


bruce hitting alfred w “you’re not my dad” immediately after turning down his Nirvana playlist while residual eye makeup runs down his face within the first twenty minutes of the film. at last. an adaptation that truly Gets Him

#the batman    #hahahahah    


Levi’s “dedicate your heart” were Erwin’s words. Levi was reminding Hange of them bec ERWIN said them but of course levihans want to make it about their ship



“Levihan fandom is delusional. They think Hange is a plane lol. Levi is looking at the plane thinking about Erwin and Petra and everybody”



Levi and Hange don’t have a romantic interpretation.



Shipping Levihan is weird, Levi hates Hange and doesn’t care about them.


We just keep winning huh


sorry i’m not howl movingcastle. sorry i can’t be him

#oberon    #hahahahah    



[ID: A tweet by @CheeserBurger that reads: “Same energy.” Attached are two images side by side that are text on a white background. The images read “E” and “MC ^2 (M C square) respectively. End ID.]


just as I promised in one of the previous posts, this is somewhat of a relaxation project where I don’t go into too much details, just having lots of fun. 

here’s a Cerberus, he’s a good boy(s) :p

here’s some of Hades/Persephone chemistry, like I stated on twitter, this is why I can’t write romance. I just can’t help myself not to make silly jokes XDDD

and more… XD

there’s more on my dA and twitter XD

#hahahahah    #excellent    #greek mythology    #queueque    
Local Crab wants to be a waiter for a day. 

Local Crab wants to be a waiter for a day. 

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 I remember how cloth hungFlexing with the forest clungHalf waist and high raised armsKicking at the

I remember how cloth hung
Flexing with the forest clung
Half waist and high raised arms
Kicking at the slightest form
I remember my first love
I remember my first love

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Madonna: no matters what happens, you are all winners

European countries:

#hahahahah    #eurovision    
hey @jewishdragon the other one is coming soon!! WHAT A CHOICE THO HAHAHAH the emoji thing, ask one

hey @jewishdragon the other one is coming soon!! WHAT A CHOICE THO HAHAHAH

the emoji thingask one here if you want!

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