adult human. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, convulsions, liver failure, and death, usually after several days.

Wolfsbane (Aconitum spp) • All parts are poisonous, if ingested, it usually causes burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth, followed by vomiting and nervous excitement. Even casual skin contact should be avoided. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and cardiac irregularity.

White Baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) • All parts are poisonous, especially the berries, the consumption of which has a sedative effect on cardiac muscle tissue and can cause cardiac arrest.

Arnica • Poisonous in great quantities. Symptoms of poisoning include gastroenteritis, fever, nausea, dizziness, abnormal cardiac frequency, diarrhea, skin reaction and internal hemorrhage in the digestive system.

Azalea (Rhododendron simsii) • If ingested it is poisonous. Continued contact should be avoided. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, depression, respiratory difficulties, coma. It is rarely lethal.

Anthurium (Anthurium spp) • Prevent getting in contact with the sap. Symptoms are skin irritation and eye irritation.

Cedronella canariensis • Can cause skin irritation, indigestions. Should not be used or touch by pregnant people or lactating people.

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) • Extremely poisonous, it is lethal and it can be absorbed through skin. Symptoms of poisoning are fogged vision, staggering, loss of balance, dry mouth and throat, headache, skin eruptions, constipation, confusion, hallucination and convulsion.

Lamprocapnos spectabilis • Can be poisonous in big quantities, which causes convulsions and other symptoms in the nervous system.

Iris versicolor • Symptoms pf poisoning include nausea, vomit, mouth and throat irritation, irritation on the digestive system, skin irritation, headache and epiphora.

Bryony • All parts are poisonous and any type of contact causes death.

Ranunculus • If ingested, the juice can cause serious damage to the digestive system.

Acorus calamus • Toxic in big quantities, can cause hallucination, nausea and vomit.

Physostigma venenosum • Extremely toxic, can cause intense sweating, extreme salivation, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, irregular cardiac rhythm, change in blood pressure, confusion, convulsion, coma, muscular weakness, paralysis, respiratory difficulties and death.

Cinnamomum camphora • Skin rash, itchiness, respiratory difficulties, mouth, eyes, face or lips swelling.

Ricinus communis • Poisonous. Can cause burning in the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea. At a long period of intoxication, can cause dehydration, low blood pressure. If not treated, death will occur in 3 to 5 days

Daphne • Poisonous. Causes burns in the mouth and digestive tract, followed by coma. Can cause death.

Vinca • Must not be ingested, causes nausea, vomit, loss of hair, loss of hearing, dizziness, bleeding, nervous difficulties, convulsions, liver damage and death.

Asclepias tuberosa • Cardiac difficulties, nausea, vomit and skin rash.

Agave spp • The juice of a number of species causes acute contact dermatitis, with blistering lasting several weeks and recurring itching for several years thereafter.

Columbine (Aquilegia spp) • Seeds and roots contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed, columbine poisonings are easily fatal.

Mercurialis perennis • Symptons happen after some hours, they include vomit, pain, gastritis, renal inflammation and sleepiness.

Colocasia • All parts are poisonous and cause mouth and tongue irritation. Can be fatal.

Gelsemium • Extremely poisonous, even in low quantities. Causes headache, problems with vision, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, muscular complications, convulsions, respiratory complications and low blood pressure.

Laburnum • Causes excitation, loss of balance, convulsions and coma. Can be lethal.

Helleborus • Dangerous if ingested or applied on the skin. Cause irritation in the mouth and throat and low blood pressure. Big quantities can cause vomit, diarrhea, difficulties swallowing, nervous system complications, blindness, convulsion, paralysis, respiratory complications and death.

Ilex aquifolium • The fruits can be lethal and the leaves cause diarrhea, nausea, vomit, stomach and intestine complications.

Hedera helix • Causes stomach pain, respiratory complications and possible coma.

Impatiens capensis • Dangerous when ingested in big quantities.

Datura stramonium • Don’t inhale or ingest. Causes dry mouth, extreme thirst, vision complications, nausea, vomit, constipation, tachycardia, hallucinations, fever, convulsion, loss of conscience, respiratory complications and death.

