

DIY ideas that’ll impress your guests!

#1 Glowing Beverages

Did you know that tonic water naturally glows under black light? All you need to do is to install black lights around your home. Another decorative glowing trick is to break open a highlighter pen, put the tip inside a bowl of water to allow the highlighter ink to mix in. Then pour the water into any type of container you want to “light up”. DO NOT DRINK HIGHLIGHTER INK.

#2 Sterro Hack

If you don’t have a sound system to play dance tunes, simply make one by cutting a notch in a toilet paper roll and slipping your phone inside. Another idea is to drop your phone into a glass or bowl for the same effect, it’s an amazing way to amplify sound… not to mention it’s ultra clever.

#3 Chill Beverages With Berries

You can avoid diluting drinks and “pretty” them up by replacing ice cubes with frozen berries. It’s not only attractive and colorful, but will lend drinks an extra yummy flavor.

#4 DIY Potpourri

Unlike the synthetic store-bought stuff, this is completely natural and won’t make your place smell like a doctor’s office. Just throw some fruit into a slow cooker, and then add bay leaves cloves and cinnamon. What type of fruit? Lemons, apples, oranges will all work stellar!

#5 Trick Wine Opener

If you can’t find the corkscrew, but have an power drill… no problem! Also doesn’t uncorking wine this way look more suave than the other trick of beating the back of the bottle with the heel of your shoe?

#6 DIY Disco Lights

Transform your Xmas lights into a disco celebration by cutting a hole in the bottom of some Solos and placing them over the bulbs like lampshades!

#7 Preserve Good Scotch

Here’s a solution for when you’ve got a super expensive and special scotch tucked away at the bar, but a friend would like to have some. It would be awkward to say “no”, but you can polish the rim of his glass with a napkin and bit of scotch on it. The glass will smell of strong scotch, as you pour him a watered down version.

Clever beauty ideas that will make getting dressed quick and easy!

#1 Bobby Pin Storage

It’s sometimes hard to keep bobby pins neatly together, right? Try this idea of storing them in a Tic Tac container. It’s handy especially when traveling!

#2 Slippery Bobby Pins

Do you ever have trouble keeping bobby pin securely tucked in your hair? Spray them with hairspray and your problem is solved.

#3 Scarf Storage

Use shower curtain clips to hang scarves in your closet. Now you’ll see them all easily.

#4 Wire Basket Storage

Save space in drawls by using wire baskets on the inside of doors. Store wardrobe items like purses or any other “easy to access” accessories!

#5 Costume Rings & Jewelry

Avoid green fingers, by painting the inside of your costume rings with clear nail polish. Be careful not to get polish on precious stones.

#6 Bootcut Jeans

Ever wondered how to neatly tuck jeans into knee-high boots? Follow the diagram below!

#7 The Perfect Necklace

Here’s a guide to pick the most flattering necklace for your top’s neckline.

#1 If you put your phone in airplane mode, it will charge twice as fast. 

#2 he little arrow on your gas gauge is there to tell you what side your gas tank is on.

#3 The best time to buy anything in 2014

#4 How to turn any smartphone camera into a macro lens. (Note: the spelling error is not ours.)

#5 Hate shoulder bumps from hanging sweaters? Do this:

#6 Eat Cheetos or Doritos with chopsticks to keep the dust off your fingers.

#7 G-E-N-I-U-S

#8 Debone your chicken wings like this: Pull the cartilage at the end off, then work out the small bone…

#9 Stop hammering your thumb.

#10 Don’t like hangers but prefer drawers? This is how you should stack your clothes

#11 This is how you organize underneath your sink.

#12 How to cook corn with no mess and no dishes

#13 Awesome smelling bathroom, all the time

#14 Peel a banana by squeezing the bottom and pulling it apart when it cracks.

It’s easy to let the little things get ahead of you. We tend to focus on the obvious things: tidying, dusting, mopping, laundry, etc., but we neglect many of our everyday items. By the time you realize how bad it’s gotten, it feels like the only option is to replace it. Have no fear! These deep cleaning tips will restore your items and save you cash.

1. Clean your water bottle regularly.

All you need is bleach, baking soda, and a brush small enough to get into the nooks and crannies.

2. Refresh your cutting boards by soaking in a bleach solution.

3. Scrub away that caked on gunk.

You’ll need vinegar, baking soda, water, and a scouring pad for this.

4. Clean your oven the easy way.

5. Avoid the scrubbing with this easy method.

After you’re done using your electric grill, unplug it and place a few layers of wet paper towels across the griddle. Close it and let it steam until the grill is cool, then simply wipe off the mess!

DIY Starbucks Cookie Crumble Frappuccino- 1 cup cold coffee- ½ tsp white sugar- ¼ cup

DIY Starbucks Cookie Crumble Frappuccino
- 1 cup cold coffee
- ½ tsp white sugar
- ¼ cup creamer
- ½ tsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp chocolate ice cream syrup
- 3 tbsp chopped chocolate chips
- 3 crushed oreos
(Whipped cream for top)

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