#green party


ATTENTION CANADIANS: Wondering why you should vote in this year’s federal election? Here are 4 good reasons! PLEASE VOTE!!

GET REGISTERED right now in, like, 10 minutes.
GET INFORMED in again, like, 10 minutes tops. That’s 20 minutes!! Every 4 years!!!! AKA the easiest job of all the jobs!!!!!!

Jill Stein (G) & Gary Johnson (L) #3rdParties

Don’t vote for Clinton because you are scared of Trump.
Don’t vote for Trump because you do not trust Clinton.

In a Democracy we are all encouraged to voice our opinions.  At least that is, in the ballot box, to determine a group of individuals capable of making decisions for the rest of us.  We put the ‘tough decisions’ in the hands of those who we perceive as having more insight in to the issues and a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding the decision.

People have not always been given the opportunity to decide their leaders and voice their opinions.  Many people living today still are not given that opportunity.  As they say, voting is a privilege.  I also understand anyone who says that American politics is too corrupt to be fixed and that the voting system is rigged and I get why some people just downright refuse to vote.  I fully support that decision.

However for anyone who is going to vote and is torn between two horrible candidates and a third duo of former Republican Governors masquerading as Libertarians, I want to present the following argument.

There are three paths that American democracy can take in the long run.

The first one is a complete dismemberment of the current system and a restructuring of power at more local levels up to and including small community governments and sovereign citizens.  This would keep certain aspects of what we currently have and it would most likely include some sort of secessions and rebellions.

The second is the path we are on right now, which is that the government keeps growing out of control taking more of our rights away and destroying the lives of people in far of lands until the earth is scorched or China and Russia say enough is enough.  This leads to inevitable war and economic uncertainty.

The last option is a non violent political coup d'état to take over the White House and eventually Congress.  Take for example, Jeb Bush was the anointed one, the GOP would have even taken Ted Cruz over their eventual nominee.  Donald Trump lead a non violent political coup d'état to take over the Republican Party.

'A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days.’

Trumps campaign became a successful coup on July 26th 2016.

It is a shame that Donald Trump is not someone who can be trusted to lead us honestly and righteously.  He’s a shyster, a snake oil salesman, a charlatan.  What is exciting though is to see the possibilities in his nomination.  The ability it portrays to actually disrupt the very robotic and routine system politics has traditionally been is refreshing to see.

We’ve all just finished watching Bernie’s coup attempt fail.  I believe that towards the end of the campaign the thought process was that he was going to bring a slew of independent, uber progressive, Occupy Wall Street supporters to Hillary that would have never normally voted for her in the past anyway.

Unfortunately for the Democratic Party many Bernie supporters cannot and will not end the revolution he spearheaded.

As huge names such as Joe Biden and Michelle Obama spoke inside the DNC hundreds of delegates left their seats and thousands of people filled a park to listen to Jill Stein speak.  During the Democratic National Convention the Presidential candidate from the Green Party lead the revolution outside for those who would not just transfer their vote from Bernie to Hillary.

Jill Stein lead marches in the streets and addressed impromptu rallies in the park with a bull horn.  She spoke in the back of a pickup truck sharing the same 'stage’ as Immortal Technique to rally the troops to the cause.  I told my wife that last statement alone was enough for me to switch my vote from Gary Johnson to Jill Stein.

Jill Stein is a true street level Presidential candidate.  

I understand that many of her promises would be impossible to keep, just like every other candidate.  I understand that she could possibly spoil the election if she takes away too many votes from the left.  I totally get that policies Libertarians propose are almost the opposite in some manners to the Green Party and flipping from one to the other seems illogical.

The reason I support Jill Stein is her passion and the fact that I believe she wants to achieve the goals she lays out.  Gary Johnson has no passion, he seems to pander to certain issues he knows will rally specific demographics.  The Libertarian ticket this year is boring and does not seem to be able to get a loud and passionate crowd behind them.  It is unfortunate but true.

Watch this video and tell me it doesn’t at least pique your interest in the Green Party.  It includes the very end of Jill Stein speaking and then Immortal Technique endorsing her afterward.  Check out her entire speech at the very bottom of the article.


Someone needs to lead the non violent political coup d'état to take over the White House.  Obviously Bernie Sanders is not that person.  I think Jill Stein is right when she says you cannot lead a revolution in a counter-revolutionary party.

It is time a third party leads the United States.

I originally thought the Libertarians had the best chance, but after this week I truly believe the Green Party has the largest potential voter base and the most ethical and honest candidate.

Please take this article as just a suggestion to do a little research.  I have done enough to know where my vote is going but I would never dare suggest that because I support Jill Stein that anyone else should.  What I would like for everyone to do is to take a really good look at all of the available candidates and vote for the person who you truly support.

Don’t vote for Hillary Clinton because you are scared of Donald Trump.
Don’t vote for Donald Trump because you don’t trust Hillary Clinton.

Research Jill Stein.
Research Gary Johnson.
Make the right decision, not the easy one.  

Or stay home and do not vote at all.  Again I fully understand if you believe the system is so corrupt there’s no coming back.  I personally like to think there is one last 'glass ceiling’ that we should attempt to break, and that is giving someone other than a Republican or a Democrat a chance to steer the boat for a couple of years.

All we’d have to do is see how it goes and reevaluate in 2020, it couldn’t be any worse than the alternatives.


Sue Perkins, on why we should support the junior doctors.

Are you tired of playground politics?

#grownuppolitics    #uk politics    #tories    #green party    

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett will be doing a local elections tour of the West Midlands later in April:

- Mon 25 April - Worcester and Cannock
- Tue 26 April - Solihull and Nuneaton.

More details when we get them!