Convallaria majalis • Causes irregular blood pressure and cardiac rhythm, indigestion and confusion.

Mandragora officinarum • Fogged vision, dry mouth, difficulties to urinate, headache, tachycardia, vomit and hallucinations.

Viscum album • Gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, low blood pressure, convulsion. It is rarely lethal for humans.

Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) • Diarrhea, indigestion, disorientation, loss of apetite, ataxy and hallucinations.

Artemisia vulgaris • Prolonged contact may be fatal, so it’s best to use in a open and ventilated place.

Oak (Quercus): In big quantities is poisonous and affects the renal kidneys.

Nerium oleander • Causes cardiac complications, indigestion and can cause death.

Taxus baccata • Fatal. No symptoms come as a warning.

Hypericum perforatum • Causes fatigue, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth and can affect medicaments.

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp) • All parts of this plant contain toxins and are often fatal. Effects of ingestion may include losing connection with reality and hallucinations.

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) • The leaves, seeds, and flowers are poisonous. These cause irregular heartbeat, general digestive upset, and confusion; can be fatal.

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) • The bulbs are poisonous, causing nausea, vomiting, gasping, convulsions, and possibly death. Even handling the bulbs can cause skin irritation.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp) • Hydrangeas are moderately toxic if eaten.

Frangipani (Plumeria spp) • Contact with the milky latex may irritate eyes and skin.

Sombras tribal

ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE: In Dallas, the Toxic Legacy of Zoning LingersLoose regulations and a gung-hENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE: In Dallas, the Toxic Legacy of Zoning LingersLoose regulations and a gung-h

ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE: In Dallas, the Toxic Legacy of Zoning Lingers

Loose regulations and a gung-ho development culture brought polluting industries in low-income Dallas neighborhoods. Can a new wave of zoning reform drive them out? 

See the full story:  Patrick Sisson,CITY LAB, March 9, 2022, 11:42 AM EST

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After the break to prevent spoilers. Also, the text along with the image states, “It’s the last new episode for a while…” If the TFP fandom goes on an Afro Circus Challenge binge like the Korra fandom did, I don’t know how I’m going to handle it.

I’m still not sure what that green ooze is, as it was also in the first promo image. If I had to take a guess, though, I’d say it was the Insecticon’s energon, perhaps spiked with some completed Synth-En? Whatever it is, the color seems to explain the name “Toxicity”. Bulkhead seems pretty in-control here, I wonder if the Insecticons are even the cause of what happened at the end of Triage - maybe the volcano that they’re on just erupts, although that would be… anticlimactic.

As always, the image is after the break to prevent spoilers.

My only thoughts: what the actual fuck is going on here?

Because speculating and then getting the majority of your expectations dead-wrong is all part of the fun. As usual, spoilers for the most recent episode of TFP [Triage] after the break.

Starting out with the end of Triage, we see Bulkhead lying on the ground still smoking. And let’s not forget that Raf immediately told Fowler that Bulkhead was coming back. There’s a reason for this - remember in Tunnel Vision when Miko called Fowler? He was telling Bulkhead to “drop the rock and come back home.” At some point in Bulk’s mission, Fowler wakes up and becomes emotionally invested, which probably explains why he so eagerly turns to watch Bulkhead’s return.

I’m seriously hoping the first thing Ratchet does in this episode is tell Raf to send the groundbridge for Wheeljack. We know that the two of them bonded in the last episode, and it seems only right to call Bulkhead’s partner for what may very well be his final hour (it was stated that the repercussions from this episode would affect the rest of the season; and let’s not forget the writers had initially wanted to include Cliffjumper in the entire first season and then kill him off in the finale - they’re not scared to kill an established character). Wheeljack wouldn’t have even stayed on Earth if it weren’t for Bulkhead’s prodding, and I feel as though the only reason Wheeljack would stay if Bulkhead died, is if Bulkhead made that his dying wish (which would be cheesy, but whatever).

