
A little bita Gojyo in my life, a little bita Hakkai on my side, a little bita Sanzo’s all I nA little bita Gojyo in my life, a little bita Hakkai on my side, a little bita Sanzo’s all I n

A little bita Gojyo in my life, a little bita Hakkai on my side, a little bita Sanzo’s all I need, a little bita Goku’s what I need.

a little bit of Gojyo in the sun, a little bit of Hakkai all night long, a little bit of Sanzo here I am, a little bit of Goku make me your woman.

Pictures collected threw many different google searches over the life of my computer. Love my Saiyuki guys. Miss the manga terribly.

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So yeah, I’m rewatching Saiyuuki Zeroin, because yeah, it’s Even a Worm and that’s awesome and I will *never* get tired of it existing finally in anime form.

But rewatching the scene where the gang face off to Ukoku and picked up on the banter between them, with Gojou (and then Gokuu) describing Sanzou as a battered up dustcloth. (boro-zoukin)…

This may seem like a very random and weird thing to get caught up on, but it’s one of the things I love about this series. That even though it’s been going on for such a long time, there are little moments where a scene nods back to another scene. Of course, in real-time, both Burial and Even a Worm come from the Reload manga, so they weren’t actually written as far apart as they were animated. But still, it’s a nice little touch all the same.

In the Burialarc, which tracks the group back in the early days of their acquaintance, long before the minus wave and their journey West, Sanzou tries to get Gojou and Hakkai to sort out a bunch of temple thieves for him. Both refuse - Gojou saying he doesn’t want to do Sanzou’s dirty work and Hakkai saying he wants to live a quiet life now he has his new identity. Sanzou gets annoyed with them and tells them that ‘dirty dustcloths have jobs they’re suited for’. 

The dustcloths, of course, are Gojou and Hakkai, who, in dealing with the aftermath of one of Gojou’s unfriends getting him in trouble, accidentally end up dealing with the problem anyway. When Sanzou asks what changed their mind, Hakkai tells him that ‘dirty dustcloths have their own uses’, or something along those lines.

So back to the Even a Worm (Zeroin) arc, the Ukoku confrontation, and Gojou calling Sanzou a battered up dustcloth. When Sanzou objects at this label, Hakkai asks him what exactly is wrong with a dustcloth getting battered about, anyway? 

 Sanzou, having had almost his own words thrown back at him, gets the point.

This moment when they’re reunited, four dirty dustcloths on the road of life…is just a nice touch. Those little details that underpin the bond between these four on their journey is something that I really like to see.

It’s not about the destination, but the journey. But most of all, the bonds along the way. 

skystreaka: Hakkai: sees Mitsuya. 
Hakkai: unhinges jaw.skystreaka: Hakkai: sees Mitsuya. 
Hakkai: unhinges jaw.


Hakkai: sees Mitsuya. 
Hakkai: unhinges jaw.

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tokyo revengers manga spoilers 248

ALR FIRST OF ALL RAN SIR????? RAN????? RANNB?????? IM SO SOREWY SID WHAT????????????? also lil tsuya he’s so precious

isn’t rin the prettiest???? he’s literally so pretty i cannot istg


Ultra ego Vegeta revealed? I prefer his hair like a darker colder purple like the first pic above, but I’ll get over it
