

Sunday funday. Nice weather means upgrading the plants and trying to give them some more outdoor time until the weather lets them stay out long term.

a variegated pothos in a new yellow pot
a bristling euphorbia 'briar patch' that's been upgraded to a terracotta pot
a 'Futura robusta' snake plant (sansevieria) in a terracotta pot
a crassula in a small terracotta pot
a graptoveria baby in a small terracotta pot

Some of the moves I made

Early morning and I am just spraying some water over my babies. Winter where I live is super dry, and as they take the sun all day long it can be too harsh. Gladly they are roundy and colorful.

She’s getting her color backAlso i’m thinking about beheading her cuz she got so stretched during

She’s getting her color back
Also i’m thinking about beheading her cuz she got so stretched during the winter

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