

Everyone, please rewatch The Society today to show your support of this show! The idea is for everyone to binge the show while posting about it with hashtags like #thesocietyrewatch and #savethesociety 

Even if you are very busy, you can always put the show on in the background of your homework or whatever it is you have to do. Every view counts! Let’s get this show trending!!!

Netflix, what the fuckkkk? Cancelling the society? it was renewed! There were already promotions! We would all wait for it if it has to be postponed, so why on earth would you cancel it altogether?!?! It was a highly successful show and there was no good reason for this. other shows and movies have been filming. postponement is also, of course, understandable. I’m pissed.

The Parent Trap (1998)The Parent Trap (1998)

The Parent Trap (1998)

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Hallie hated when he was like this. It had been nearly two bells and he was still standing in the middle of his basement staring off into space. He had at least stopped his whispered cackling, but now he was muttering about castles to the south and setting them on fire. With a sour look on her face, she gently guides his chin towards the aquarium. It usually helped him snap out of it. She grinned as his eyes began to focus on the tank. Unfortunately, it was to no avail as he shook his head and turned away. She attempted a couple more times, but he was too quick and evaded her grasp in his delusions.

She crossed her arms and huffed an annoyed breath as he continued on, lost in whatever world he was lost in this time. Even if she was able to grab hold of him, she wouldn’t have the strength to do anything to stop him. She glanced down at her frame, smaller even than a Lalafell. She knew not why she was cursed with this diminutive form nor why her kin were much larger than she. All she knew was that she was angry because she was small.

Eventually his gaze would settle on the aquarium once more. This time the tension in his form fell away. It seems he had managed to draw himself to the aquarium to pull himself out of it. She gave a sigh of relief and rested a small hand on his shoulder. He blinked and shook himself out of it, turning to give her a soft grin. “Oh, did I space out again, Hallie?” She gave him a frustrated look to which he simply chuckled. “Sorry. I just haven’t been getting much sleep recently.” His grin widened. “Hey, Zeph is coming back today from her week-long trip to Ishgard for Soileine. I was thinking of surprising her with miq’abobs. She loves miq’abobs.” She watched with a sour face as he turned and climbed the stairs humming a merry tune.

She looked down at her small hands and curled them into a small fist. Her companionship was all she had to offer, even though he seemed to overlook it. She threw a small tantrum and sighed once more, neither of which helped ease her frustrations. She floated up the stairs, resigned to continue offering the only thing she could.

The doors suddenly burst open as a soldier in full armor with decorated with the blue regalia of his kingdom raced across the room and fell to a knee at his side. “My lord! The enemy has breached the walls! They are infiltrating the courtyard!”

He scowled and pounded his fist on the table. “Damn it all to hell!” His fist shook with rage. He hadn’t expected the enemies to make it this far so quickly. They weren’t on bad terms with the western kingdom, but he had his suspicions that they had provided reinforcements on the northern front allowing the northern kingdom to get here faster than expected. He slammed his fist into the table once more. “Have we received word from the southern citadel?”

“Yes, my lord.” The knight nodded, still on his knee. “Queen Mythorn and the civilians have sent word of their arrival.”

He sighed deeply, taking a moment to gather the strength for his next command. “I had promised her I would protect her father’s castle, but I’ll see it in the hands of those northern bastards over my dead body.” He stood up straight and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. “Burn it. Set fire to the grounds.” He picked up his lance from the table and turned for the door. “I’ll make them regret ever setting foot into this hell.” The knight hesitated briefly then rose and hurried out the door.

Hiro took a deep breath and took a step towards the door but paused before leaving the room. He slowly turned his head to an aquarium in the corner. He stared at it a moment or two then shook his head. “I’m sorry, Ránëwén, but it seems that Edward isn’t going to make it out of this.” He exited the room.

