


Dating Haldir Headcanons


(Gif not mine)

  • He is not a big fan of PDA in public, but when you two are alone, he will be all over you. Hugging you, kissing you, playing with your hands, just constantly touching you
  • Haldir is obsessed with your hair. He loves to braid your hair, trying different hairstyles every day. It’s one of the things he finds relaxing
  • He also adores your eyes. He would keep telling you how he gets lost in your eyes every time he looks at you, because he loves making you blush
  • Haldir would want to keep your relationship “secret”. Well, maybe not entirely secret, just he won’t be too obvious about it
  • There would be one person you wouldn’t be able to hide your relationship from, even if you would want to. Lady Galadriel. She would be very supportive
  • Haldir would teach you how to fight (if you don’t know already). He wants to make sure you can protect yourself when he is not there
  • Is it just me or Haldir is a thighs guy? Like he would rub, kiss, squeeze your thighs. Not necessarily in a sexual way. It’s just a thing he likes to do. Or he would just lay his head on your lap and sit there
  • He would follow you everywhere like a lost puppy. He craves your attention. Everyday, after he is done with his duties, he would just show up at your chambers, requiring your attention and love
  • He would call you “anor nîn” (sunshine/sun-star)
  • Haldir wouldn’t get jealous very easy, and even if he would, it would be hard to tell
  • He would love giving you gifts, and he would often go to Galadriel for advice, because he says he is not an expert in girls, even tho you would appreciate anything he would give you
  • One thing that would make him a blushing mess is kissing his nose. He would melt on spot
  • Another thing he loves is dancing with you. I don’t have an explanation for that, just believe me
  • Something you need to know about this elf, is that he will never say no to a hug from you. He is just so huggable and soft. It doesn’t matter who is around, the moment you show up, arms extended, he will welcome you into his embrace, kissing the top of your head, and telling you how special you are to him, and how much he loves you


How they react to getting called cute: Tolkien elves.

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I’ve been fictosexual for 7 years because there’s a shocking lack of JRRT Elves where I live.