Additionally, when Soundwave returns to the Nemesis, Megatron says that he is confident that Knockout and himself would be able to retrieve the last two relics. However, in the preview for Toxicity, Megatron sends Hardshell instead. Megatron shouldn’t be fearful of failing his troops, so something else has to pop up that would cause Megatron to send the Insecticon in his place. I’m pinning my hopes on that something being either Starscream, or the return of Breakdown’s body with M.E.C.H. - or maybe Megatron just wanted to make sure Soundwave was all right, I suppose.

Next, looking at the timeline for these episodes:

At around the same time, Knockout, Bumblebee, and Arcee all leave for New York. After this, Bulkhead leaves for his mission in Toxicity, and is shortly followed by Optimus who leaves for the arctic. Simultaneous to Optimus, Starscream and Dreadwing embark on their arctic explorations. Ratchet and Wheeljack have the Jackhammer up and running at about the same time as Soundwave, and the three of them reach the skies leading to the relic at about the same time.

Ratchet and Wheeljack left at midmorning, and did not return to base until well after sunset, and although they were the last group to get going, were the first to return. Because Dreadwing possessed the ability to fly, his mission in the arctic was swift enough for him to reach the Nemesis before Soundwave’s return. Soundwave arrived just after Dreadwing’s debriefing, and Knockout returned to the Nemesis soon after. The Decepticons had a lot of blank space in this area of time - Megatron took Knockout and Soundwave to the medical bay (possibly sending Hardshell to retrieve the fourth relic on the way), and saw to it that Soundwave was back to work with the Iacon database before Bulkhead ever returned to base. It’s obvious that Arcee, Bumblebee, and Optimus’s missions are finished by this point - as the Decepticons they were up against had already returned, but they have not yet headed back to base for reasons I can’t figure out yet.

Either the timeline is all messed up for these episodes, or something happens that makes all the bots too busy to return to base.

#systemofadown    #toxicity    

So last nights experience is one for the books with mi amor Got pit tickets for #systemofadown and that shit was amazing we were up super close till my anxiety kicked in but we had to back up out of our spot but managed to stay close with more breathing room…I hope I didn’t ruin it babe @sara_sti15 @amiskinnyett #toxicity (at Glen Helen Amphitheater)

#systemofadown    #toxicity    

We’re over, but so is the self-destruction
You leaving lead to my one man production

Solitude made me realize I can’t do this alone
But instead of dumping it all on you, I went and picked up the phone

You’re the reason I got help.
I wish I could tell you.
I hope you don’t hate yourself.

Hey, at least I’m not playing games with your heart
It’s always “this or that”, always been like that from the start
I’ve told you that we could play together, but you always say no
Tell me to my face it’s fine, then you shoot these low blows
Funny, seems like you like playing games too.

But we can’t play my games, no, it’s all about you
“This or that?” Fuck that!
Demanding all my attention makes you a spoiled little brat!

Mean or broken, really it’s the same thing
Intention don’t matter, in the end, you still hurt me
Not absolved from your actions just ‘cause you want the consequences to go away

This is not Broadway
I will not bow for your performance
To you, keeping up this façade is of uttermost importance
But this isn’t even worth the price of a matinee
So I’ve gotta say bye to you, babe

You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Someone must’ve put the wool in your ears
Placed rose-colored glasses on your face
So you could claim innocence!
When your wool became stained with blood…

What a fashion statement!

Pretty bold of you to say that I’m overreacting
Would only acknowledge my bleeding 
Accompanied by blood curdling screaming!

Because it began to stain your clothes
Left me to rot…
While you bought a new shirt.
Said it was a pity I died!
But, I’ve survived worse.

Help Gay Black youth move out of toxic and verbally/emotionally abusive house

Hi, I’d really appreciate it if you would share or donate to this GoFundMe. $1 would be plenty and I’d really appreciate if you all would share this. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-gay-black-youth-move-out-of-abusive-house?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=more&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1

Please share. Thank you in advance

a broken heart is the worst, it’s like having broken ribs, nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe..

Nos hacíamos daño, pero en la cama encontrábamos un poco de anestesia. ¿Qué relación tan tóxica, no?

Alexander Alay.