He watched as the ramparts were quickly overrun. The fires had started to spread at this point. With his lance in hand, he made a mighty leap from the gates and into the fray. He released himself to his fury, cutting down foe after foe. Minutes passed as he rampaged across the battlefield, cutting down every enemy in blue he saw. Three soldiers bore down on him at the same time, but he kept his weapon between them and held strong. A voice from behind him called out. “Hah! Save some for the rest of us, Hiro! You’re making me look bad!” He pushed back the enemy soldiers and turned to face his friend. There stood a man with his black hair in a ponytail bounding between enemies with tonfa in hand.

“Well stop using those sticks and use a real blade like me, and you might get to some of them.” Hiro grinned and heaved his greatsword onto his shoulder. As his compatriot dispatched the last of the immediate foes, they locked eyes and shared a nod. Sharing a brief high-five, they turned towards the castle. “You get the fires set already?”

“Tch. It was easy. Several volleys of fire arrows and the keep caught fire with no problem. Things keep going according to plan, we’ll have our castle back in no time.”

Hiro nodded in appreciation. “Well then, shall we storm the gates?”

“Battering rams are moving into place now.” He pointed at the rams being moved into position.

“Perfect. Let’s go.” Hiro began to advance with the battering rams, but something unusual caught his attention. In the middle of the battlefield sat an aquarium. He furled his brow and started to approach.

Suddenly the sound of the main gates being forced open drew his attention away. Across the grand hall approached a solitary young man. “Ahh. Florian. I was wondering when you’d make your way back here.”

The young man raised a sword and pointed it at Hiro. “Silence! You’ve betrayed my trust for the last time, fiend.” The young man was seething with rage. “After my parents died, you took me in and raised me as if I were your own. When my beloved fell ill, you told me where to go to find the remedy that would cure her. When I was too late to return, you sponsored my entrance into the knight’s academy to improve myself. And now that the academy and all my friends have fallen to a hoard of undead, I find you idly sitting by. Waiting for my return.” Hiro smirked as the young man could barely contain his rage. “It is clear to me now that you killed my parents, my beloved, and my friends and companions. You have destroyed every home I have ever had. I hope your intention was to raise me to kill you, for that is all that is left now.”

Hiro laughed and clapped his hands. “No, young Florian. That was not my intention at all. I was merely bored and figured toying with your life would entertain me for a decade or two. I must say it has so far.”

The young man cried out in rage as his blade shone with a holy light. Hiro rose from his jagged throne and beckoned with upturned hands to the empty hall as if indicating a crowd should stand. As commanded, skeleton soldiers rose from their resting places haphazardly strewn across the hall. With the young man’s strength of body, mind, and conviction, he could overcome this obstacle, but just barely. After all, he had overseen every step of his training.

He gently glided across the floor as the young man fought for his life. He reached the young man just as he had dispatched the last skeleton. Hiro whacked the young man across the head with the orbed staff in his hand. The young man fell and Hiro planted a foot on his neck with glee. He prodded a new wound with his staff, enjoying the young man’s suffering. Then something drew his attention away from the young man.

The aquarium at the edge of the hall. Releasing the young man from beneath his foot, he slowly approached it. It was quite large, easily ten fulms across and nearly seven fulms tall. Inside danced several striped fish. Fish he had caught himself. He watched their dance as the world around him slipped away.

A small hand perched on his shoulder. He blinked and suddenly found himself back in his basement. With a soft grin he turns to the miniature succubus who hovered over his should with a concerned look on her face. “Oh, did I space out again, Hallie?” He chuckled much to the distress of the succubus. “Sorry. I just haven’t been getting much sleep recently.” He suddenly smiles wider. “Hey, Zeph is coming back today from her week-long trip to Ishgard for Soileine. I was thinking of surprising her with miq’abobs. She loves miq’abobs.” He hums softly as he climbs the stairs to the kitchen leaving behind a very concerned miniature succubus.




christian bale be like. i put the e in batman

i love u

This really is one of the most places on the internet.
