

I honestly can’t get over how utterly adorable Yugi is during season 0. It’s hard to believe he’s supposed to be 14/15. XD So, that’s why I decided to draw up some season 0 Guardianshipping. I can only imagine that if little Yugi saw Carrie, he would be such a blushing mess. :3 He’s so cute. I also made Carrie’s hair a little bit different. I made the brown darker while the blue lighter. Season 0 was a bit odd on their color scheme but still kinda cool to look at. I also wish the original anime didn’t focus on Duel Monsters so much and kinda did like what season 0 had done. But even the formula in that can get a bit old. Like some guy tries to wrong one of the main characters and Yami comes out to save the day. I think it’s a good idea to balance it out. Anyway…yeah, enjoy this adorable couple that I love so much. CX

colorfulwatcher: @seasaltmemories ask last night of Guardianshipping at the beach inspired this. @ar


@seasaltmemories ask last night of Guardianshipping at the beach inspired this.


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dhwheel: inktober day 17: the birds and the bees i ended up drawing this for @dilfosaur because we a


inktober day 17: the birds and the bees

i ended up drawing this for @dilfosaur because we all know we need crow and shinji weber whatever that ship is called, in our lives LOL

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colorfulwatcher:dhwheel: did yall know that it’s @dilfosaur ‘s borthday and ofc i had to draw supecolorfulwatcher:dhwheel: did yall know that it’s @dilfosaur ‘s borthday and ofc i had to draw supe



did yall know that it’s @dilfosaur ‘s borthday and ofc i had to draw super gay art for her??? only the gayest will suffice


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Arc-V Rare Pair Week Day 2

prompt: Beauty

pairing: Guardianshipping

“W-wait.” Crow said, grabbing at the hem of his shirt and pulling down. Shinji immediately let go and moved back, concern in his eyes.

“Sorry, was that too fast? Did I mess up?” Shinji asked, worried. His hands hovered nervously over the sheets, unsure of where to put them.

Crow shook his head quickly. “No, you’re— you’re fine. It’s me.” He sighed, not looking at the other man. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Shinji.”

“Hey, it’s alright!” Shinji cautiously reached out a hand. When Crow didn’t pull away, Shinji took one of Crow’s hands in his own. “We can stop, if you want. That’s fine by me.”

Frustrated, Crow shook his head again. “No, it’s— I don’t want to stop. It’s just…” He squeezed Shinji’s hand, finally meeting his eyes. “I’ve never really undressed in front of anyone before. And it’s not really, uh, very pretty.”

Without his headband, parts of Crow’s wild, untamed hair flopped over his face. Shinji reached out, brushing aside some of the stray strands with his free hand. He let his fingers linger for a moment over Crow’s markers before moving to cup the side of Crow’s face.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Crow.” Shinji said softly, rubbing his thumb in small circles on Crow’s hand. “But you should know: nothing would ever make me love you less. When I say I love you, I mean everything; scars and all.”

They sat quietly for a few moments, Shinji holding Crow’s hand and Crow thinking about what he said. “Okay.” Crow said, startling Shinji a little bit. “I’m alright now. We can keep going.”

Shinji gave him a look of gentle concern. “You sure? I really don’t mind—“ Crow nodded before he could finish, giving Shinji a determined look.

“Yeah. I made up my mind.” Crow declared, giving a slight smile. “If there’s anyone who I want to see this, it’s you. I trust you, Shinji.”

Shinji smiled back, pulling hand away from Crow’s face. He grabbed the hem of Crow’s shirt once more, and paused. As Crow made no move to stop him, Shinji gingerly lifted the loose shirt up and over Crow’s head.

It was no surprise to Shinji that Crow had scars; he could see the edges of them when Crow wore shirts with low necklines or tank tops. Shinji had a few scars of his own as well. It wasn’t something they tried too hard to hide, but it wasn’t something they talked about often, either.

What did surprise Shinji was the… variety. He ran his hand gently over a few small, raised bumps that he recognized as the telltale marks of being tased for much longer than necessary. There were also a few long, jagged scars that Shinji figured were knife wounds. Some were faded to the point where he could hardly make them out, while one in particular was pretty prominent. The identical, curved scars on the upper part of his chest had also faded quite a bit; those didn’t surprise Shinji, as Crow had already told him about that part of his life beforehand.

There were two things that drew Shinji’s attention more than everything else. One was the large, patchy area of discolored and slightly raised skin covering a large part of Crow’s chest. Shinji had seen the burn scars on Crow’s hands, so he knew they were likely from the same accident. Crow didn’t like to talk about it a lot, so Shinji didn’t know much.

The other thing was a small, strange wound. It sort of dipped into the skin, slightly discolored and not quite smooth. Shinji felt like he should know what it was, but he wasn’t sure. Crow caught him staring and helpfully supplied “gunshot.”

But despite all the scars and marks, Shinji found himself focusing on other details. He traced the outline of Crow’s abs, muscular and well-defined. He spotted Crow’s cute navel piercing, a simple silver ball. Shinji’s blush deepened when he noticed the start of a happy trail, bright orange hairs standing out against Crow’s tanned skin.

“God, Crow…” Shinji murmured, leaning closer to Crow’s face. Crow held his breath, anticipating Shinji’s next words. The last thing Crow wanted right now was pity; he had to hope Shinji realized that. Regardless, he braced himself.

“…You’re so fucking beautiful.” Shinji finished, nuzzling his face into Crow’s neck. Crow just blinked, caught off guard.

“What?” Crow asked, dumbfounded. That wasn’t what he expected Shinji to say, of all things. Shinji didn’t move, just kissed Crow on the neck.

“You’re really beautiful. The most beautiful man in the world.” Shinji repeated, voice muffled. The taller man partially curled up on top of Crow, laying on him like a cat. “Also, I still have a boner, so like… Sorry about that I guess.”

Crow laughed, a real genuine laugh. He could feel Shinji’s erection pressing into his leg, but he didn’t move. Instead, he ran a hand through the back of Shinji’s hair. “You’re weird, y’know that?” Crow asked, still laughing. “But… thanks. I mean it.”

Shinji smiled, not opening his eyes. “Anytime.”
